I got slammed on the floor and when I looked up to see who it was. I saw... some guy in a suit looking down at me. I tried to get up but he pushed me back down. He then lowered himself down to my eye level. I punched him square in the jaw and he was about to hit back but he stopped when it was about to touch my face.
"Are you Alex Jackson?", he said and spat out blood on the floor.
"It depends on who you are"
"Are you Alex Jackson or not", he said grabbing the collar of my shirt lifting me off the ground. Then threw me into the wall. When he backed away and grabbed my chin and lifted my head up.
"What's your name?", I said and spit the blood in his face.
"Alexander Frost. Now are you Alex Jackson?", Alexander said after wiping his face off. Then straighten his tie.
His name sounded so familiar.
"I don't know but what's it to you", I said slapping his hand off my chin.
"Enough of this", Alexander said taking off his suit jacket and started loosening up his tie. I stood up and got ready to fight because the way his hand was twitching I knew he was about to throw something. Alexander was the first one to throw something but I dodged it. He kicked me in the side and then I felt a sharp pain in my side that might leave a bruise. I punched him in the side and punched him hard in the face. I tripped him onto the floor when he wasn't looking and heard him groan in pain.
When he got up he was about to lunge at me I did a sweep kick and knocked him off his feet. I quickly straddled him and punched him rapidly in the stomach. He blocked a few then pushed me off. I got up as he was about to attack when I had grabbed his arm and held it behind his back.
"Are you going to leave me alone or do you really wanna end up bleeding out on this floor", I asked while pulling harder on his arm causing his to hiss in pain.
"Fine", Alexander hissed out so I had let him go and gave him one good K.O punch in the face before I wiped the blood off my cheek. I looked around and saw Sam trying to get over here but people were running out the backdoor. I guess someone called the cops. I turned Alexander over and reaching into his front pocket. I took his business card and car keys and started running out too cause I heard one of the cops yelling.
"Everybody get down now", the cop yelled trying to get everybody to stop running. I reached the back door and turned the corner to see Sam standing there looking around.
"Hey Sam", I yelled to him to get his attention. He turned around and hugged me with all his strength.
"Alex I was looking for you after you got thrown into the wall people started backing away from you guys and started running out", Sam said still hugging me.
"You can put me down now Sammy" and Sam had put me down.
"So how are we going to get out of here the cops are all over the place"
"I don't know but we better move fast cops are coming out and I'll call one of the cops I'm close to get our cars", Sam said and we started running. We jumped over the fence and turned down a nearby alley and saw a car parked in it I hope it's Frost's car. It was a blue 2015 Audi A8 and it was clean. I clicked the unlock button and the car's lights came on. Thank the lord this is his car. I ran over to the car and turned it on. I rowed down the window and stuck my head out.
"Sam get in let's go you can crash at the Storm's house", I yelled over to Sam. He came running over and got in.
"Who's car is this?", Sam asked while putting on his seat belt but I don't feel like putting mine on. I drove off and I didn't even make it far until the police came.
"Alex pullover", Sam said
"Fine", I pulled over to the side of the road. The cop came out of his car and came to the window.
"Madam you do know you were going over the speed limit", the officer said
"No I couldn't see the speed thingy cause the light goes out every now and then", I lied
"Well could I see your licence", the officer said and I handed him my licence and he walked back to the cop car he was in.
"Alex why did you just lie to him", Sam said
"Cause he doesn't know that", I said then the officer came back.
"You do realise this is Alexander Frost's car madam", the officer said
"Yeah I'm his adopted daughter and just came from the store", I lied again
"Well then drive home safe", the officer said and handed me my licence. Once he left I sped off and drove to the Storm's place. I got out and walked up to the door. Sam knocked on the door and Leon opened it.
"Alex in the morning we are having a talk you can't just keep coming in the house late", Leon said
"Okay and can Sam stay the night"
"Yeah and come in", Leon said and had let us come in. I walked upstairs with Leon and Sam right behind me. When I reached my room Sam took off his jacket, shoes, shirt and pants. He laid on the right side of the bed while I walked into the bathroom and changed into some Mickey Mouse pyjamas. It was a Mickey Mouse sports bra with matching short shorts. Then got into the bed and laid on the left. Leon came and stood in the doorway.
"Alex boys and girls cannot sleep in the same bed", Leon said with Jamie coming into the doorway standing next to him.
"Sam you're going to have to sleep on the floor or something", Jamie said and Sam was already asleep.
"He's already sleep so he has to stay here"
"Alex we have a strict rule and everybody has to follow it", Jamie said and Leon just nodded his head. I turned over and closed my eyes.
"Alex I know your not sleep tell Sam to get out of the bed or either you get out the bed", Jamie yelled
"Leave me alone I'm asleep you can talk to me in the morning", I said with my eyes closed and then fell asleep. I had the worst dream ever about....