Alex's POV
I woke up to my head under the pillow. I lifted up and damn it's bright in here. I checked the time and it's 12:35.
I forgot I got to go with Stew somewhere later. I got up and Champ was sitting right in front of me.
"I'll feed you just let me shower and wait in the kitchen"
Champ stood up and ran downstairs. I walked over to my sound system and plugged in my Samsung. I played MY PYT through the whole house. I grabbed my towel and ran into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower and washed my hair and body with vanilla soap. After I got all the shampoo out my hair I turned off the water and stepped out. I dried off and started brushing my teeth. After I finished I ran outside my bathroom to hear Canadian Goose playing loud.
"All these diamonds ain't nobody cold as us693Please respect copyright.PENANAVZbenofHnt
Literally I'm cold as fuck693Please respect copyright.PENANAQOHAb6hFTe
I need Canadian Goose693Please respect copyright.PENANABNDdWJIf9f
I need to get a Moncler693Please respect copyright.PENANAcXB26Q6u1R
Diamonds so cold need some soup"
I got dressed and started drying off my hair with the towel. I checked the time and it was 1:47. Shit I grabbed my iphone 5s off the nightstand and put it in my back pocket. I grabbed my bag and put my phone charger for my iphone and Samsung in there. I put one gun in here with extra bullets at the bottom. I put a notebook and folder in the bag full of papers and put 3 throwing knives and my house keys in there. I threw the towel I was drying my hair with on the floor. I ran downstairs and put a can of dog food in Champ's bowl.
I put water in the other and ran back upstairs. I put my white beats in my bag. I took my phone off the sound system and turned it off. I put my phone in my bag. I zipped my bag closed and ran towards the door.
"Champ doggie door unlocked if you got to pee"
I opened the door and locked it behind me. I got onto the elevator and pushed ground floor. I checked my phone and had a text from a group chat with Harry and Alexander.
I here -Me
Thank Ash you here -Harry
Yes & see ya around 8 -Alexander
See ya - Me
Bye -Harry
I put my phone in my back pocket and the elevator door opened. I walked outside the building and saw Stew in a Audi a black one. Harry said I couldn't get one until Christmas even though I can buy one right now. I walked over to his car and got in. I closed the door and put my seatbelt on.
"So where we going"
"Surprise", Stew said
"Hey and call me Ash or Aston for a day and act like yourself", Stew said
"So what you the bag for", Stew said
"Carry a bag with me everywhere"
"What's in it", Stew said
"Surprise", I said mocking him.
"Bitch", Stew said
"Man whore"
"Okay fine my sister wants to see you", Stew said
"I have my phone chargers and my other phone in my bag"
"2 phones cool", Stew said
"How long until we get there"
"Right around this corner", Stew said
His house is nice. He parked the car in this modern house it was midnight blue.
"We'll come on", Stew said
"Oh yeah"
I got out the car and put my bag on. I closed the door and followed Stew up to the house. He unlocked the door and a girl came running up to me. She had brown hair, green eyes and was short and skinny. Why the hell is she running up to me?
"Hi", she said
"Omg your British", she said
"Hey Kayla", Stew said and hugging Kayla I guess.
"Hey Ashy your friend is tall", Kayla said
Stew closed the door and I followed Stew and Kayla into the kitchen. A older man that looked like Stew was standing there with a pretty lady that had the same features as Kayla. The lady and man turned and looked at me wide eyed.
"Hello I'm Gil Stewart but you can call me Gil", the man said and stuck his hand out to me.
I shook his hand.
I dropped his hand and the lady gave me a hug.
"Emily", the lady said
She stepped away from me and had this big ass smile on her face and just looked at me then looked at me up and down.
"Let's go to the living room and get to know each other better", Emily said and we all followed her to the living room.
It was pretty big and had family photos everywhere. I sat down next to Stew and was just looked bag at Gil.
"So Alex what you do for work", Gil said
"Make money"
I really don't know who to answer that question. Kayla and Emily started laughing and Stew was trying to hold in a laugh. I don't get what's so funny.
"Okay well then I'm Gil and I'm a police officer", Gil said
"I'm a stay at home mom", Emily said
"I'm in the 9th grade Stew has probably told a lot about me", Kayla said
"So tell us about yourself", Kayla said
"I have a dog named Champ, I speak many languages, live on my own, British, have a brother, plenty of cars, sort of a mechanic and that's all"
"What's in your bag", Gil said
"Any kind of weapons", Gil said pushing his arm back to show his gun on his side.
Is that suppose to scare me? Because I'm sure as hell aren't scared.
"See you got a pistol there nice can I see it"
"No", Gil said
"Why not"
"Because you can't handle it", Gil said and Stew and I started laughing.
"What's funny", Gil said
"Dad I think Alex can handle a gun", Stew said
"Okay here", Gil said and held it out.
"Toss it"
He tossed it and I caught it. I looked at it and checked the how many bullets it has around 10 to 17.
"Cool gun"
"Yeah", Gil said looking at me like I was crying crazy.
"You can hold onto that if you want", Gil said
"Thanks", I said and placed it on my side.
"Okay okay. Grades", Gil said
"Straight A's"
"Record", Gil said
I scratched the back of my neck and sucked my teeth.
"Umm not that good"
"What you mean", Gil said
"Got some arrests here and there back then and some now"
"Arrests like what", Gil said
"1 arson, plenty of DUI's, underage drinking and the list goes on"
"Well then give me my gun back", Gil said and I tossed it to him.
Asshole. Me and Gil were having a staring contest.
"Okay so Alex", Emily said
"Yeah", I said tearing away from Gil to look at Emily.
"So what do you do for fun", Emily said
"Alex don't ask that", Stew said
"Ashy we're talking to Alex"
"Alex you don't have to answer that", Stew said
I wonder what he thought I was going to say.
"Listen to music, do my job, talk to my friends/ bosses, target practice, work out and cook"
"You cook", Emily said
"Yeah for me and Champ sometimes"
"Well Alex can I talk to you in private for a second", Stew said
"Sure", I said and stood up.
I left my bag on the floor and followed Stew into the kitchen.
"Alex what my dad is judging you", Stew said
"I don't give a fuck"
"You should he's a cop", Stew said
"Chill the fuck out. I've been with plenty of cops your dad doesn't fucking scare me"
"Alex sooner or later there going to ask about your family please don't say something bad", Stew said
"Like I said before chill the fuck out and let me speak damn. I'm not a little kid I've been with parents before so shut the hell up I know what I'll doing"
"Keep your voice down they might hear you", Stew said
"Stew calm down and let me answer the fucking questions without feeling looked over like a little fucking kid"
"Okay I will calm down"
"Hey your phone is ringing", I heard Kayla yelling.
My work phone. I walked pasted Stew and into the living room. I opened my bag and picked up the phone and answered it.
"Alex du hast meine Arbeit nicht tun , wie Sie sagten", Mr Aubrey said ( In English- Alex you my job like you said )
This is German.
"ich vergaß ich es bekommen werde sofort" ( In English- Sorry sir, I forgot I'll get right on it )
"Beeilen oder kein Gehalt", Mr Aubrey said ( In English- Hurry or no paycheck )
"Ich werde es richtig sein" ( In English- I'll be right on it )
I hung up the phone and everybody was just staring at me. I put my phone in my bag and zipped it up. I put it on my back and turned to look at Stew.
"Stew I'll be back later I have to work real quick"
"No don't work today", Stew said
"Well I have to work so I'll be right back"
I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. I walked to their door and opened it. Stew closed the door behind me and I took my gun out my bag. I zipped it up and I guess Harry and Alexander heard about my job. I ran and got into their black Hummer.
"Hey buddies"
"Alex don't ever do this shit again", Harry said we drove off.
"Alright I won't asshole"
"We'll just do a drive by", Alexander said
"I can't get blood on me"
"Why not", Harry said
"I might be having dinner with Stew's family"
"You mean your little boyfriend's family", Alexander said
"No friend"
"He's coming up", Harry said
"Red hair, green eyes and scar on his chin shaped of a 'x' and looks to be in mid-twenties"
"Yeah now hurry up", Harry said and I took the safety off my gun.
I rolled down the window a little. There he goes.
"Hey you"
"Me", the target said
"Yeah you", I said and shot him right in the chest twice and in the head once.
I rolled up the window and Harry drove off. I sat back down in my seat and looked at Alexander he was just staring at me.
"You show no type of remorse", Alexander said
"Harry's eye twitches when he shoots and you show nothing", Alexander said
"Because I don't have any"
"Bullets Alexander I need a reload"
"Here", Alexander said
I reloaded my gun and I guess Harry stopped the car. I looked out the window and this isn't Stew's place.
"What the hell"
"Alex no more going out in your birthday", Alexander said
"Okay come on drop me off at Stew's"
"Do you like Ashton", Harry said
"Yeah as a friend"
"Alex don't lie to me on what level do you like Ashton", Harry said
"More than friends", I sighed
"I knew it", Alexander said
"What do you dream about Ashton", Harry said
"Don't get what you mean"
"What do you think of him in a good or bad", Harry said and started driving again.
"Alex you know you lying you be having them freaky dreams about Ashton", Alexander said and my face turned red.
"Shut the hell up. I do not"
"Alex don't lie to me", Harry said said
"I don't know what you're talking about", I said pulling out my phone.
I turned on my phone and I had a text from Stew I mean Ashton.
Hurry back they think I drove you away -Stew💘
Maybe you did -Me
I did I'm sorry I didnt mean to -Stew💘
Im just playing Im coming back -Me
Thank you -Stew💘
I had put my phone in my pocket and looked up to see Harry and Alexandr staring at me.
"That was Ashton wasn't it", Alexander said
"Maybe it was Maybe it wasn't"
"Alex don't lie to us", Harry said
"Yeah it was"
"What he want", Alexander said
"His family thinks he drove me away"
"Aww it's that just cute", Alexander said
"Shut the fuck up and drive"
"I dare you to kiss him today", Harry said
Maybe I didn't hear him right.
"I dare you to kiss him", Harry said
"Because I want to see his reaction", Harry said
"No I don't want to"
"What you mean? I know you want to kiss him and you know you want to kiss him", Harry said
"I mean I do but not because of a dare"
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