Then her eyes opened wide and she walked out the bathroom. I followed her and she grabbed her bag and put her shoes in her bag. She grabbed her phone and walked out the room. I had put my shoes on and ran after her. I was walking behind her downstairs and out the building. It was pouring down raining out here I don't know how she's walking out here. She could get sick. She just walked out in the middle of the street.
"Hey watch where you're going whore", a man said riding pass us.
Some people are just rude.
"Alex watch out", I said and walked up some to pull her back but she walked even faster.
"Leave me alone I know what I'm doing", Alex said and walked off.
I followed her into a nearby alley and she walked into some building. I walked into the building after and stood near the entrance.
"Alex come back here", I yelled
I guess I'm going to have to go in. I walked down some stairs and into some bar. Alex was sitting at the bar drinking straight vodka. I walked through the crowd of people to Alex. But some man blocked my path and started talking to Alex.
"Hey love want another drink", the man said
"I'm good Eric but thanks for the offer mate", Alex said and the man walked away.
I walked up some and sat beside Alex and her bag was still on her back.
"Alex are you okay"
"Leave me be"
"Oi Dennis", Alex said to the bartender.
"Long time no see shit face I haven't seen you were 7 in here asking for a scotch", I guess Dennis said
"Still not dropping the name are you", Alex said
"Nope but who's your friend he's staring at you pretty hard", Dennis said
"Just a buddy of mine and can I get a vodka on rocks", Alex said
"Alright but where is your shirt are dripping all over the floor", Dennis said
"Don't know", Alex said
"Alex no drinks remember"
"I need one to keep me sane", Alex said
"No, you want one cover up your sadness"
"No I'm not sad I just need a drink", Alex said
"You sure you're not drowning your sorrows in that drink"
"Like I said before I'm not sad or drowning my sadness in alcohol I just needed a drink", Alex said
"Okay then Ms. I'm-not-sad why were you crying and screaming"
"I'm not in this", Dennis said and walked away.
"I don't have to explain a damn thing to you", Alex said
"Why don't you explain everything to me huh"
"I have my reasons", Alex said
"Okay then just let me hear those reasons"
"I got trust issues. I trusted the wrong people in the past and my life got fucked up because of that", Alex said staring at her drink in front of her.
"What happened in the past stays in the past"
"Not if it the past is coming back to haunt you", Alex muttered and drank the rest of her drink in one gulp.
How does that not burn her throat because I've been drinking that since I was 22 and it still burns my throat?
"Hey Dennis give me another vodka on rocks", Alex said
"No don't give her anything but water"
"No, this blighter is just joking give me the drink", Alex said
"Alex get another drink I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you out this bar"
"No, you won't Dennis give me some vodka", Alex said
"Okay Alex", Dennis said and gave her a glass.
I was stood up and was about to grab Alex but she jumped up onto the counter. She put the glass in her hand and started walking. I went to grab her but she jumped up then she landed and slipped a little. Once she landed I had let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. The glass was still in her hand it's cool how it hasn't slipped yet.
"Alex I said not to ever do this again you promised", Dennis said
"I know", Alex said
"You know this bar counter is thin and you could fall", Dennis said
"I know what I'm doing. I bet I could flip off this bar and land plus not spill a drop of my drink", Alex said
"How much", Dennis said pulling out his wallet.
I can't believe this guy he just said get off but no he wants to bet on she lands or not. What's wrong with Alex is she drunk. I think she might be I don't want her to fall and hurt herself.
"I bet 50 pounds", Alex said
"I'll double it if you get drunk first instead", Dennis said holding up a bottle of vodka.
"Okay you're on", Alex said and got off the bar.
Dennis handed her 4 bottles of vodka after another. She downed the first bottle within 5 minutes.
"Alex no more drinks"
"I want 100 pounds so I'm going to get 100 pounds", Alex said and downed the 3rd bottle.
She was looking kind of drunk. She finally finished her last bottle and stood up.
"Alex you are not flipping off this counter let's go I'll give you 100 pounds how much is it in American money"
"129 dollars and 54 cents and I don't think you'll give it to me cause somebody left their wallet in the room", Alex slurred and got onto the counter.
She's good at math very good I wonder who thought her.
"Shit face you know you can back out anytime no hard feelings", Dennis said
"I'm good to go I'm going to do it", Alex slurred
"You ready", Dennis said
"No don't do it"
"Alright go at it but you can back out", Dennis said
"Alex please don't do this"
Alex slid her feet together and took a deep breath. She pushed herself off the edge on the counter and flipped in the air. She actually did land and didn't slip. She didn't look so good and threw up on the floor. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She turned towards Dennis and stuck out her hand.
"100 pounds in my hand", Alex said
"Fine but you threw up on the floor", Dennis said and gave some dollars.
Alex put the money in her bag and sat back down in the stool.
"I can I get another drink", Alex said
"Why not", Alex said
"Of course not you just threw up 4 bottles of vodka on the floor", Dennis said
"Fine but your 27 pounds short", Alex said
Even when she's drunk you can't beat her out of her money. Now that's a smart girl.
"How you know you didn't even look at the money", Dennis said
"You just confessed", Alex said
"Alex leave before you make my wallet cry even harder", Dennis said and turned towards another customer.
"Okay I'll leave", Alex said and put her bag on her back.
I followed Alex out the bar and I saw this man from across the alley. I guess Alex saw him too she just looked shocked to see him. I walked over to Alex and she just moved away from me. I saw fear in her eyes when her eyes landed on that man. It's let she knows him.