"Wait you know you've been bullied but don't care", Mr Smith said
"It was in the past and it's the present now so I don't care anymore"
They kept on talking about my report I butted in at times. I got bored after 20 minutes and I checked my phone. It was 8:35 so I need to go check on Champ.
"I'm about to go"
"No now sit down", Mr Smith said
"I'm going because I have someone very important to get-", I was cut of by Jamie
"Who is this very important someone a friend or family member", Jamie said
"No I don't have a family anymore and he's a dog"
"No you can't take a seat", Mr Smith added in
"No not a chance"
"Alex watch it", Mr Smith said
"Watch what cause my watch says it's 8:45 and my dog needs me"
"What with you on the day I picked you up you were all nice now since you seen Sam you became independent by talking back", Jamie said
"Well yeah, that's kinda how communication works"
"Alex if you leave then you have to show up at our home", Leon said. I got up and hugged Sam but too his keys out of his pocket.
I walked out and got into his Silver BMW i8 as I was about to pull off Sam came running towards the car.
"ALEX STOP RIGHT NOW", Sam yelled running out the school.
I put the emergency brake on and rolled down the window.
"I'm driving you", Sam demanded
I slid over to the passenger's side and he climbed in then drove off.
"Where to first Alex", Sam said
"Hotel Shangri-La"
"Hotel Shangri-La where did you get the money for that place", Sam said
As we pulled up he followed me into the hotel. I walked into the elevator and pushed 5th floor. I got off with Sam right behind me. I unlocked the door 502 and Champ was just sitting on the couch looking at t.v.
"Champ come here and bring my bag"
Champ got my bag and came out the room. I closed the door and we walked to the elevator.
"So this is where you ran off to", Sam said
"So where to next", Sam said
"A dollar store"
We stopped by the desk to pay which was $250. I got back into the car and Champ jumped into the back. We drove off to this corner store and I got some starburst. Which costed $1.00 and got into a little trouble going to the car. Then Sam drove off to the Storm's household and I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard people talking from behind the door and someone opened the door.
"Uh who are you", some boy said. That's when Chris came up to the door.
"Hey Alex we changed your room into a game room we didn't think you would come back", Chris said
Such a nice wait to say I care.
"Ok but where will I sleep"
Chris let me and Champ into the house. I looked back and Sam drove off.
"In one of our rooms on the floor and who is the dog", Chris said pointing at Champ while Champ was trying to bite his finger and Chris just kept teasing him.
"Quit it and his name Champ" he stopped.
I followed him into the house and upstairs into the game room. When he opened the door all I saw was boys everywhere. They really didn't change the room that much. My bed, clothes, and dressers was still in there just against the wall. I saw the Storm boys, Xander's friends and some others. I walked into the room and when into one of the drawers and got some of my clothes.
"Who's the girl?", one boy asked
"Who are you", another boy asked. I just continued to walk out the room until one boy grabbed my wrist.
"I'm Edward and you are", Edward said
"Leaving", I said and walked out the room and followed Chris into a room.
"Who's room is this"
"Xander will help you set up the couch", Chris said and was about to leave.
"Champ is still in the game room you might want to go get him", Chris added and left.
I walked back into the game room to find Champ sitting on Hunter's back and won't let him up.
"Get this dog off of me", Hunter yelled while the others were laughing at him.
"Come here baby boy", I said and Champ got off of Hunter and walked towards me. That was until a boy walked over with him.
"Were you talking to me", the boy said
"Oh, wait and I'm Scott", he added
"No, I was talking to my dog", I said while walking out.
I hope they aren't staying long. I walked back into Xander's room to see him getting covers.
"Hey Alex nice to see you again", Xander said
"Yeah you too", I said while walking to help with the covers.
I picked up some covers and my bag and brought them downstairs to the couch. I slept on the couch that night. When I woke up I saw Leon sitting on the couch next to me.
"How was your sleep", Leon said
"Good why you ask"
"Cause you screamed at 12 something in the morning", Leon said standing up and walking into the kitchen.
I got up off the floor and went upstairs into my room aka the game room. I walked into the room and saw the same boys from last night on the floor. I tried to walked over the boys to get to one of my drawers until one grabbed my ankle. I almost fell I held onto the dresser then whoever grabbed my ankle is now pulling on it. I turned around to see Hunter there laughing softly. I kicked him in the stomach and he let go until he pulled my legs and I fell on top of him.
"Hey Alex nice of you to drop by", Hunter said
"Yeah it was nice of me to drop in on you and can you get something for me"
"Alright what is it", Hunter said sitting up. I sat up a little to reach his eye level.
"Can you look for my sunglasses and bracelets while I get my other clothes and bag"
"Okay where was the last place you saw them", Hunter said
"Over there" and pointed over there to the other dresser. I looked through the drawers and found my leather bag, shirts, and pants. I was about to pick up my shoes until the boy I think his name is Scott handed me my white converse.
"Here you go", a boy said
"Thanks", I was about to walk out until I found Hunter holding up my sunglasses and bracelets.
"Found them", Hunter said.
That's when all of a sudden he fell down. I couldn't help but laugh. I walked over there to him to feel hands on my ankles.
I started screaming and then fell on some boys. Then everybody started laughing even I did. Leon came running into the room.
"I heard someone screaming and what's going in here", Leon said and he looked out of breath.
"Nothing I'm okay Leon just getting my clothes so I can take a shower", I said holding up clothes starting to stand up.
"Alex are you sure your lip is bleeding and I see you have a bruise on your side", Leon said
I then looked at my side damn I forgot to cover that up last night. I might have gotten in a fight on the way here and got hit. It's good that I he didn't see that I had a broken rib sticking out a little or the scar on my stomach.
"Yeah I'm okay it doesn't hurt"
"Well hurry up we're going somewhere and boys put some clothes on there's a girl in here", Leon said pointing at everyone of the boys. I started laughing and grabbed my bag and clothes and walked out. Once I got out Leon stopped me and closed the door.
"Alex are you okay", Leon asked
"Yeah I'm alright it wasn't a big a fall"
"No I'm talking about the bruise, your lip and don't think I could me the bruise on your stomach", Leon said
"I'm okay"
"Alex tell the truth what happened", Leon said looking at me dead in the eye I look in his eyes he looked worried.
"It's alright it always happens"
"Are you being bullied", Leon said
With that he walked away downstairs. Whats up with him?? I walk to the bathroom and took a shower with my vanilla soap. I got out and put my clothes on. Before I left I brushed my teeth and hair. I opened my leather bag and got out my aid kit it's kind of homemade so yeah.
It has wipes, tissue, clear plastic wrap, alcohol wipes, and bandages. I know it's not the best stuff but it's something. I put a bandage on my scar so if it bleeds it doesn't get on my shirt. I wiped my lip and I can't do anything with that bruise so I just left it alone.
I got out and walked downstairs to see Chris, Xander, Tyler and Trent sitting around the kitchen. An Jamie and Leon whispering about something they stopped when they saw me.
"Hey Alex how are you doing", Jamie said
"Fine why you ask"
"No reason but we need to talk....all of us even you guys", Leon said
"Okay but my friends left", Xander said. That's when Jamie got up and sat down on a stool next to the counter.
"Okay everybody take a seat", Jamie said. I sat down on the counter next to Chris and the rest sat down on a stool.
Okay we are here to talk about Alex", Leon said. I have a feeling that I know what they're talking about.
"Okay today I saw Alex's lip bleeding and a bruise on her side", Leon said everybody started looking at me. But all Chris did was lean next to to my ear.
"Alex what's going on what is he talking about", Chris whispered
"I might have a bruise and my lip was bleeding cause I fell", I whispered back.
"Stop talking Alex do you want to tell us how you got it", Jamie said
"I fell and plus I bruise easily"
"I know good and well that isn't true", Leon said
"Tell the truth"
"Last night before I came back here I was going down the street and....gotinafight", I said saying the last part fast.
"What was that last part", Tyler said
"You did what", Trent said
"What happened", Xander said
"I fell off my skateboard", I lied
"Oh okay", Tyler said
"How does that make a bruise", Jamie said
"I had a very bad fall", I said while looking at Jamie. I can't believe they fell for that. I could be a lawyer since I can lie this good.
"At least you didn't fall on your face", Tyler said again
"I guess" I shrugged my shoulders
"How did it go down", Chris said
"Well I was skating down the street and there was this crack on the road and I didn't see it cause it was dark and fell"
The story I told wasn't true what really happened is I was walking down the street and this guy I was supposed to fight at this place but I couldn't make it so we fought in a nearby alley. An plus Sam drove e here so why would I ride a skateboard.
"Well do you need some bandages or something", Leon said
"No thanks"
"I need to see you before you go to sleep so I can put something on it", Jamie said.
I'm not going if she really sees my stomach then she will see that my rib is broken and scar on my side.
"Okay I'll try but I have to go see ya", I said while getting up and got an apple off the table.
"Here take my key you might need it", Chris said while throwing the keys at me. I walked out walking down the street. Until I ran into Sam I saw him through the window of Patina. I guess he saw me and waved. He then texted me.
Alex -Sam
Hey Sam -Me
Come I got 2 tell u sumthing -Sam
K be right n -Me
I walked into the the restaurant and waited by the front desk until someone came.
"Table for one", the waiter said
"No actually I'm here with Sam Parker"
"Right this way", the waiter said. That's when I followed him to Sam's table.
"Hey Alex how's it going", Sam said and I sat down.
"Good what you need", I said I'm not that kind of person that beats around the bush or sugar coats the truth.
"What can sugar coat for me", Sam said
"Ok then I need you for a race tonight", Sam said
"Okay but that means I'm going to need to work on my car", I said while getting up.
"But my food", Sam whined
"I'll pay next time now come on"
Just then he got up to and walked out. But he didn't pay and nobody stopped us so I guess we ain't gotta pay. As we were riding in his car he drove to this garage that was far out of town.
"We're here", Sam said while going into the garage.
"This place is yours here are the keys", Sam said throwing the keys at me.
"Nice place you decorated the inside"
"Yeah but the outside is for you to do", Sam said. When I got inside and sat on the couch. Someone knocked on the door and when I opened it I saw...