"Because.. he's the same dude who I fought yesterday"
They must have tracked his car or put some kind of chip on the card. After I said that everybody just looked at me like I was crazy. I took out the business card from my back pocket and looked at the number on the card. Then compared it to the number on his phone and it does match.
"Alex you should know this about me I hate liars", Leon said
"No, I'm not fucking lying"
"Another thing I don't like people to fucking cuss in my house and we're going", Leon said and walked into the kitchen.
"Fine I'll go but let me go check on the car I saw a flat tire", I lied and Leon turned around.
"Okay here are the keys but don't do anything funny", Leon said handing me the keys.
"Sam come on and help me", I said and got up and Sam followed behind me to the garage. Once in there I locked the garage door. I turned around and faced Sam.
"Sam that's the same guy's number that I fought yesterday night"
"I know and also what was that with you and lover boy", Sam said
"Nothing going on were just..."
"Just what making out against a wall and I walked in on you instead of Leon", Sam said
"Just get a wrench and shut the hell up", I said handing him a wrench.
I started off with Leon's favourite car the Silver 2016 Jaguar F-Type and mixed up the wires. Sam messed with an engine on the other car and then I took the rotator belt off. After about 25 minutes of messing up cars, we finally finished and every car was undrivable.
"So Alex what if he calls a friend or cab to come pick you two up", Sam said. I really haven't thought of that I guess I could bug Leon's phone.
"I could bug his phone so that all calls he makes or get I get to answer before it goes through me", I said wiping off the oil from my hands and handing Sam the towel so he can too. I unlocked the garage door and walked into the kitchen. I took Leon's phone out his back pocket when I walked past him. I grabbed Xander's hand cause we need to talk about what just happened this morning.
I closed my door and walked to my laptop. I sat down and Xander sat down on the desk next to my laptop.
"Why did you drag me in here", Xander said
I took out Leon's phone and took the backoff. Good thing it's an LG and not an Apple or Samsung. I attached his SD card to the chip and put the card back in his phone.
"We need to talk about this morning"
I put the back on his phone and turned on the phone.
"Oh sorry about that I didn't mean to kiss you", Xander said and started rambling
"No, not that it's about why you kissed me"
"Because I like you and now I know you like me too because you kissed back", Xander said smiling
Not exactly.
"I don't rememb-", I was cut off by Xander
"Of course you remember I pushed you up against the wall and you were moaning loud and I had to keep putting my mouth on yours so nobody could hear you want me to show you", Xander said
"No, I'll pass on that"
"Okay but since we both like each other how about we date", Xander said
"I don't really know you like that yet"
"I know I'm rushing aren't I", Xander said
"Yeah but we really get to know each other than let's think about that"
"Alright but as if right now we're dating but not claiming each other", Xander said and kissed my cheek.
With that, he left my room and closed the door. I got up and grabbed my laptop and walked downstairs. Once down there I saw Leon going through the couch cushions.
"Hey Leon whatcha looking for"
"Just my phone it was just in my back pocket", Leon said
"Is this it", I said holding up Leon's phone.
"Yes thanks, Alex you're a lifesaver", Leon said running up to me.
"I'll call the man I'm meeting with and tell him I'm coming", Leon said
Just then I got a call on my skype from Mr Frost. Declined. Then I got another call from Mr Frost. Declined.
"Hey Alex my call won't go through", Leon said
I don't know but I guess we're not going Leon", I said and sat next to Simon on the couch. I pulled out my phone and started searching Alexander Frost online.
"Alex what are you doing", Leon said walking over looking at my phone.
"Nothing", I said while turning off my phone.
"That doesn't seem like nothing", Leon said taking my phone. I got up and turned towards Leon. I took my phone out his hand and turned it back on. I got a text from an unknown caller.
Bugging someone's phone doesn't mean I still can't at least see the call -Unknown
Who the fuck are u -Me
Just somebody who was at a certain party last night -Unknown
Ur the Frost guy like Iceman -Me
Yeah like Iceman -Alexander
Wat do u want -Me
It's not what I want its what he wants -Alexander
Who is he -Me
Ur meet him at 224 Vine Ridge Rd at 5 this afternoon -Alexander
Also, give me back my car -Alexander
I looked at the time on my watch and it was 4:47. I have no idea where 224 Vine Ridge Rd is. I guess I have to go.
"See you guys later I gotta go-", I said and Leon had cut me off.
"Alex you're going nowhere", Leon said
"I have to go return a car"
"Well then but then you come back here. If you're not back by 8:30 I'm going to come looking for you", Leon said
"I'll call you when I'm on my way back", I said walking towards the door I was about to close the front door until Xander came out and closed the door behind us.
"Before you go I just wanna say that I'm sorry", Xander said
"Well I hope we could just put that behind us", Xander said sticking out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and was about to walk away until he out of nowhere gave me a hug. I hugged back and he had let me go. He leant in and kissed me on the cheek.
"See you later", I said and walked away and got into the car. It was a 14-minute drive to 224 Vine Ridge Rd and once I got there I saw Alexander standing there with his hand open. I got out the car and walked towards Alexander.
"I want my keys and your lips are swollen", Alexander said
"Okay, well then here you go. There is nothing wrong with my lips", I said and handed Alexander his keys.
"Follow me so you can meet the boss and you sure looks like you've been kissing and by the look in your eyes I say you like that person", Alexander said walking and I following him into some 6 story building.
"So who is this boss you speak of", I said once we got into the elevator and he pushed the 6th floor. I ignored Alexander's comment.
"Someone who you will meet when we get there", Alexander said and the elevator stopped and when the door opened it was....