Alex's POV
I jumped over the seats and laid down on the floor. Then the gunshots came in. They shot up the car and I think one hit Mason.
"Ow shit that hurts", Mason said
"Finally what", Mason said
"You got shot twice and I didn't even do it"
"I'm going to kill you", Mason said
"I want to see you try"
Just then Mason bent the seat back and kicked me in my side. Really in the middle of the car getting shot up with us in it. I punched him in the face.
"Really you couldn't wait until whoever is out there go away"
"No because they're after me", Mason said
I jumped on top of him and held him down.
"Who is after you"
"Some gang I stole from I always forget they're name I think it's the Cobras no it's the Pythons", Mason said
"What did you steal"
"Petty stuff like some money, drugs and they're leader's watch", Mason said
"Why didn't you just buy a watch and drugs with the money you stole"
"I wasn't thinking but I think they're gone so get off of me", Mason said and pushed me off of him onto the car seat.
I got up and Mason did too. Alexander got up from under the steering wheel while Leon was still under the dashboard. I looked out the window and it had many bullet holes in it. One was so big I could put my finger through it.
"Is everybody alright", Leon said and got up.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I'm cool", Mason said
He sat down in the seat and Alexander stepped out the car.
"What the hell? Look at my car", Alexander yelled
"Calm down just buy a new one", Mason said
I stepped on Mason and got out the car. His car was done for I feel bad for Alexander. Leon and Mason got out the car and stood next to Alexander.
"Mason are you happy you stole from the wrong people now you got my car shot up", Alexander said
"Actually I am happy", Mason said
"For what"
"I got drugs for days but I have someone after my ass every day", Mason said
"You could have just brought drugs and a watch with the money you stole dumbass"
"Oh. I didn't think about that", Mason said
"Idiot", Alexander said and slapped him on the back of the head.
"See this is why I don't want him as a partner"
"Hey I'm still a good thief", Mason said
"Then how come they know where you're at and know who you are"
"I might have walked in there and just took the stuff and still had my work uniform on with name tag", Mason said
"Dickhead", I said and slapped him on the back of the head.
"Stop and who's the man", Mason said pointed at Leon.
"I'm Leon Storm", Leon said
"Owner of that building company that Alex broke into", Mason said
"You broke into my building when", Leon said looking at me.
"I didn't take anything if that's what you're thinking"
"Wait so one of my workers did see a girl climbing through the air vents", Leon said
"Yeah that was me but I was just meeting up with someone"
"So wait how did get out of school with me knowing the school tells me everything", Leon said
"I walked out and into a limo and someone drove me there"
"Alex is telling the truth instead of lying you must really mean something to her she lies to me all the time", Mason said
"Why I told you no", Leon said
"I needed to talk to someone"
"Who did you need to talk to so bad that you went against my word", Leon said
"Somone wanted me dead alright and I needed to know who. I got a lead that whoever wanted me dead was there but it turns out that was a lie he was just a setup. Then my father died and that got me off track because he still means something to me. So now I still don't know who wants me dead and now I got to look over my shoulder everywhere I go and on top of that I'm going back to my old ways just to see who killed my mum. Then if I go back that would you guys in danger and could make me end up in a body bag"
"Well I didn't know what you were going through you're not like an open book", Leon said
"Hey let's just calm down", Alexander said
"Not my fucking fault I was taught not to trust anybody the only person I trusted was my mum"
"Okay at least open up some let people in", Leon said
"I can't I trusted all my heart into the wrong people and ended up like this with a fucked up life"
"I'm the right person so trust me at least to tell me what happened in your childhood"
"I can't"
"Why not you got bullied okay everybody gets bullied one day by someone", Leon said
"Of course, you wouldn't understand you looking at me from your ivory towers. You haven't been bullied a day in your life you were born into a wealthy family I bet you were the popular boy in school and everybody wanted to be your friend"
"Yeah why wouldn't they", Leon said
"Dipshit you don't know anything about me not even the simple things"
"How would I know you don't tell anybody anything", Leon said
"At least the guy I met some months ago knows something about me the simple things"
"Well I'm not him I wasn't a problem child my mom didn't die when I was 6. I still have my parents I didn't do drugs and turn to a life of crime when I got upset. When my granddad died I didn't do any of that you're just overdramatic", Leon said
"My mum died not my gramps you know what I never met my grandpa or grandma you want to know why because they're dead"
"You're just messed up girl messed up in the head", Leon said
"Yeah I may be messed up in the head but at least I'm not some stuck up rich boy"
"You know what I don't even think I can call you my daughter anymore. Don't every come towards me or my sons again stay out of my life", Leon yelled and I fell silent shaking my head.
"Okay I will but when you need me most I won't be there. Alexander cancel the protection on this piece of shit in front of me but leave it on the Xander, Chris, and the rest. Just remember you fucked yourself up"
Leon sighed and looked away. I just feel like leaving this arsehole on the side of the road to suffer. He doesn't know what I had to go through to keep his arse safe. We stayed silent for a while.
"Also one more thing you're going to remember this exact moment when you fucked up it's going to haunt your dreams and your everyday life", I said and walked off to the hotel.
"Alex come back", I heard Alexander yelled.
"Fuck off"
I walked into the hotel and up to the desk.
"How many I help you", the man behind the desk said
"Can I get a room"
"Okay would you like a suite", the man said
"No thanks just one room"
"Okay that will be $80 dollars", the man said
"Here all I have are pounds so here's £60.30 pounds", I said and handed him the money.
"Thank you here's your key room 243 and have a nice stay", the man said and gave me a key.
"I will", I said and walked up to the elevator.
I pressed the 2nd-floor button and my phone rang. It's Leon great note the happiness. I answered the phone and at first, all I heard was breathing.
"What do you want"
"Uhh Alex", Leon said
I stepped off the elevator and started looking for room 243.
"I'm sorry just come down I feel sorry", Leon said and I hung up.
I found the room and opened the door. The room wasn't that bad. It had a t.v, bed, balcony, mini fridge, and a small work desk. I closed the door and opened the fridge. It had a bottle of wine and a glass was next to it. I opened the wine and poured some. I closed the fridge and put the bottle on top of it.
I walked over to the bed and turned the t.v to Dexter's Laboratory. I drank some of the wine and it tasted really good. I got a knock on my door. I put the glass on the t.v stand and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole and it was Leon.
"Alex I can hear you open the door", Leon said
"Fuck off", I said and picked back up my glass.
I took a big gulp and poured some more wine. I sat back down and started back watching t.v.
"Hey Alex it's me, Iceman, can I come in", Alexander yelled and I heard someone laughing.
"It's me, Mason, I know this is the voice you wouldn't want to hear right now but I know you're hurt and right now you're probably drinking", Mason said and I put the glass down on the nightstand.
"I know you just put the drink down and now I need you to open the door. I know a son of a bitch named Leon that just made you upset. But I and Alexander are trying to help you just let us in or we just come in", Mason said
"Come on Alex let us in Leon will stay out here", Alexander said
"Hey", Leon said
"Shut it", Mason said
"Alex we're coming in to talk and I don't care if you don't like it", Alexander said and I heard something crack.
Mason opened the door and looked around the room. His eyes landed on me and I quickly got up. I walked over to the bathroom.
"Don't you go in there", Mason said and I tried to open the door but it was jammed.
Stupid hotel. I kept trying to open the door but it wouldn't open. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my neck and sleepy. I touched my neck and pulled out the dart. Again I get shot with the fucking sleeping dart.
"Alexander when I wake up you're a fucking dead man", I said and fell onto the floor.
Everything went blank and black. All I could hear was faint yelling and then silence.