He waved at me and walked over towards me.
"Hey Alex", Brandon said
"Hey why you handcuffed", I said pointing at his back.
"I may have spray painted a classroom. Why you here?", Brandon said
"Got accepted here"
"You're going to hate it here some of the kids here are stuck up", Brandon said
"Thanks for the tip"
"Anytime and see ya I'll be back tomorrow", Brandon said and the officers pushed him out the school.
I walked into the principal's office and a lady in her mid-thirties was sitting there. She was talking on the phone holding up a big file it was stuffed. She motioned me to sit down and I sat down and pulled out my phone. I checked my messages and Mason told me to call him. I called him and he picked up on the third ring.
"Hey Mase Chase"
"Another nickname", Mason said
"Yeah nice isn't it"
"Yeah if you say so do you remember anything from last night", Mason said
"No, why something happened"
"Sort of but what do you remember from last night", Mason said
"When I ordered a pizza and Xander ad Leon came over that's all"
"That's all", Mason said
"Ye-", I was cut off by someone clearing their throat.
I looked at the principal and she was off the phone staring at me.
"I'll have to talk to you later", I said and hung up the phone.
"Yeah I came to get my schedule"
"That's yes and after we talk about your rather large file", the lady said
"Okay but what's your name"
"Mrs Ruiz and Ms Jackso-", Mrs Ruiz was cut off by me.
"Call me Alex"
"Well then Alex you have a lot of arrests and suspensions", Mrs Ruiz said
"I know"
"Underage drinking, driving under the influence, and much more. But I need to know that if you walk out my school you won't show a bad impression about Bark-Ridge High. You are a very intelligent girl and bright young lady with a colorful vocabulary", Mrs Ruiz said
"Hey what can I say my vocabulary is very bright and full of colour and full of wonderful words"
"I see we have a British girl at our school", Mrs Ruiz said
"Will you not show a bad impression on Bark-Ridge High School", Mrs Ruiz said
"Yeah I'll try not to and can I get my schedule so I can leave"
"Okay here but don't talk on your phone in my office again", Mrs Ruiz said and gave me my schedule.
I looked at it and I have Business, English, lunch, a free period, technology, lunch again, Spanish, and social studies today. Wow, that's 5 classes in one day minus the free class and both lunches. Wait, two lunches what time does school end.
"What time does school end"
"6:30pm and here's your locker number your books are already in there", Mrs Ruiz said and gave me a small sheet of paper.
That means 12 hours and 30 minutes of school. That means 2 hours and 60 minutes in each class. Then my locker is Locker No.3846 and my combination is 24-2-8.
"Wait that means 12 hours and 30 minutes of school"
"Wow you are a very smart girl it usually a student has to write it down on paper", Mrs Ruiz said
"Okay but why that many hours of torture"
"It's not torturing it's learning now get out of my office", Mrs Ruiz said and her phone ran.
I stood up and walked out. I walked down the hall looking for Locker No.3846. Since now I have an excuse for being late to class I guess I'll listen to a little music. I pulled out my earbuds and put them in. I played Me, Myself and I. I started singing the song under my breath. I was playing subway surfers and listening to music the best way to walk down a crowded hall.
"Oh, it's just me, myself and I, Solo ride until I die, Cause I got me for life", I muttered.
I guess I wasn't looking where I was going and walked right into a wall. I thought I was going to fall but I didn't some boy was holding my sides. He had dirty blond hair, green eyes, and a serious expression on his face. I'll call him DB because of his hair colour. I steady myself and he had left go of me. I walked passed him and continued looking for my locker. I heard someone yelling and I looked back.
"Hey wait", DB yelled.
I turned my music up louder and the song changed to Chill Bill. I finally found my locker and walked over to it Locker No.3846 and put in my combination 24-2-8. Mrs Ruiz was right my books were already in here. I had put my Business, English, Technology, Spanish, and Social Studies textbooks in my bag and closed my locker. I'll have to start going to a gym because with all this weight on my back I'll die by the end of this week.
"Hey girl", some boy yelled.
I looked back and it was DB and he had some friends with him running too. I just realised something I walked right past room 332. I turned around and walked in the direction of DB and his friends. DB and his friends stopped right in front of me and the just rang.
That bell is loud my music is blasting and I can still hear that bell. I just looked at them and their mouths were moving but I couldn't hear them. One boy pointed at me and the rest stopped talking. They started back talking again and pointed at their ears. Then DB pulled out one of my earbuds. I had taken out my other earbud and wrapped my earbuds around my phone. I put my phone in my pocket and straighten my bag on my back.
"Hey girl", DB said
"You can't wear shirts like in this school", DB said and one of his friends were just staring at my stomach.
"Don't care"
"You got tattoos", one of DB's friends said pointing at my arm.
I'll call him BB because his hair is brown but around the top it's blond. It must be dyed.
"Yeah can I go to my class now", I said trying to step around them but BB blocked my path.
"You new here", another boy said
I'll call him Spark because his eyes are brown with gold sparks in them.
"Yeah now can you move"
The thing about it is my classroom is only a few doors down the hall. The hallways were almost empty.
"Nice song you listening to you to", another boy said pointing at my pocket.
I'll good at giving nicknames I'll call him Guy I'm running out of names and he looks like an everyday guy that you see walking down the street.
"You always give out one worded answers", guy said
"Maybe", I said and turned around.
"Look there's a flower growing out the school floor", I yelled pointing at the floor.
They walked over to where I was pointing and I ran to my business class. I walked into the classroom and there were about 39 students in here. The teacher turned and looked at me.
"You're 20 minutes late", the teacher said
Time to use the new student excuse.
"I got lost I'm new here"
"Oh well then I'm Mr Otten and would you like to introduce yourself", Mr Otten said
"No thanks"
"Well then introduce yourself", Mr Otten said
I hate when teachers do this ask you a question then already have your answer made.
"I'm Alex"
"Go on", Mr Otten said
"And...", I dragged out the word.
"Tell them your favorite color or hobby", Mr Otten said
"My favourite colour is lime green and I like to cook"
"Okay you may have a seat and since we have a new student let's have an icebreaker project", Mr Otten said and I sat down next to this girl that was falling asleep on her laptop.
"I'll choose your partners and you guys will learn about each other. Like what does this person like to do in their free time, what kind of pet does this person have or does this person have any siblings", Mr Otten said and I got a text from Sam.
Alex I can't keep Champ anymore -Sammy
y not -Me
Dont have any more space Logan is inviting his friend from school at Hawk Creek over for a project -Sam
I looked around the classroom and I saw Logan sitting in the back of the classroom staring at his phone and listening to music. I turned and looked back at my phone.
isnt that school 17 blocks away from Meadow High -Me
you go there -Sam
no I go to Bark-Ridge now -Me
Cool I gotta go back to work -Sam
bye -Me
I had put my phone up and some boy looked up at me. He stood up and walked over to me.
"Mr Stewart sit down", Mr Otten said
I'll call him Stew he looks like a Stew. He has brown eyes, brown curly hair and sort of buff.
"I'm just greeting the new student", Stew said smiling at me.
"Hello Alex", Stew said
"Nice music you got playing No Limits very nice song", Stew said
I reached into my pocket and turned the music off. I forgot it was still playing.
"Can this be my partner and those guys over there", Stew said pointing at BB, Guy, DB and Spark.
When did they get in here? I must have been staring at my phone too long.
"Sure now have a sit Mr Stewart", Mr Otten said
"Okay but this is going to be fun new girl", Stew said and sat back down.
I should have stayed at Meadow High.