"Alex don't look like that", Leon said and slapped my face softly.
"We got to stay with fucking Jamie the lady I don't fucking like"
"Hey think about the good things you get to see Simon and Arnold", Leon said
"What about the twins"
"Went to live with their aunt and uncle", Leon said
"I'll go"
"Finally, now let's go. It'll be night time soon", Leon said
We started walking towards where Jamie lives. We arrived at the house and Leon knocked on the door. Chastity opened the door. She looked at me and then over at Leon. She let Leon walk in and was about to close the door in my face. I stuck out my hand and pushed the door back open. I walked into the house and Chastity was laying on the floor.
"You just broke my fucking nail you bitch", Chastity said and stood up.
"Okay go buy a new one and while you're at it buy a new face this one getting old"
She lunged at me and I was pushed onto the floor. She started scratching at my arms since I cover my face. I pushed her off of me and stood up. I walked into the living room and sat down next to Leon. Jessie and Jamie walked in talking. They got quiet when they saw us and sat down on the couch far away from us.
"What are you doing here", Jamie said
"Why would you ask him that when he's paying the bills"
"Shut it, British girl", Jessie said
"Shut it, American girl"
"I'm a lady, not a girl", Jessie said
"If that's what you think"
"Yeah why don't you go live with your real parent's wait....didn't they die", Jessie said
Nobody gets to talk about my family like that. She doesn't even know how or why they died. I don't even know why they died.
"Jessie stop it and Alex come sit back down", Leon said
I stood up and walked over to her. I raised my fist to punch her.
"Alex", Leon said and I felt a hand on the back of my arm.
"She's not worth it just come sit back down and if you don't want to stay will find somewhere else to stay", Leon said
I put my hand back down and walked over to the couch. I sat down and Leon sat down next to me. It's hard trying to control my anger. All I need to do is punch her one time just one. Then my hand started shaking and I was looking at the ceiling. I felt a hand on my leg and I looked down and it was Leon. I can't control it anymore I stood up again and punched Jessie in her face. She fell straight to the ground and was out cold.
"Alex", Leon yelled
Jamie stood up and ran over to her sister. She bent down and touched her neck. I guess she was still breathing because Jamie sighed.
"I'm calling the police", Jamie said and stood up.
She took her phone out her pocket and dialled the number.
"Now Jamie stop your sister provoked her", Leon said trying to grab Jamie's phone.
"Not only did she knock my sister out she pushed my niece", Jamie said and put the phone to her ear.
"This is stupid you don't have to do this", Leon said
"My sister won't get up....1101 Walnut Road...thank you so much", Jamie said and hung up her phone.
"Jamie your over reacting", Leon said
"Don't move you two aren't leaving", Jamie said pointing at us.
"Okay I'm fine with it", I said and sat down on the couch.
"No you aren't this isn't going to happen", Leon said
"Yes it is and you two will wait until the police arrive", Jamie said and Chastity walked in.
"Auntie that girl pushed the door and I fell and broke my nail", Chastity said and pointed at me.
"Don't try to slam the door in my fucking face"
The doorbell rung and Jamie went to go answer it. Leon was standing there looking around and then sat down. He put his head in his hands and started shaking his head.
"Yes right over here is where my sister is laying", Jamie said directing the ambulance people.
Then the police arrived and Jamie started pointing at me. The police officers walked over to me.
"Did you do this", the first officer said
"Yes she did I saw it and so did he", Jamie said pointing at Leon.
"Why did you do this", the second officer said
"She had no right to talk about my parents"
"What happened to your parents", the second officer said
"Don't want to talk about it"
"Well were going to have to take you to the station", the second officer said
"I see we have a sarcastic one here I'm guessing you've been taken to the station before", the first officer said
"Stand up and turn around", the first officer said
I stood up and turned around. He put handcuffs on me and directed me out the house.
"Hey wait where are you taking her", Leon yelled
"Down to the station you can follow the car", the second officer said
I looked back to see Leon ran back into the house. Probably went to go get his car and they sat me down the back of the car. The officers got into the car and drove off. They turned on the sirens and speeded down to the police station. Jamie was over doing it. It doesn't take all this because your sister is just asleep. She'll wake back up in a few hours no harm was done. Just might a bruise or a scar or something.
The officers stopped the car and got out. I guess we're at the station and opened the back door. I got out with the second officer walking behind me. They brought me into this room the walls were grey and so was the floor. There were a grey metal table and 3 chairs. They sat me on the chair and took the cuffs off. Both of the officers sat down in front of me and I have a feeling they're going to question me.
"What's in the bag", the first officer said
"What's your name"
It doesn't hurt to know their names.
"We're asking the questions here not you", the second officer said
"Okay I'm fine with that"
"What's in the bag on your back", the second officer said
"What's your name"
"My name is Officer Jenkins and this is my partner Officer Denson", Officer Jenkins said
"Okay well my name is Alex"
"Okay Alex what's in your bag", Officer Denson said
"Some stuff"
"Can we see your bag", Officer Denson said
"Why not", Officer Denson said
"Because it's mine"
"Okay then why did you punch that lady", Officer Jenkins said
"She was talking about my parents"
"I see you have a British accent you from England", Officer Jenkins said
After talking to me for 10 minutes he figures out that I'm British. They have slow people on the force now and days. Officer Denson stood up and walked out the room.
"Where did he go"
"Why do you need to know", Officer Jenkins said
"Because I want to know is there a problem with knowing"
"No there isn't", Officer Jenkins said
Officer Denson walked back in with a file it looked packed. I wonder who's it is. I think it might be mine.
"Your Alex Jackson daughter of Bella and Langston Jackson", Officer Denson said and sat down.
"That's me"
"I found your file it pretty packed you are the problem child", Officer Denson said
"Breaking and entering, arsons, theft, robbery, hit and run, forgery, and the list goes on", Officer Denson said
"Yeah that's me"
"Proud of it aren't you", Officer Jenkins said
"I guess so you can say that"
"Every been arrested", Officer Jenkins said
"Couple of times"
"Have long had you stayed a week or month", Officer Denson said
"Month at the longest"
"For an arson, you stay three to five", Officer Denson said
"Yeah but I only did 1 week"
"How come", Officer Denson said and the door opened.
"Because of him", I said pointing at the door.