I saw Drake standing in the doorway with Alexander. I hate that motherfucker I found him cheating on me in the strip club with some slut. They weren't looking at us they were talking. I looked back at Stew and he was looking off somewhere. I reached my hands up and brought Stew's mouth onto mine.
"Finally", Stew mumbled against my mouth.
I guess he wanted me to kiss him. Stew bent down closer to me to deepen the kiss. He started kissing me lip so I opened my mouth. His tongue was exploring my mouth and I moaned which made Stew moan too.
"What the hell", I heard someone yell.
Someone pulled Stew off of me and it was Drake who pulled Stew off of me. Stew and I stood up and were just glaring at Drake.
"What the hell was that for"
"For kissing this", Drake yelled pointing at Stew.
"First, of fucking all you're not my god damn boyfriend"
"Okay and he is", Drake said
"Then why are you kissing him", Drake said
"You have no say so stripper boy"
"And killing is okay", Drake said
"Alexander why the fuck is fuck boy here"
"Talk to your brother about that", Alexander said
I pushed Drake out the way and stormed down the stairs and found Mason talking to Harry. Harry looked up at me and walked away. Mason turned around and I stood right in front of him and punch him dead in the face. Mason touched his nose and then looked up at me.
"What the hell", Mason growled out
"That's for bringing stripper boy into my house"
"That didn't mean you had fucking punch me", Mason said and then punched me in the stomach.
This asshole. I bent over holding my stomach and then looked up at Mason smiling. Shouldn't have done that. I may seem like a creep or a crazy person you guys but hey we're all crazy in different ways.
Mason's face changed from mad to scared. I roundhouse kicked Mason and he fell to the floor. I bent down next to him and punched him again in the face.
"Don't ever bring stripper boy into my house again", I whispered in his ear.
I stood up and turned around to see stripper boy standing there with Alexander, Harry and Stew
"Get the hell out", I yelled
Alexander, Harry, Stew and stripper boy were still standing there. My house is finished building and now they have no choice but to leave.
"Get the hell out now", I yelled
They all ran towards the door and Harry dragged Mason out the door. Alexander locked the door behind them and I walked over to make sure the door was locked. It was. I need music and a drink good thing I brought a sound system at Best Buy. I walked over to one of the speakers and connected my laptop to it.
I put the music on shuffle and turned up the volume to 100. The music was booming through my house and I threw my phone onto the couch. I walked over to the kitchen pulled out a bottle of vodka and Long Island Ice Tea. I walked over to the couch and opened the bottle of vodka.
I downed the whole bottle of vodka and damn my throat burns. I downed the Long Island Ice Tea and walked back into the kitchen to get another bottle of vodka. I grabbed 3 more bottles.
I walked over to the couch and laid down on the couch and looked to my side to saw Champ laying on the floor sleep. He's a hard sleeper very hard. I downed 2 bottles and dropped them on the floor next to me.
My vision started becoming a blur and I think I hear my phone ring. I looked over to the other couch to see the screen light up. I stumbled over there to it and Mason was on the screen.
"Fuck you"
I was walking back to the other couch and it rang again. I walked back over there and it said I had a voicemail. I clicked it.
"Alex I know you mad or whatever you are but please don't drink. I'm right outside your door with Harry Drake left and so did Ashton so please open up let's talk", Alexander said
I deleted it and laid back on the couch and closed my eyes. I heard a big this and open my eyes. I see Harry standing there with Alexander they were looking around the room until they're eyes stopped on me.
"Alex", Harry yelled over the music.
I grabbed the last bottle of vodka and downed it. Then everything became blurry I dropped the bottle onto the floor.
"No", Alexander yelled over the music.
They came running towards me and I started to close my eyes. I felt someone slapping my face so I opened them and saw Harry standing over me. I couldn't hear a thing. They were talking and all I could hear was nothing. Then Harry flashed a flashlight in my eyes so I closed them again.
I felt someone shaking me so I opened my eyes again to see that I'm laying in a hospital bed being rolled down a hallway. I wonder why I can't hear anything. They rolled me into a room and hooked me up to some wires. They left and I was sitting inside in room laying on the bed. I need to get out of here. I sat up and started taking the stuff off of me.
I started walking down a hallway. I need to get out of here right now. Everything was started to become blurry I think they drugged me. I finally found the exit and walked out. It's so bright I must have been out for awhile. A car that's what I need I saw a man on a motorcycle talking to some woman. I could hear them talking finally my hearing is back.
"Hey can I use your bike"
"Uh sure but it isn't mine", the man said
"Okay thanks", I said getting on the bike.
I put the helmet on and started up the bike. I started shaking my head to stop the drugs from kicking in. I backed up and started speeding down the street to my house. I stopped outside my place and I parked the bike and looked to the left to see a truck coming right towards me.
I tried to start back up the bike but it wouldn't start. I tried for the third time and it started I started backing it up but before I could drive off the truck hit me. Now that got the drugs or my system.
I flew off the bike. Everything was moving in slow motion. I could see the driver coming out the truck. I slid on my side and didn't feel a thing. I think the drugs numbed me I hope it lasts long. I stood up and the driver stopped walking towards me.
"You're not human", the man yelled
"Yeah I guess not", I said and looked at my leg.
It makes me want to throw up. I looked at my arm it doesn't look that bad. I started walking towards the man and he ran back towards his truck. I walked over there to it and started beating on the window. I need Harry.
Fuck this shit. I punched the window and the glass broke. Yay, a new cut to add to the injury list. Note the sarcasm.
"Give me your phone"
He handed me his phone and I called Harry. He picked up on the third ring.
"Come to my house"
"Who is this", Harry said
I think the drugs are wearing off. I was starting to feel the pain from putting pressure on my leg I can't stand anymore I fell onto the ground. The driver came back out his truck and shot something in my leg that wasn't jacked up. My eyelids started to become heavy. I keep trying to fight it but it I can't fight it anymore. I closed my eyes and everything went black. I shouldn't have drank.