Alex's POV
I woke up drowsy and laying on a dead guy. It's dark out here how long was I out. I stood up and wobbled a little until I balanced myself. I looked at my hoodie and it had blood on it. I took it off and threw it on the dead guy. I started walking down the street and was stopped by some man in a blue uniform. I couldn't make out his face because my vision is kind of blurry.
"Ma'am are you intoxicated", the man said
"Y-yeah m-maybe", I slurred
"I'm going to have to ask you to come with me", the man said
"Are you a c-cop"
"Yes now come with me", the man said
Shit. I started running down the street and I have no idea where I am going. It's dark as hell and the only light I have is the streetlights which are doing shit to help me. I looked back and the man was still running. I turned into an alley and jumped a fence. I stopped running and looked back. I couldn't see the cop anymore and then I heard some footsteps coming closer to me. I turn around and see 3 men standing around me.
"What you doing in our alley", the first man said
"Standing and looking at you duh"
"Smartass", the second man said
"Shut the hell up", the third man said
"Aye I can leave now"
"No, little lady first we're going to need you to do something for us", the third man said looking at me up and down.
"I think not but you know what time it is"
"10:55 why", the second man said
"No phone or watch"
That means I need another drink until I find someone that can help me get high.
Ashton's POV
I was literally running around town for Alex. It was getting dark and Alex is nowhere.
"Hey we have to give a rest", Mr. Hart said
I forgot him and Mr. Frost was still following me.
"We can't we have to find her"
"Son I know you like her and all but you have to give it a rest. She just doesn't want to be found", Mr. Hart said
"I can't we have to keep looking she's out there somewhere. She could be out there getting beaten up or something worst"
"I doubt that", Mr. Frost said
"She's probably drunk walking the streets or worst high"
"Okay it's not like she has before", Mr. Frost said
"She has been high before", I said turning around to look at them.
They were staring at their phones typing.
"Yeah haven't you", Mr. Hart said
"No, but I have drank before"
"Just go back to her place she'll show up in the morning", Mr. Frost said
"What you mean"
"She'll show up in the morning drunk, having a hangout, or high as fuck", Mr. Hart said and Mr. Frost elbowed him.
"What the hell", Mr. Hart said
"Stop cursing you, I bet your parents would've hated to see you like this", Mr. Frost said
Something changed with his face expression it went from happy to emotionless.
"Those assholes they deserved to fucking die so I don't give a fuck", Mr. Hart said
"Don't talk about your parents like that they gave birth to you", Mr. Forst said
"Yeah and I ended their lives before they ended mine"
"I told you plenty of times you didn't have to do that", Mr. Frost said
"You were there I had to do what I had to do to survive it was either me or them", Mr. Hart said shrugging his shoulders.
Did he kill his parents?
"So changing the subject Ashton we're leaving and so should you in this part of town around 11 they started shooting so let's go", Mr. Hart said
I pouted I really want to find Alex. I don't know why but I want to. I have this need to help her and protect her. I followed them to their car they was riding next to us the whole day. I don't know why we walked if they had a car following us. I got into the car. It's cool it's like a mini limo. The front seat had a glass window you could roll up and down then the backseats has 2 rows and they're facing each other.
I had put on my seatbelt and pulled out my phone. I started looking through the news for anything that's happened. I know I think the worst of everything but hey I can't help but think like this.
"Hey Alex's place step on it, run everything", Mr. Frost said
"You've been quiet ever since we got into the car what's on your mind", Mr. Hart said
"In a good way or bad", Mr. Hart said
"I was finna say if you said bad I was going to have to throw you out my car", Mr. Hart said
"This is your car"
"Yeah I have plenty of cars, trucks, planes, helicopters, and more", Mr. Hart said
If he has all of that then what's his job.
"What's your job"
"I'm a business owner, I own a camp, and I'm a long-term con man", Mr. Hart said
"Business owner and camp owner what do you do there"
"My business is trading I have connects and I run a camp on the side for troubled kids", Mr. Hart said
Trading. Is he a drug dealer is he another El Chapo.
"I know what your thinking I'm not another El Chapo I just have connections with the right people. I know the president, army, and anything you can think of my business isn't just focused on one thing trading. My business had many parts", Mr. Hart said
"So a camp for troubled kids what you do donate money to them, give a scholarship, or something like that"
"Not at all. My business is tied to my camp some kids from my camp let's say, Alex, for example, she was very troubled as a kid the most troubled we ever had. She already turned to a life of crime but had the greatest grades I've every seen. I mean straight A's but talked slang and cursed like they was no tomorrow", Mr Hart
"What you mean by talked slang and cursed"
"I mean would cuss someone for just stepping on her foot and said everything in slang it was like the streets were made for her. She knew everything about the streets but was smart as hell", Mr. Hart said
Then Mr. Frost whispered something in his ear.
"What", Mr. Hart yelled
"It's true", Mr. Frost said
"So Langston isn't her father", Mr. Hart said
"But Bella is her actual mum", Mr. Frost said
Whose Bella and Langston?
"So they weren't actually married", Mr. Hart said
"Yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you", Mr. Frost said
"We're here", a man said from the front seat.
"This is your stop. Tell Alex to call us once she's home and sober", Mr. Frost said
I opened the door and stepped out. They dropped me off at Alex's building. Someone whistled and I turned around. Mr. Frost's hand was sticking out the window he was holding a set of keys. I took the keys and they drove off. I turned back to Alex's building and they right it is dark out here. I pulled out my phone it was 11:59 and they Alex would be back around the morning time.
I walked inside the building and got onto the elevator. I pushed the 5th-floor button and waited for the elevator to ding and got off. I walked over to Alex's door and opened it. I hope Alex is laying in her bed fast asleep or at least in here. I opened her door and closed it behind me. I locked it and ran upstairs into Alex's room/ floor. Her bed was still the same. Doesn't even look like anybody slept in it.
Then I heard a honking coming from outside. I ran over to her window and there was a car with bright lights honking their honk. They threw out a person or something I think. The thing stood up and was yelling while the car was driving away. Once the car was gone the thing walked into the building. The thing must be a person. ALEX!
I ran back towards her door and opened it. I took the stairs and ran all the way to the ground floor. I saw Alex stumbling walking towards the elevator. I ran towards her and hugged her to deaf.
"What the hell", Alex said
"Alex I was so worried something happened to you", I said into her hair.
"Get the fuck off of me", Alex said and pushed me off of her.
I stepped back a little surprised. She just pushed me away. Then I actually looked at her face. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy, red and swollen. She didn't have a jacket or anything and her arm had a scar on it.
"Alex you okay"
"Fuck off", Alex said and got onto the elevator.
I ran behind her and got on. Alex was looking at the door and I was just looking at her. She leaves her birthday and doesn't celebrate it but cries, drinks or may gets high. That doesn't make since there her to be more to it then what Mason told me about their mother dying on this day.
"Alex you okay"
"I'm fucking peachy", Alex said
I clicked the stop button on the elevator and turned Alex so she would look at me.
"Alex what's wrong"
"Nothing", Alex said
"Alex there's something wrong with you. You don't celebrate your birthday you leave and do whatever and since your eyes are puffy then you have been crying. You make like throw up, trash and sweat at the same time"
"Okay", Alex said and shrugged.
"Stop yelling I have a headache", Alex said and yawned.
Awww! She looks so cute when she's sleepy. Wait I have to be mad.
"Okay but why were you out all day"
"Can we talk about this in the morning", Alex said and pushed the button.
The elevator started back moving and dinged. I followed Alex off and we walked into her house/penthouse. I locked the door behind Alex and I looked Alex. She was taking off her shirt.
"Alex what are you doing"
"Getting undressed", Alex said taking off her pants.
I ran over towards her and held her hands. I looked up at her and I know my face went red. I'm looking at Alex and she has a black lace bra on.
"Go upstairs and take off your pants"
"Why can't I take them off here", Alex said
"Because I'm standing right here"
"Okay then look away", Alex said
I turned around and heard a loud thud.
"Fuck", Alex yelled
I looked back and she was sitting on the floor with her pants around her ankles. She was wearing some Calvin Klein boxers for girls.
"Why is your face red", Alex said
"Umm I er uh"
Damnit I'm tongue tied.
"Turn back around", Alex said and I did as she said.
I heard some rustling from behind me and then some footsteps going upstairs. I turned back around to see the 2nd floor lighted and her clothes on the floor. I mean all of them her underwear and bra included. Did she just strip behind me and go upstairs? I picked up her clothes and heard a door close. Okay, that means it's cool to go upstairs. I walked upstairs and my phone rang. I answered it and tossed Alex's clothes in her basket with the others.
"Hello Ashton here"
"Where are you", I know that voice it's mom.
Ugh! I walked downstairs and sat down in the kitchen after I turned on the lights.
"With a friend"
"What friend I called them and they said your not with them. Don't lie to me Ashton Stewart", Mom said
"I am with a friend mom"679Please respect copyright.PENANARRJaAQmFvC
"Come home now", Mom said
"I can't I check and make sure sh-their fine"
She can't know I'm over a girl's house Alex's place.
"Were you about to say she's fine", Mom said
I can't lie to my mom.
"Awww my little ashy has a crush", Mom said
"Shut it mom"
"Hey you can leave now", I heard Alex said
I took the phone away from my ear and turned around to see Alex in some boxers and a black cami.
"Okay just let me finish this call"
"That cool with me", Alex said and walked upstairs.
I put the phone back to my ear to hear my mom whispering to somebody. I bet it's my sister or brother.
"Mom I'm back"
"Your sister wants to talk to you", mom said
"Ashy has a crush. What is she like?", Kayla said
"She's cool, nice, sexy, cute, rude at times, mean at times, tough and funny"
"No I mean what does she look like", Kayla said
"Oh she had brown curly hair, fair skin, tall but not taller than me, strong but not stronger than me and has a baby face"
"Sounds like she's cute", Kayla said
"She is"
"History bad or good", Kayla said
"You won't tell mom or dad"
If she tells dad he'll find out everything about her since he's a policeman.
"Promise", Kayla said
"Okay she has been to jail plenty of times"
"You get a badass girlfriend. Smart or dumb", Kayla said
"Very smart gets straight A's but has a bad record"
"Smart, strong, bad, cute and rude then I want to meet her. Take off school today and bring her here. Mom wants to and mom may or may not have told dad about her"
"Alright but tell them she's just a friend and not my girlfriend please love you bye"679Please respect copyright.PENANAVzOsDgAtrR
"See ya and don't tell her about seeing us I want it to be a surprise", Kayla said and I hung up.679Please respect copyright.PENANAIdYK6DIOf3
I put my phone in my pocket and walked upstairs to see Alex laying in the bed looking at a picture.
"Hey Alex"679Please respect copyright.PENANApHHZ8p51rm
She put the picture up and looked at me.
"Yeah", Alex said
"I wanted to ask you if you'll ride with me today around 2"
"Sure just come by and pick me up. You can go home", Alex said
"Okay night Alex see you later"
"Night", Alex said
I turned off her lights and ran out the building into my car driving home. This is going to be a long afternoon.