I stopped the car and the police officer came to the window. Since it's tinted windows the cop couldn't see me. I rolled down the window slowly and the officer geizer was... Nate the from Jamie's house. He had a cast on his right arm and I got a call from an unavailable number. If it's unavailable for the phone then it's unavailable to me. Then I got a text.
Alex heard you got shot again -Alexander
oh its u calling me -Me
Yeah and did you get shot again -Alexander
yeah how u know -Me
Mr Hart told me and we need to meet up tonight -Alexander
yeah hold on real quick -Me
"Hello... never mind it's you again", I said still holding up my phone.
"You know you were going five hundred and twelve miles over the speed limit", Nate said
"Of course, I know that I'm the one driving. Duh"
"Well I'm going to have to ask you to get out of the car", Nate said
"Remember that talk we happened last time"
"Yes", Nate said
"You wouldn't want that to happen again would you"
"No", Nate said
"Well then it's best you get back in your car and let us be on our way"
"Okay", Nate said and walked back over to his car.
I started back driving and got back up to my speed limit. I turned to look at Sam and he was just staring at me. I wish he would stop because when he stares he opens his mouth. Sometimes spit comes out of his mouth so I reached over and closed his mouth.
back -Me
Finally what were you doing -Alexander
talking 2 a cop got pulled over -Me
And they just let you off the hook -Alexander
pretty much -Me
So about that meeting -Alexander
has 2 happen after school 2morrow -Me
Would you like for me to send a ride over -Alexander
yeah see ya -Me
I got off the phone from texting and Sam was holding the steering wheel driving. I guess he can keep on driving since he still holding onto it. I just looked out the window while Sam continued to drive and now I'm bored I need to drive. I moved Sam's hands out of the way and started back driving. I think we were 2 blocks away from the house.
I pulled up into the driveway of the Storm's place. I parked the car and got out. I tossed Sam his car keys and knocked on the door. Some guy opened the door and had let me in. I was about to go upstairs to change clothes but Sam grabbed my hand. I tried to pull my hand out of his but he wouldn't let go.
"Sam let go", I whispered into his ear.
"This is for scaring the bloody piss out of me with your driving", Sam whispered back.
"Not my fault you let me drive", I whispered
"Shut up and just walk into the kitchen", Sam whispered
I walked into the kitchen and saw Jamie sitting there drinking a cup of coffee. I got a can of coca-cola out of the fridge and sat on top of the counter. Sam sat on the stool next to me and still didn't let go of my hand.
"Hey Jamie"
"Hello Alex please help me", Jamie said
"What's wrong"
"My sister she won't leave because her house is getting renovations", Jamie said
Something doesn't feel right about that statement.
"Well then I guess we're stuck with her"
"Her and her daughter Chastity", Jamie said
"Wait where is her daughter"
"Outside but watch out don't let her get to you", Jamie said
"Alright I'm going outside you coming"
"Can't then my sister Jessie will start wandering around", Jamie said and got up.
"Then tell her the garden is dying"
"Thanks, I'll see if that works", Jamie said and got up.
She walked over and gave me a hug. I took Sam upstairs and got out my swimsuit. I looked around my room for his swimming trunks. I think I left them under my bed. I looked under there and gave them to Sam.
"Let's go change in the guest room"
"Whats wrong with your bathroom", Sam said
"Come on guest room it is"
"Fine", Sam said and followed me to the guest room.
I walked into the guest bathroom and changed into the swimsuit. It was a black two piece bikini. I walked out to see Sam wearing his swim shorts and he followed me outside. I went and sat down in an empty chair. I looked the pool and Xander was just staring at me. I laid there and Sam jumped into the pool. Sam started splashing water on me so I got up and jumped in. Jamie came out the door with her sister Jessie. Jessie went straight to the garden and Jamie got in.
"Thanks, Alex it actually worked", Jamie said
"Anytime Jamie"
"Ally you're going to get it", Sam said and diving into the pool.
I started looking around for him and then someone started pulling on my leg. I grabbed the first thing I felt and started dragging it down with me. Sam started laughing and I tried to push him off of me but he wouldn't move. The thing I took down with me started kicking and looked under the water. It was Leon I took down with me.
"Alex let go", Leon yelled
"Sam let go", I yelled underwater but I don't think he heard me.
I had let go of Leon and started play fighting with Sam. We resurfaced and kept fighting. I jumped on top of his head and he held onto my stomach bring me down too. I kept pushing his head down under the water and he kept holding onto my waist.
"Sam let go of me"
"Stop trying to drown me", Sam said
"Let go of me your heavy"
"You should be stronger", Sam said
"Okay but you have to carry me"
"Fine just stop", Sam said
I took my hands off his head and his hair was covering his eyes. He was just looking around so I moved his hair out of his eyes. Sam picked me up and carried me out of the pool. I pointed to the doors and put me down on the floor.
"Thanks, Sam your job is done"
"Yeah and also there about to come in. Jamie texted me awhile ago that she fixed your bathroom and the living room", Sam said
"Cool your leaving"
"Yeah I gotta get back home and also I'm bringing Champ over for a visit", Sam said
"Okay", I said and gave Sam a hug.
"See you tomorrow and don't worry about my clothes. I'm going to get them tomorrow", Sam said and left with my towel around his shoulders.
Leon, Jamie, Jessie, and rest came in. I walked with the boys upstairs to change. I walked to my room to see the door was already open. I looked around and saw some girl laying on my bed.
"Get out of my room", the girl yelled
"The door plate says Alex that's me so leave"
"You don't let me what to do", the girl said
I walked over to my bed and dragged her out of my room by her foot. I closed and locked my door. Also walked over to my couch to see that suitcases were all over the couch. I looked at the name tag and it said Chastity that's Jessie's daughter.
"My suitcases are in there and where am I going to sleep at then", Chastity yelled
I walked over to my door and unlocked it. I opened my door and threw out her suitcases.
"Where am I going to sleep. You know what you can do you can sleep on that couch in there while I sleep on the bed", Chastity said trying to walk past me to get into my room.
"How about no you sleep in the guest room and if there isn't enough space then your out of luck", I said and slammed the door in her face.
I locked the door and took a shower. I got out and changed into a made in England shirt with some blue striped shorts. Someone knocked on my door and I answered it. Jessie was at my door with her daughter Chastity.
"Can you apologise to my daughter for throwing her out", Jessie said
"No thanks", I said
I walked out of my room right before I locked the door. I went downstairs and they were still following me. I went and sat at on the kitchen counter. Jamie was sitting next to me but on a stool.
"Hey Alex what should I make for dinner", Jamie said
"How about Chicken Tikka Masala"
"What's that", Jamie said
"Excuse me but can you tell this girl to apologise to my daughter for throwing her out of her room", Jessie said
"What room was she in", Jamie said
"The room next to Xander you said a girl can stay in there", Jessie said
"No I said that a girl stays in there so stay in the guest room", Jamie said
"Well still tell her to apologise from dragging her by her foot", Jessie said and Chastity stood there staring at me.
"Alex say it I guess so Jessie can leave me alone", Jamie said
"First no she had to right to lay in my bed and tell me to get out of my own room. Second, she deserved it she's a snob and a bloody twat so no. No matter what you stay or do to me will make me apologise"
"Well then you heard it now stop bothering me", Jamie said
That's when Chastity....