"Your father's Leon Storm correct", Ms Hughes said
"Yeah he is"
What can I say I've grown attached to Leon and the boys. Leon acts like a father to me and is like a father figure to me.
"So this is your brother then", Mr Smith said
"So what about your mother is Jamie Storm", Ms Hughes said and put some kind of tape on the bandages on my side to keep it up.
"No nobody can replace my mother"
"If Leon Storm is your father then Jamie has to be your mother", Mr Smith said
"No, not even the wonder woman can replace my mother"
"Well she has to because I have to call Mr Storm to sign some paperwork", Mr Smith said
"Nobody can sign my mother's spot"
"Somebody has to sign it", Mr Smith said
"School is going to end in 3 minutes and if you give those papers...", I said and took my file.
I had put it in my bag and got up. I fell back down those bandages on my side made me stiff.
"What's wrong with these bandages"
"I see from you stomach your rib is broken and hasn't healed but got worst so I changed the bandages", Ms Hughes said
"Thanks for that I forgot"
"How do you have a broken rib", Xander said
Damn it. I forgot that I told them I fell off my skateboard I think. No, wait I never told them about it.
"Let's go"
"Okay but you'll have to explain on the way", Xander said and stood up.
"My phone", Mr Smith said and stood up.
I gave him his phone and got up slowly. We walked out the school and down the street. Right after we turned the corner Xander turned me around to face him.
"Alex what happened to your side", Xander said
"I got into a fight and got punched in the stomach that's all"
"Dad told me about what happened when we were sleep", Xander said
I don't get it does he want me to do know explain to him again how it happened. Say sorry to him for what I put his dad I mean our dad through.
"I want to know who Spencer is", Xander said
"Don't care", I said and started walking.
"Tell me who he is I want to know", Xander said running up to me.
"But you don't need to"
"Yes I do", Xander said
"What for then"
"To know why this happened to my dad and you", Xander said
"You don't need to know who is you already know of him"
I walked up to one of the school's bus stop and stood there with some other students. We got onto the bus and I made sure I didn't sit next to Xander. He sat down next to Hunter I think. I sat down next to some boy he was staring out the window. He looked at me and it was Rory Torres.
"Hey British bank robber", Rory said
"Kill me now", I muttered
"How's it going you get the money", Rory said
"Please shut the fuck up"
"What don't want me to tell anybody you robbed a bank", Rory said louder
"Shut up"
"Don't wanna but you going to share that money", Rory said
Can't take it anymore I looked around and everybody was talking. I looked at him and pressed the pressure points on his neck. He fell asleep and I laid his head on the window. The bus stopped at Vineyard Village and I think this is a mile or 2 away from where we used to live. I got off and Xander with his friends. I guess they stay in Vineyard Village. I walked down the street and saw an empty lot. I saw Leon pointing at the house and yelling. I jogged over to him and stood next to him.
"Hey Alex", Leon said and gave me a side hug.
"Why does your side feel like it's wrapped in plastic", Leon said
"It's wrapped in bandages I had fallen on my side"
"Well go over there the builders got and I bought 3 house and knocked them down. They want to know what you want on your floor and one woman asked can you help", Leon said
"What woman"
"The one over there waving at you", Leon said waving at Makayla.
She was my old English teacher and the only teacher that liked me. I walked over to her and she gave me a hug.
"How's it going, Alex", Makayla said
"Good and you became a construction worker"
"Yes I did", Makayla said
"So what about the plans for my room"
"Come with me to the blueprints", Makayla said
We started walking towards the blueprints and I looked at them. Everybody's room showed how they want theirs. My floor was blank.
"So since I know you know how to blueprints then draw up how you what your floor", Makayla said
"You know good and well that I can only draw I'm not that good at math"
"Your only good at math when it comes to money", Makayla said
"You know me so well"
I took the pen and drew out a large room for a bedroom. Also, a mini balcony that can be seen from the backyard. I added a room inside my bedroom and I might cover that with a bookcase. I put some stairs in my room up to my mini living room and a king sized bathroom. I added a separate game room and made half of it a full bar. Then a movie room that has a secret room inside that going to be a library.
"There you can work out the dimensions of the room I guess"
"Okay then go over there Joey will be doing the flooring", Makayla said
I walked over to Joey I guess. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and a small beard. He was shorter than me and looks mean.
"Hey Joey"
"Hello little girl is you the one who's living on the third floor", Joey said
Wait how is he going to call me little girl when I'm taller than him.
"Yeah and you're going to help me with the flooring"
"Yes Makayla just emailed me your plans so about the bar carpet, wood, or tiles", Joey said
"You might want to write this down I'm going to tell you everything I want"
"Okay", Joey said and pulled out his phone.
"Bar dark wood, hallway dark wood, bedroom white shaggy carpet, game room black shaggy carpet, and movie same as the game room"
"What about the balcony, bathroom, and the two extra rooms", Joey said
"Balcony cherry wood, bathroom cherry wood, the extra room in the bedroom concrete, and extra room in the movie room white shaggy carpet"
"Thanks, little girl that's all I need", Joey said and walked away.
I walked over to Leon and Xander.
"Where we going to stay at"
"We got to stay with Jamie", Leon said
"What for"
"Hotels are booked and I don't have my cars yet", Leon said
"I'm staying at Hunter's so see ya", Xander said and walked next door.
We got to stay with Jamie for a night just burn me alive.