That's when I saw someone in the bushes it was....the man that shot Alex in the principal's office.
"Hey Gary get Alex out of here"
"Alright I'll get a car to take Alex to Meadow High", Gary said and took Alex out the chair.
He grabbed the dog by its collar and threw Alex over his back. I walked over to the bushes and saw nothing.
"Hello Mrs. Storm", someone said from behind me.
I turned around and saw the man I saw before in the bushes. He stepped back and I walked over to the back door.
"Who are you"
"I'm the man who knows about this and has it on video", the man said and held up his phone.
"No will ever believe you so I don't care", I said and walked into the house.
The man followed me in but Alex was already gone. I think Gary left too and I'm about to go to bed.
"You can leave"
"Okay but if you touch or even look at Alex I'm going to kill you and I'm serious", the man said
"I don't care I have guards everywhere"
"That's what you think", the man said and walked out the house.
I went upstairs and went to sleep.
Alex's POV
I woke up in a limo with Champ beside me. I looked around and it was the same limo that I fell asleep in. I sat up and the limo stopped. I looked out the window to see Meadow High school. Why am I here I guess I fell asleep and the driver took me here. I called Sam.
"Hey Sam can you come pick up Champ"
"Yeah where you at", Sam said
"Meadow High"
"I'm on my way", Sam said and I hung up.
Champ followed me out the limo and the limo drove off. I sat down on the kerb and a car pulled up. The driver rode down the window and it was Sam.
"Hey Sam here's Champ"
"Okay come on Champ get in", Sam said and reached over to unlock the door.
Champ got in and Sam drove off. I walked into the school down into the gym and the gym had people dressed in suits and dresses. I walked in and sat down in a chair next to the punch table. Then I got a text from Alexander.
Something came up with your father -Alexander
What -Me
Go to london24 news -Alexander
Whats wrong -Me
Just check it out -Alexander
I looked up london24 online and on the front page was a death. It read, 'Man gunned down at his home'. I hope this isn't my father even though I hate him with all my heart I little part of my still loves and cares for him. I continued reading, 'Man is in his late thirties and has a gunshot to the head' Please don't by my father please don't. It says, 'Man has been identity as Langston Jackson and they say the killer of Bella Jackson may have kill this man too'.
No this can't be my father this can't be true. I got up and walked through the crowd into the hallway. I sat down on the floor and reread the website again. This can't be true this isn't true. A tear rolled down my cheek onto my phone when I saw my house with my father lying on the floor lifeless. This is just like my mother's death but this time I wasn't a witness.
"Hey Alex what you doing out here by yourself", someone said and that person sat next to me.
I looked next to me and saw Xander standing there wearing a black suit.
"Just looking at my phone"
"Who's that", Xander said pointing at my phone.
"Langston Jackson", I said and I started crying.
"I don't know who this is but I wanna help you out", Xander said
"I'm good I just need a drink", I said standing up.
"No I'm going to call dad to come pick you up", Xander said and stood up.
"I don't need to get picked up I can walk"
"No Leon on his way", Xander said and I guess he texted Leon.
"Come on Alex let's go to the front", Xander said and I wiped my face.
I walked with Xander beside me to the main doors. We stood there and a black Audi pulled up. Someone rolled down the window and we walked over to the window. Leon was in the driver's seat and looked up at me. I got into the car and Xander walked back into the school.
"So Alex you okay Xander told me that he found you crying", Leon said and drove off.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Alex no your not your face is red and your eyes are puffy", Leon said and wiped my face with the back of my hand.
"I'm fine for sure", I said and Leon parked the car in the parking lot.
I was about to open the door but Leon locked the doors. I unlocked the doors and he locked them again.
"What's up Leon let me out"
"Alex tell me what's wrong you've been crying and I want to know why", Leon said
"How bad do you want to know"
"You're like a daughter to me and I want to know why you're crying", Leon yelled
"London24 news go look it up you'll see what I'm talking about", I said and got out the car.
I walked away from the hotel. I need a drink and I walked down to the nearest bar.
Leon's POV
"London24 news go look it up you'll see what I'm talking about", Alex said and got out the car.
I got up and got put the car. I locked the door and walked into the hotel. I need to see what this is so I can help her I ready want to know what Alex is sad about. I went into the hotel room and looked up on my laptop london24. The first thing I saw was Langston Jackson's death and Bella Jackson.
I looked at a picture of Alex and them. Wait a second this people look exactly like Alex. These are Alex's parents and that means her parents are dead. Maybe that's why she looks sad when we say something about her parents. I need to get all the boys here wait. Some of them are here I decided to text them.
Hey boys -Me
Yeah dad -Chris
I was sleep -Trent
Need you to come to my room for a while -Me
What for -Trent
I found something about Alex that you might wanna see -Me
What is it -Chris
Just come boys -Me
Alright -Chris
Fine -Trent
I just kept looking at the pictures. I can't believe these are Alex's parents and that there dead. The boys came into my room and closed my door. They walked over here and sat down next to me.
"Yeah dad", Chris said
"Look at this"
"A man named Langston Jackson gunned down at his own home and-", Chris said and was cut off by Trent.
"Woman Bella Jackson killed in the back of an ambulance and the only witness was her daughter Alex Jackson-", Trent said and was cut off by Chris again.
"The only witness to the Langston Jackson murder was his son Mason Jackson and they say the killer of Bella Jackson is the killer of Langston Jackson", Chris said
"Alex has a brother"
"I guess she does and that's the only family she has left", Trent said
"Her mom and dad are dead that's why she was sad in the car that's why she ran off"
"We have to find Alex", I said getting up.
"Alright come on we have to go find her", Chris said