I rolled down the window and it was....Johnson Radley he was standing right there. Well, this job was going to be easier than I thought. I reached into my bag and pulled out my gun. Leon was just staring at I took off the safety and shot Johnson right in the head. I showed no remorse I put the gun back in my bag. I backed up the car and rolled up the window. He ran back up to the window and knocked on it. I drove off and Leon was just looking at me.
"You just killed that man", Leon said
"Okay", I said shrugging.
"You showed no remorse like you killed someone before", Leon said
I had put the car in gear and drove off.
"You need to follow some rules because I'm getting a job", I said ignoring his last comment.
"What kind of job", Leon said
"A job that pays money"
"Okay but why do I need rules", Leon said
"Rule número uno no asking about my job"
"Número dos if I stay out late don't call I'll call you"
"What abou-", Leon said
"Número tres if a stranger knocks on the window don't roll down the window", I said cutting Leon off.
"But what if-", Leon said
"Número-", I said cutting Leon off.
"Stop with the Spanish I only can count up to 3", Leon said cutting me off.
"Okay then rule number 4 have someone with you at all times"
"Number 5 hold all questions or comments to the end"
"Fine", Leon said
"Number 6 if you see me on the street the I'll acknowledge you cause I might be working"
"Are you done", Leon said
"Lastly, when the house is finished building if my room door is closed then don't knock and I might have some friends over every now and then so don't question it"
"Are you done now", Leon said
"Then I have some questions", Leon said
I feel like he's going to say something about what kind of job it is.
"I would like to see your boss", Leon said
I have many bosses sometimes I never see them. Usually, they only deliver a file or a picture. I never really see what they look like they deliver my pay in the mail or someone gives it to me.
"Don't know who it is"
"Where is your job's building at", Leon said
"Don't have one"
"Then what kind of job is it", Leon said
"Can't say"
"You work for the C.I.A", Leon whispered
Did this man just say do I work for the freaking C.I.A. He must have watched too many movies when he was little? I can go with it, it's a nice cover up for what's about to happen. I know Leon he going to tell someone so no.
I guess it's sort of like that. I will be doing stuff that spies do. But it's the opposite I work for the bad guys instead of the good guys. Also for the wrong thing, they do it to save the world and I do it to meet the people that killed my mum and money. They might have killed my father too.
"Then what do you do", Leon said
"Things you don't need to get between and stay out of"
"What things are going to become a gang leader", Leon said
I stomped on the brakes and Leon hit his head on the dashboard. Leon raised up his head and groaned.
"What the hell was that for", Leon said looking at me.
"I'm not becoming a gang leader or a fucking drug dealer so get that out your head"
"Okay but you didn't have to do that", Leon said rubbing his head.
"Sorry just caught me off guard", I said and started back driving.
"Since now I know you will do this then I won't say again surprising in the car", Leon said and continued reading my file.
"I don't where we're going"
"Where are we then", Leon said
"Don't know I lost track of where we were going after a mile ago but just didn't want to say anything"
"Fine just stop the car so I can see if I have cell phone service", Leon said and I stopped the car.
The car made this strange noise and I don't think Leon heard it. I pulled over to the side of the road and rolled down the window. I saw Mason on the other side of the road holding something and just as Leon was about to get out the car. I pulled the hem of Leon's shirt and pulled him back into the car. I reached over him and put the child's lock on the door. I closed the door and rolled up my window. Also locked the windows cause I have a feeling Leon will roll it down.
"Alex what now", Leon said looking at me.
"Shut up and just stay quiet"
"Don't talk to me like that", Leon said raising his voice.
"Just quiet down and don't move", I whispered.
Everything got quiet and I could hear footsteps coming closer to the car. I looked over at the window good thing it's tinted. Mason knocked on the window and was holding a gun to the window. I reached into the backseat and opened my bag. I pulled out my gun and put it next to my leg and laid my hand on it.
"Alex I know you're in there come on out", Mason said
I could hear Leon taking deep breaths and tapped him on his leg. I put my finger up to his mouth and his breathing went back to normal.
"I heard you're coming back so I was wondering if you'll go into business with me", Mason said and tapped his gun on the window.
"Answer me", Mason yelled and slammed his hands on the window.
I cringed in the seat and grabbed my gun. I tapped Leon's shoulder and pointed at the back seat. Leon nodded and started to climb into the back seat. Thankful he didn't make a noise. I climbed into the back seat too and grabbed my gun. I have a feeling Mason is going to bust out the window if I don't answer in a while. I pulled out my phone and started to text Harry.
Harry -Me
Alex I'm working -Harry
Mason is here I need help -Me
You have a gun use it -Harry767Please respect copyright.PENANAstcoMlRU6y
I'm not going to shoot my own blood -Me
You shot Sam -Harry
that was an accident okay I was learning how to shoot a gun -Me
arent you in a car -Harry
I think its broken -Me
I'll send over a ride just hang around for now -Harry said
I turned off my phone and tapped Leon's shoulder. I pointed at myself and then at the window. Leon mouthed 'no'.
"Alex I know you're in there", Mason said singing.
"I know too", I yelled.
"Finally the queen answers", Mason said
I opened the door and held the gun behind my back. Mason looked up and he had a scar on the right side of his cheek.
"Heard you went to London", Mason said
"I can see by your eye you got beat up", Mason said
I heard a honking coming from behind the car. I looked back and saw....