I woke up to hearing something moving. I got up and walked over to my couch. I looked around it and in my closet. Then under my bed when I looked under it I saw Xander covering his face with his hands.
"Why are you under my bed", I said while getting on the floor.
"Ummm..hey Alex", Xander said
"So why are in my room" and he got up and walked towards the door. I ran to the door and stood in front of the door.
"Why are you in here", I demand
"I...got...go", he said and pointed at the door.
"Why are you in here", I said again
I Xander pushed me and I tripped over the carpet. An fell on the floor. I grabbed his hand and I fell onto the floor with him on top of me. Xander was looking at my lips and started leaning in. Then someone knocked on the door and his lips brushed mine.
"What's going on here", Leon said pointed at us. I pushed him off of me and stood up.
"Nothing I tripped and grabbed him", I said looking at Xander while he was still on the floor. Then they looked at Xander.
"Why are you in here", Leon said and Arnold walked into the room.
"I found you but I can see this isn't a good time to continue hide n seek", Arnold said and tried walked back out. Jamie grabbed Arnold's ear and pulled him back into the room.
"You're going to tell me why he's in her room and why he's on top of Alex", Jamie said
"I see what's going on here Xander trying to make a move", Arnold said wriggling his eyebrows.
"What's making a move", Jamie said and Leon walked out.
"I'll be back later", Leon said
"You don't wanna know", I said and sat on the couch and put up my picture of my mum.
"Why were you on top of her", Jamie said
"She tripped and grabbed my hand", Xander said getting off the floor.
"Okay well then", Jamie said and I heard some footsteps leaving. So I fell asleep on the bed and had a dream about home back in London.
I walked home from primary school. I walked into the house and smelled alcohol I guess my father is home. I closed the door and walked into the kitchen. I was about to make a sandwich until someone kicked me in the back of my legs. I fell on the floor I looked up and saw my brother.
"Alex leave you never belonged in this world", Mason said
"Why", I said and my brother kicked me in the stomach.
"Because you killed mum", Mason said. Then my father into the room drunk and all.
"Alex you killed your mother in that ambulance and you know it", My father said and threw his beer bottle at me.
I didn't kill her and I don't know why nobody believes me. Every since my mum died I've even worked at the age 6 I had to clean 35 houses inside and out everyday. Until I got the job street fighting at the age 12 and another job street racing at the age 15.
"I didn't kill my mother some guy got into the ambulance and killed her ", I yelled. My father picked me up my throat and tried to move his hands. I started kicking he only squeezed my neck harder.
"You liar you know you killed her", he yelled and threw me against the wall. I got up and wiped the blood from my lips.
"You're talking bollocks", I said and spit blood on him. He wiped it off and grabbed the collar of my shirt. He pulled me upstairs and opened the door then threw me on the floor.
"You're no daughter of mine", He yelled
"I am sadly", I said getting up off the floor.
"", I yelled and with that he left. He slammed my door on the way out.
-End of Dream-
When I woke up the next morning I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I had put on a floral crop top, some shorts, some white converse. I sat down for a while someone opened my door but when I looked around I saw nobody. I started listening to I took a pill in Ibiza by Mike Posner. I got up and walked out my room. I guess I need something to do. I slid down the banister downstairs. I went into the backyard and climbed up the tree. I need some fresh air and to call Sam.
"Hey Sam"
"Sup Alex", Sam said
"I need somewhere to go tonight and I got a ride"
"Well it's the fighter's party and you have to beat Dark Knight in order to go", Sam said and it sounds like he's in the car.
"Well get me booked in I'm going", I said and started swinging my legs back and forward.
"Okay well then meet me at Club Eleven tonight at 9:45", Sam said
"Okay see ya there bye", I said and hung up.
I went back into the house and sat down on the sofa. I guess I need to wait on Jamie so I can get this shopping day over with. Jamie came down the steps with Leon behind her.
"Jamie why can't I come I could hold you bags or drive", Leon said following behind her.
"Because Alex is going to drive and we won't have that many bags Leo", Jamie said walking into the living room with Leon still following behind her.
"Alex are you ready you can drive the car and here are the keys", Jamie said and gave me the keys.
"But I don't wanna be suck here with these boys all day", Leon whined
"But they are your sons get to know them better go to the park or something", Jamie said walking into the kitchen.
I went to the garage and saw the black 2011 Mercedes Benz CL 600. Its nice I can't wait to drive it. I got in and drove it into the driveway. An sat he and waited on Jamie. I rolled down the window and got a text from Sam.
Hey Alex I need u 2 train u havent fought n awhile -Sam
Cant go 2 shop wit Jamie -Me
K but you have to walk alot then -Sam
u sure I can get into da party -Me
Yeah -Sam
Then Jamie got in and I drove off to the Santa Monica Place. When we got there I put my shades on. We got out and started walking into the mall. I plugged in my earbuds and walked around with Jamie beside me. Then Don't Mind by Kent Jones started playing. Then Jamie stopped by Rue 21 and got some clothes.
This is very boring I wish this shopping thing was over so I can what I want. I stopped by this leather store and Jamie went into some other store. When I went in I bought a black leather jacket. I saw this guy having trouble looking for a jacket and it doesn't hurt to help. I walked over there to him.
"Hey you need some help"
"Umm yeah actually", he said holding a leather jacket that looked way to small.
"Well first put that down and try this one on", I said and gave him a jacket. He put it on and it fits.
"Thanks umm...", he trailed off
"Thanks Alex and I'm Brandon", Brandon said
"Your welcome"
"Okay but I have lived here for all my life and I never saw your before", Brandon said
"Came here some weeks ago"
"What school", Brandon said
"Meadow High you"
"Bark-Ridge High", Brandon said
"Where is that at"
"Around the downtown area", Brandon said
"See ya I hope to meet you again", Brandon said and left
"See ya later", I said. Then he came into the store the one person I hate with a bloody passion my.