The devil is back and his name is... Mason. I hope I would never see him again. Even though I saw him at the mall. I really wish he went to college in London. I stopped and just turned around. I walked the other way and went back other there with the guys. Once I was over there the first one to say something was Xander.
"Alex, are you ok? What you just did was awesome. What if mom found out about your fight? Could I get in big trouble? Could we get back in trouble? Mom is already suspicion about you-", Xander said rambling.
"Wait one bloody second she's what about me"
"Ummm... nothing", Xander said drinking a sip of his Cape Cod whistling.
I learned types of drinks from reading some books when I was little. I walked over there next to him and he sat hid drink on the counter. I grabbed his drink and I didn't mean to but I might have broken the glass in my hand and Sam and the rest of the guys just backed up as the broken glass fell onto the floor. Hey, I just finished a fight and I still have my adrenaline running. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the bar counter.
"She's what about me", I partially yell at him. I looked at him dead in the eye and I can tell he's scared by the look in his eye but he has a smile on his face. He looked at Hunter for help but Hunter just looked away.
"Like I say she's what about me", I yelled this time and everybody in the club was looking at us. The music was cut down. This place will do anything to see a fight I swear. I raised my fist to punch him dead in the face and almost hit him but someone caught my hand.
"Alex come on let's drop him off. Lets not cause a fight in here", Sam said
He let go of my hand and I had let Xander go. I walked out the club and people just moved out the way. I'm so pissed off no I'm beyond pissed off I need a drink to calm down. I walked to my bike and waited for those idiots to come out. I pulled my out my phone and called Jamie. After 2 rings Jamie finally answered.
"Alex where are you and I can't find Xander", Jamie screamed into the phone.
"Were fine he's with me"
"Do you know what time it is? Where are you at?", Jamie said calming down.
"That location can't be giving out but I do know what time it is I think around 10:51"
"Why not? Nevermind put my son on the phone", Jamie said
"And why can't you", Jamie said
"He's busy at the moment but I can deliver him a message", I said while the guys finally came out. Sam came over to me.
"Hey Alex so who is he going to ride with Tom is way over the limit to drive. An I'm surely not driving with him and Logan", Sam said
"I'm on the phone shut up", I told Sam
"Who is that is that Sam let me talk to him", Jamie said
"Ok here's Sam", I said and handed him the phone. He took the phone and answered it.
"Who is this and I can't talk right now I'm busy at the moment. I can take a message that's under 25 words", Sam said and I walked over to Xander.
"Nobody in the house can know about this and if you or your friend decided to tell someone you will be up there in that ring on the floor bleeding out", I said serious and he just nodded. I helped Tom out and sat him in Sam's car in the back seat. Logan started the car and sat in the driver's seat. I guess Sam will call up someone to pick up his truck.
"Here's your phone Jamie doesn't our location but you might wanna get him home fast", Sam said and got into his car. They drove off.
"Hey Xander", I yelled and he came over here.
"What", Xander said
"You're sadly going to have to ride with me"
"Okay", Xander said
"Well, that means your going to have to ride on the back of my bike".
"No, no and no", Xander said and I started up my bike.
"Get on and stop being a fucking cunt"
"Speak fucking English", Xander yelled
"Well okay then stop being a fucking pussy and get on the fucking bike"
"Fine since it's the only way home", Xander said and got on.
"Hold on"
Xander wrapped his arms around my stomach and I drove off down the street. I reached 345 mph in about 5 minutes. That's a new record it usually takes 15 minutes. I was driving for about 20 minutes.
"Slow down Alex you just ran 3 red lights", Xander yelled and squeezed my stomach.
"Stop you're squeezing my stomach too hard", I said and turned right.
"Just scared that's all", Xander yelled back and loosened up on holding my stomach.
We finally made it to the house with Xander yelling in my ear and getting chased down by the cops for a moment. I got off my bike and walked Xander to the door so he wouldn't trip over his own feet.
"Xander hurry up I gotta go"
I hope Jamie doesn't ask too many questions. Once we got to the front door before we knocked.
"Xander nobody can know about this ok"
"Yeah right and how you almost killed me on you deathtrap on 2 wheels", Xander said starting to knock on the door. Leon opened the door and I was about to walk away but Leon grabbed me by the back of my shirt. An pulled me into the house. He took me into one of his offices and sat down behind his desk.
"Alex sit", Leon said
"Okay but hurry I'm running late", I said and sat down on the arm of the chair across from him.
"Alex I want you to tell me where you were", Leon said sliding his chair towards the desk.
"I was somewhere over the rainbow where bluebirds fly", I sung and Leon I knew he was beginning to get pissed off cause a vein popped in his neck.
"Ok well, then why is there blood on your hands and your other hand has a bandage on it", Leon said pointing at my shirt.
"I don't know about the blood but I got stabbed in the hand", I said looking at my own hands. I forgot to wash my hands I knew I forgot something. That bloody idiot Dark Knight got his blood all over my arms and shirt.
"Alex stop stalling why are you covered in blood", Leon said sounding serious. Then I got a phone call from Logan.
"Hey Alex where you at?", Logan said through the music on the other end. I wish I was there so bad almost drunk hanging out by the bar talking to some random stranger.
"Here with Leon why you ask?", I said while Leon was over there looking like a cartoon character like steam was coming out his ears. His face was also turning red he looked over the top angry. I guess he wanted me to answer his question.
"Because the party is going on and you're about to miss it", Logan yelled into the phone. I really wish I was there now I need to leave now. I think Leon heard that because he started leaning closer towards me.
"Wait! You said Sam fell off the balcony I'm on my way. Ok I will be there in about 3 minutes keep an eye on him.", I lied so I could go to that party. I fought the stupid idiot Dark Knight and ruined a perfectly good shirt because of him. I need to go to that party its the party of the year in a underground low down way.
"Alex are you serious Sam is afraid of heights. Wait I know what you're doing you can't get here wait are you talking to Leon", Logan said and I could hear him laughing on the other end.
"Alright I will get there as fast as I can. Is he badly hurt", I yelled into the phone acting like I was worried. I hung up the phone and I could be a really good actress. I got up and walked out the office. Leon was following behind me. I walked out the front door to my bike and got on it.
"Alex what are you doing? We're not done talking.", Leon said standing in front of my bike. I started it up and was about to pull off until Leon said something.
"Alex, why are you always like this? You lie and run when I ask you something. Why can you just act like a normal person and answer the question? Be like a normal girl with a normal life. You run all the time like you're wanted by someb-", Leon said but was cut off by me.
"Maybe because I didn't have a normal life. Maybe I don't like answering questions and maybe because I am wanted by someone. I knew you were slow when I first got here but why did you think my school principal told me to come here. To go undercover and get in tell on your family cause you guys might kill the president", I yelled and right now again I'm pissed off.
I hate being asked questions about my so called family they're the ones after me.
"I don't what happened before you came here but if you tell someone maybe you'll feel better", Leon yelled back at me.
"I have and it just made the situation worse", I told him and drove off I don't need to hear this.
Also before I do something that harms someone or myself. When I arrived at the party and I saw Logan standing at the front door smoking a blunt. I walked over to him and he waved at me and looked back at his phone. I went in and walked into the kitchen.884Please respect copyright.PENANAdBsXSKiuUY
"Hey can I get some Long Island Iced Tea", I said to the guy behind the counter. I took the cup and drinked all of it. I finished the bottle and went into the living room and sat down next to this guy. He looked like he was about to pass out so he won't be a problem. I sat down and Sam sat down next to me with two cups in his hands.
"Hey, Alex what's wrong with you? You seem uneasy", Sam said handing me a cup with some light brown liquid in it. I think it's tequila and I tasted it. Yep it's definitely tequila and it tastes really good I think it's a Tequila Slammer.
"Leon", I said taking a sip of the drink.
"What did he do", Sam said
"He kept saying why I don't act like I had a normal life and why I don't talk to anyone about my past", I said then someone pulled my hair off the couch. I got slammed on the floor and when I looked up to see who it was. I saw...