"Well, there was a family of 5. There was a mum, dad, brother and younger sister. They lived in peace until one day. The mum got horribly sick so the younger sister rode with her mum to the doctor. But some man got into the car too and rode with her. He hurt her mother and made the little girl watch. Then the man left the girl in the car with her no longer living mother. After that day the girl's brother and father hated her more than ever"
"I don't get it", Xander said
"Neither do I", Tyler said
"I don't get it either", Leon said
"Isn't meant to be understood", I said taking a swing of the vodka.
"Alex what are you drinking", Leon said
"Vodka want some"
"Jamie how could you let her drink this she's under age", Leon said
"That's not fair how come she gets to drink that and I have to drink juice", Xander said
"The drinking age in England is 18"
"Mom that isn't fair tell her to give me some", Xander whined
"No she needs it. It helps numb the pain", Jamie said
"What I heard something upstairs Alex it sounded like she yelled something awhile ago", Xander said winking at me.
Fuck I knew what he was talking about. When I yelled out fuck me it's a habit when I feel a pain.
"Since when are you heart to heart with Alex", Leon said
"Since I'm taking her somewhere after school tomorrow", Jamie said
"No like I said I don't care what kind of doctor it is I'm not going"
"Alex I let you keep the bottle so you would go", Jamie said
"Well you can have it back then"
"Give me some", Xander whined
"If you got shot then Jamie had to pull the bullet out and yell something then yeah"
"Well then shoot me and I will yell fuck me to you any day ", Xander said
"Oh no you won't", Leon said and sat next to me.
His arm wrapped around my side and his hand was on my thigh. I don't think he knows is but his thumb was rubbing against my leg and I had to bite down on my lip to keep moans from coming out. I tried sliding over but he wouldn't let me go.
"Alex your not shooting anyone", Jamie said and I nodded my head.
"Boys leave but not Leon us three need to have a talk", Jamie said
"Alex why are you biting on your lip", Leon said
The guys all ran upstairs I wish I could run upstairs with them and leave. I wonder what would Jamie would like to talk about. I just shook my head if I opened my mouth I would moan his hand is still rubbing my thigh.
"So Alex we have been thinking about giving you your own personal guards", Jamie said
"No that's what you think", Leon said and I shook my head.
"Why not", Jamie said and I just shook my head.
"Say something", Leon said and I took his phone out his pants.
I typed what I wanted to say but only showed it to him.
Your thumb is rubbing my thigh and I will moan if you don't stop -Me
"Oh sorry I didn't know", Leon said
He looked down where is hand was and quickly moved it. He put his hand in his lap.
"Didn't know what, what did she type", Jamie said
"Nothing important", Leon said
I opened my mouth hoping I wouldn't moan and I didn't thank god I didn't. That would have been embarrassing.
"Leon knows and he will promise that he wouldn't tell another soul", I said staring at Leon
"I promise I wouldn't tell another soul and now Jamie carry on", Leon said
"Well okay then describe your time in London just give adjectives", Jamie said
"Horrible, sad, agony, pain, unsteady, etched, haunting, catastrophe and tragedy"
"Well thanks that is a very nice way to say you had a hard time", Leon said
"Then your welcome"
"Alex come on there has to be at least good memory", Jamie said
"Yeah the day I left"
"Hey you have to give it to her", Leon said gave me a high five.
"Leon stop it. Alex tell me what you want to make you happy. I like to see smiles on my kid's faces", Jamie said
"The only person that make me smile when he walks into a room is Sam"
"What if I get one of your friends from London or your dad a plane ticket here", Jamie said
"I have no friends in London and that man you call my dad isn't my father anymore"
"Why don't you have any friends you're a very pretty young lady", Jamie said
"Cause they all were my bullies"
"Well is this talk over cause it's depressing", Leon said
"Is it over"
"Fine but-", was all Jamie said to us because we ran upstairs.
"Hey Leon I'm going to see Sam I'll be back later"
"Might wanna put some clothes first and we'll clean this mess up", Leon said
I ran upstairs and took a shower in the guest room since I have glass all over the floor in mine. After the shower, I changed into a white shirt and some black pants. I grabbed my skateboard and put on some white vans. I was about to walk out the door but Jamie is blocking it.
"Where are you going", Jamie said
"To go see Sam"
"You promised you wouldn't leave the house", Jamie said
"Call me if you need me"
"Fine but Sam going to have to know about this fight thing", Jamie said
"Why? He doesn't have to know and if he does I'm going to be in trouble"
"Hey Alex what happened to your bathroom the mirror is broken", Leon said coming down the stairs.
"We'll see you guys later", I said and ran out the door when Jamie moved.
I skated down the driveway onto the sidewalk. I think the bookstore is 5 miles away. I rode the 5 miles and ended up at a bookstore. Sam said he worked here. I got off my board and walked inside.
"Excuse me but we're on our lunch break come back later", the man said
"Looking for Sam"
"He's in the back. Third door to the left but knock first", the man said
I walked down this long hallway and stop at the door to my left. I opened it and Sam was there sitting at a table by himself talking.
"Hey Sam who are you talking to"
"Umm nobody now but I got a call from Jamie saying how you almost killed a guy", Sam said getting out of the chair.
"He was talking about-"
"Lock the door before we talk and sit down", Sam said
"Alright", I closed and locked the door.
Sam sat back down and I sat in the chair across from him. The room seemed soundproof and I think it is.
"Alex who were you fighting this time", Sam said
"Ryd-", I couldn't even finish my sentence and he had cut me off.
"Should have killed him", Sam said
"I know but Harry shot me and when that didn't work and grabbed me"
"Wait as in Harry Hart shot you where", Sam said
"Here but it only stings a little", I said turning around to show him my back.
"Leon also said something about a bathroom", Sam said
"It wasn't my fault they were in my closet and then told me Jamie set me up to talk to a cop"
"Well I see your point but what did the bathroom do to you. Did it not flush right or was the floor being cold to you", Sam said
"Neither. I got so angry and I just had to hit something or talk to Jamie which will never happen"
"Well then nice choice but tell me what happened before the fight started", Sam said
"Well see what had happened had Jamie opened the door Harry and Ryder was at the door. Ryder came in talking about how my father called me names"
"Go on", Sam said
"That when the fight started and got broken up cause Harry pulled out two guns and pointed one at both of us. I walked up to Harry and took the gun off of me. Ryder said something again and Harry threatened to shoot me. I said shoot me then he said something about my mum and you know what happens from there"
"But how did you calm down you always had problems calming down", Sam said
"Harry calmed me down and I went outside"
"Alex how did he calm you down mostly nobody can calm you down and I couldn't even calm you down", Sam said
"Well, he whispered in my ear and spoke in a slow but easy voice. He made me realise my surroundings and I guess that calmed me down"
"Well let's get you back home so how did you get here. Also, when we get there you have to let me see your shot wounds", Sam said
"Well you can see them right now", I said and took off my jacket.
"Well okay then", Sam said and stood up.
I threw it on the table and I forgot to take off my bedtime shirt but we all forget things. I took off my shirt to see a sleeveless pizza shirt.
"Alex what did I tell you about leaving your bedtime shirts on when you leave the house", Sam said
"Not too but I forgot"
"Never mind that look at your arm you have two holes in them", Sam said
"Sam I gotta get home before Jamie says something again"
"No Jamie said something about you typing on Leon's phone then moaning", Sam said
"You know how I am you know..."
"I know you're sensitive in some areas", Sam said
"Alright let's go", Sam said and I had put my jacket back on.
I followed Sam his Silver 2016 BMW i8 and got into the driver's side.
"Alex move", Sam said
"No, I haven't driven in 3 weeks"
"Fine", Sam said and got into the passenger's side.
"Keys Sam", I said and he handed me the keys.
I drove off but left the windows up and reached 257 mph. Then I looked into the rear view mirror and saw a cop car behind us.
"Alex pull over", Sam said
"Why I can keep going"
"Alex stop or you're never going to drive my car again", Sam said
I stopped the car and the police officer came to the window. Since it's tinted windows the cop couldn't see me. I rolled down the window slowly and the officer geizer was....