( 1 month later )
Alex's POV
I was currently laying in my bed of my penthouse. Finally, I'm done with all the therapy and shit. I was about to raise up until Harry walked into the room.
"Alex you are to remain in this bed until a doctor comes in here to check you out", Harry said pushed me back down.
"No, I need a bathroom"
"Alex Mr Hart is right you need to take it easy until you're fully recovered", a man said walking into my room/floor.
I guess he's the doctor.
"But I need a bathroom"
"Okay but take it easy with all the surgery you had you need to take it easy", the doctor said
"What do you mean by take it easy"
"No running, no workouts, alcohol, or school", the doctor said
"Then what can I do"
"Walk once or twice a day, drink water, and eat healthy foods", the doctor said
"Okay so what about candy or soda"
"None of those until you're body is back in shape", the doctor said
I really have to pee.
"No straining any of your muscles and remember to take everything slow don't over think or think too fast so you won't stutter", the doctor said
"Okay so can I use the bathroom now"
"Yes, Alex but take it slow. I'll be here to check up on every day at 5 bye Alex and remember-", the doctor was cut off by me.
"-take it and all that shit"
"Okay bye Mr Hart and Alex", the doctor said
"Bye Dr Keats", Harry said
"Wait your Scotty's father"
"Yes you know him", Dr Keats said
"Yeah he said he's going to follow in your footsteps I know it"
"I know sometimes he comes with me to work", Dr Keats said and his phone rang.
"Excuse me", Dr Keats said and walked away.
Harry followed him out and once Harry was out of my room/floor I got up. I might have gotten up a little fast and my arm was all in pain. Fight through the pain I can do this. I sat up finally with my arm shaking a little and slid over so that my feet were hanging off the bed.
I heard Champ barking and looked up he was sitting in front of me. I stood up slowly and my leg was wobbling a little so I sat back down. I stood up and my leg wasn't wobbling this time. Champ got up and I held onto him for a little support. Harry and Alexander thought that it's a good idea to make him a service dog to help me out.
I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a sports bra, underwear, some loose basketball shorts. I walked carefully walked over to the bathroom and locked the door behind me leaving Champ doing whatever. Even though I don't have a cast on my leg anymore it still hurts when I walk sometimes just like my arm.
I turned on the shower water and started brushing my teeth while the water ran. After I finished I got into the shower. I started washing my hair and body with vanilla shampoo and soap. I haven't showered in weeks because of what happened.
After I finished I rinsed myself off and the shampoo out my hair. I turned off the shower water and stepped out trying not to slip. I tried off my body and changed into my clothes. I dried off my hair and opened the bathroom door. I hung the towel on the bathroom door. I walked over and picked up my phone. I
I walked towards the steps and was about to walk down them until Champ came up them blocked my path.
"Fine you can help me"
I grabbed onto the bar thing that's attached to him. He helped me down the stairs and I unhooked it off of him and tossed it to the side. Then my doorbell rang. Harry and Dr Keats left and aren't coming back until tomorrow. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Mason. I stepped aside to let him in and closed the door behind him. I turned around and Mason put me in a monster bear hug.
"I missed you so much", Mason whispered in my ear.
"Why are you whispering we're the only ones in here"
"Oh yeah. I miss and loved you so much", Mason said
"I love you too Mase"
Mason had let me go and I stumbled a little but got a caught myself before I fell.
"Sorry forgot about that", Mason said scratching the back of his head.
"It's alright"
I walked into the kitchen and was about to make some cereal until my doorbell rang again.
"I'll get it", Mason said and I heard the door open.
I made some Frosted Flakes since Dr Keats said I can't have any Lucky Charms. He threw out all of my junk food and replaced it with healthy foods like carrots, salads, fish and other healthy shit. I sat down and left the milk and Frosted Flakes on the counter next to me. I started eating my cereal and man this felt good in my stomach.
"Alex", someone yelled and I looked up from my bowl to see Sam and Logan.
"Hey Alex, Leon and Xander are at the door can they come in", Mason yelled
It's like we're having a party at my place. Next thing you know Santa will show up at my door.
"Hey Sammy and Logan"
I finished my cereal and stood up. I walked over to the door and he was right Xander was standing there with a white shirt on with some black pants and white adidas. Leon was there was a regular black and white suit on with some man standing behind them with a briefcase.
"Shit", I muttered
"Hey Alex", Xander said and waved at me.
"Alex we're here with Mr Wilson my lawyer. By law we get to know why we couldn't get in contact with you for the past months", Leon said
"It's nun of your business"
"Actually it is", Leon said
"I'll be a minute Mason", I turned around and yelled.
"Alright", Mason yelled and I stepped out.
I closed the door behind me and turned back around and just looked at this Mr Wilson.
"What happened to your back", Leon said trying to turn me around.
"Get your fucking hands off me", I said and stepped away from him.
"Alex what happened to you for the past month we have been coming up here everyday to see no you or car. An now we see you all scratched up", Leon said
"Okay", I said and shrugged.
I'm trying my best to keep the memories from the last months in the back of my mind. Nobody has been pressuring me on what happened while I was in there. They said tell them when I'm ready and right now I'm not ready at all.
"What do you mean okay tell me what happened why weren't you here", Leon said and Xander stood next to me.
He tried to hold my hand I stepped away from him.
"What the hell to you think you're doing"
"What you mean remember we're dating", Xander said
"No we aren't"
"What you got someone else", Xander said
"No not yet but soon I guess", I said and I could feel my face heating up.
"Can you 3 son of a bitches leave now I haven't eaten in days"
"What do you mean", Mr Wilson said
"I mean I'm hungry"
"No you have scratches, cuts and burns wounds on your body. May I ask where have you been", Mr Wilson said
"Nun of your business assholes"
"We have a court order that says you have to answer our question", Mr Wilson said
"Yeah and I have a order by my doctor otherwise"
"Where because I've looked into your file you haven't been to a doctor since your mother died", Mr Wilson said
"I have a doctor that comes by everyday to check in on me and I don't have to say a damn thing to you assholes"
Then the elevator dinged and Stew came out. Yay Stew is here! He came walking over to me giving me a side hug.
"Hey Stew", I said and kissed his cheek.
Shit I didn't mean to do that. My face turned red I know it I can feel it heating up. I'm just so happy to see him I haven't seen him in awhile. Then I realized something Stew still his hand around my waist. His hand was so warm.
I looked at Xander looked mad as hell. I don't know why I never liked him I only let him kiss me so when we're alone it won't be awkward. I guess he's jealous of Stew.
"Who is this", Mr Wilson said
"This is Stew I mean umm A-Ashton"
Shit, I stuttered calm down Alex.
"Her boyfriend", Stew said staring at Xander.
I didn't know we're going out I don't remember him asking me that. But I'll go along with it.
"Alex who are these guys", Stew said and Leon was staring at my stomach.
I looked down and realise my shot wound was showing. Dr Keats forgot to cover it up. I was looking up at Stew while he was answering questions.
Then I felt something touch my wound hard. I immediately jumped into Stew's arms and he stopped talking to look down at me. Actually everybody looked at me and Leon looked at me wide eyed. I could feel the pain from my wound increasing by the minute.
"I'm done wit-with this shit leave now", I yelled and bent over a little trying my best to reduce the pain.
"Alex you okay", Leon said
"Get the fuck off my floor", I said and I feel like I'm going to be sick.
I ran opened my door and ran into my house. I ran into the kitchen forgetting that once I stand still for awhile my legs will hurt like hell. I opened up the trash can and emptied my stomach into the can. Ugh I hate this taste.
"Alex you okay", I heard Stew yell and someone pulled my hair back.
I wiped my mouth and heard the door slam followed by a series of knocking and yelling coming from my door.
"Call Dr Keats", I said and threw up again.
This isn't pretty at all. I wiped my mouth again and was still sitting on the floor with my head in a trash can.
"He's on his way", I heard Mason yell
I'm even hungrier now I just threw up my Frosted Flakes in the trash.
"Alex what did he do", Stew said and sat down next to me.
"Pointed this my shot wound it sits near my stomach so if you touch it or something I'll throw up from pain I guess", I said shrugging
"He's at the door hang on", I heard Mason yell and the door open.
All I heard was yelled and a door slamming followed by more knocking. I heard very heavy footsteps coming my way. I looked up and saw Dr Keats.
"Hey good to see you again"
"What happened I said bed rest don't make me chain you to your bed", Dr Keats said
"I was making cereal Mason came I was eating Sam and Logan came I went to the door. Leon and Xander were at the door Stew showed up Leon poked me in my wound. I ran back inside and threw up my Frosted Flakes"
"Bed rest now come on", Dr Keats said
"Noooo I don't wanna be put in bed"
Dr Keats started picking me up and I grabbed Stew's hands. Dr Keats made a mistake and his fingernail scratched the acid cut mark on my back. I tensed up and locked into Stew's hands. All I could see was me being chained up to the ceiling hanging and getting cut over and over again with a knive covered in acid. Bleeding out slowing and all I could feel was pain and hearing him laughing from my screams of pain.
"Opps sorry Alex you okay", Dr Keats said shaking my shoulder.
I shook my head and blinked a couple of times and dropped Stew's hands. I stood up and walked upstairs. Dr Keats backed up and stood there I could feel him staring at me. I walked upstairs and walked into my bathroom and locked the door behind me.
I sat down on the floor and broke down in tears. I can't keep it in anymore all I can feel right now is pain all over.