Ashton's POV
I just finished texting Alex. We're sitting in the kitchen and I'm sitting the farthest away from everybody.
"Where's your girlfriend", Kayla said
"She's not my girlfriend"
I wish she was, though.
"I don't approve of her", Dad said
"Oh Gil let the boy have his girlfriend", Mom said
"I don't like her bad reputation", Dad said
"But she makes straight A's", Mom said
"She's cute and tall too", Kayla said
"Sarcastic too and I don't like that", Dad said
"Hey stop talking about Alex"
"She can hold a gun and by the looks of it and from how she shook my hand she works out or fights", Dad said
"Dad promise me that you won't look at her record"
"I can't make that promise", Dad said
"When did she start drinking her eyes can tell that she has been", Dad said
"Had her first drink at 7 or 6"
"What the hell your never seeing her again. I don't want her in my house", Dad said
I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.
"I like Alex no I love Alex and you can't change that. You can't stop me from seeing her and I don't give a fuck about your opinion"
"Go to your room", Dad said
"Hell no I'm going to spend the rest of my day with Alex and you guys and if you don't like it then you can fucking leave"
"I'm done with this shit. I can't stand under the same roof as a disrespectful son and his disrespectful as girlfriend. I'm a cop you should show at least some type of respect to us", Dad said
"The thing about Alex is that she doesn't like cops, hospitals or anything to do with the government. She's not from a wealthy family she's from London and lost her mom at a young age and had family issues since then so if she comes off as rude then it's not her fault. She turned to a life of crime at 7 the same night her mom died"
I didn't mean to say all of Alex's family but he needs to understand just because you're a cop doesn't mean anything.
"Her mom died I didn't know. I thought she just moved out since she lived on her own", Kayla said
"Enough with this argument Gil if you don't put on a fake smile once Alex comes through that door then your sleeping in your car tonight. So everybody calm the hell down and shut the hell up", Mom yelled
"Sorry mom"
"Sorry honey", Dad said
"I didn't do anything", Kayla said
Then the door rang. Yay Alex is here. I ran towards the door and opened it. Alex was standing there with her bag on her back and she had an earpiece in her ear. I guess whoever was talking was saying something that's making Alex blush. Because right now her face is red.
"Alex you okay"
"Yeah but shut the hell up Alexander about that. It's not true", Alex said and saying the rest in her earpiece.
"Alex come on"
"Oh sorry for leaving I forgot to finish a job", Alex said walking past me.
I closed the door and we walked into the kitchen. Once he saw her he got up and felt. Alex stood in his path blocking him from leaving.
"I don't like you disrespecting me and if you have something to say to me say it to me face right fucking now", Alex said looking up at him.
She's tall be not taller than my dad. I can't believe she said that. My mouth, Kayla's mouth and my mom's mouth was hanging open.
"Who the hell are you talking to", Dad said
"Yo ass. I don't like people disrespecting me behind my back if you have something to fucking say then say is right now to my face", Alex said
"Move out the fucking way", Dad said pushing Alex.
I guess that ticked her off. She pushed him back but with more force he stumbled back a little.
"I will say this again I don't like people disrespecting me behind my back if you have something to say it to my fucking face", Alex said
My dad walked up towards her about to throw a punch but she caught it. I ran and stood in between them.
"Dad go and Alex calm down"
My dad pushed past us and walked out the house slamming the door. Alex just brushed it off and my mom cleared her throat.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to make your husband leave. I just don't really like people disrespecting me", Alex said
"It's okay he was going to leave anyway", Mom said still surprised.
"Okay just trying to make sure", Alex said
I turned to look at my sister and the door bell rang.
"I'll get it", Kayla said running towards the door.
"Cammy", I heard Kayla yell followed by whispering.
Yay now Cam is home. They both came walking in and Cam dropped the books he was holding once he saw Alex.
"Ash can I speak with you in private", Cam said
"Sure", I said following him into the living room.
"Who's the hottie standing in the kitchen", Cam said
"That's my future girlfriend so keep your hands off"
"I'll try but how no, where did you meet her", Cam said
"She's hot as fuck. I bet dad disapproved", Cam said
"Yeah but for a different reason"
"Then she's smart I bet she funny. I don't know if I can keep my hands or eyes off of her", Cam said
"What happened to your back", I heard mom yell.
I ran into the kitchen and they were staring at her back. She must have been telling them about her tattoos. Kayla was reaching her hand to touch her scars and I ran and pushed her out the way.
"What was that for", Kayla yelled
"Don't touch her scars"
"Why", Kayla said
"Because they remind her of bad things so no touching her back", I whispered in her ear.
"Oh sorry Alex", Kayla said
Cam came walking in staring at Alex.
"I'm Cam you can call my Cammy though", Cam said sticking out his hand.
"Alex", Alex said shaking his hand.
"Kayla come with me we're going to start cooking for the dinner Cam go do your homework and Alex and Ashy you can sit in the living room", Mom said and Alex was following me into the living room.
"I'm bored", Alex said tossing her bag on the floor.
"Let's play a game"
'What game", Alex said
"On the Xbox how about Forza Horizon 2, I bet I can beat you"
"I want to see you try", Alex said while I was turning on the Xbox.
I tossed her a remote and started the race. Alex came and sat down next to me on the floor. I bumped into her car and knocked her off track.
"Asshole", Alex said and bumped my shoulder.
I looked at her face and she was smiling and happy for once.
"Ha", Alex yelled
I looked back at the screen and I'm in last place now.
Alex kept bumping me and making me crash. I pushed her again and got first place. I dropped the remote.
"First place baby", I said standing up.
"You fucking cheated", Alex said
"Did not"
"Did too", Alex said
"Did not"
"Did too", Alex said and pushed me.
I tripped on the remote and fell on the floor. Alex started laughing and fell on the floor laughing. I crawled over towards her and pinned her down. She was still laughing with her beautiful smile on her face and pretty white teeth. I love it when she smiles and her shirt was starting to raise up. I couldn't help myself I grinded a little on her and started kissing her down her neck. Her laughter died down and she started moaning softly.
"Hey, what's going on in here". I heard Cam say.
Ugh. He just had to ruin my fun. I got up off of Alex and sat up in front of her. Her face was red as hell and she buried her face in my chest. Aww someone's embarrassed. She's so cute when she's like this or tired.
"Like I said before what's going on here", Cam said
"We were just playing"
"That's not playing I'm telling mom", Cam said
"Don't you dare"
"I'm telling mom", Cam said running into the kitchen.
I got up and jumped over the couch. I tackled him and turned him over. I held him down and Cam punched me in the face. I punched him in the stomach and the face.
"Hey stop fighting", I heard Alex yell.
Then Cam flipped us and started punching me repeatedly in the stomach. Then out of nowhere Alex pulled him off of me and threw Cam onto the floor.
"Stop fighting", Alex said
If there's one thing I know you never pull Cam out of a fight I don't know why but he gets mad if you do. Cam gave Alex that face you know that face when your mom finds it you got an F. Cam stood up and tackled Alex to the ground. I was about the help Alex out but I heard Cam give out a girlish scream.
"What's going on here", I heard my mom yell.
Then my mom screamed and then Kayla came running in and started screaming.
"Cam Jones Stewart get your ass off of Ashton's girlfriend", Mom yelled
But Cam kept punching Alex and then out of nowhere Alex flipped them and went mad dog. I call it 'mad dog' because it's when you are full of rage and go out of control. She was punching him repeatedly in the stomach hard you could hear the sound of her punching echoing the room.
I ran and pulled Alex off of him. Alex stood up and wiped the blood off the side of her mouth with her shirt. She showed her stomach and I tell you she had a six pack I mean I didn't know she worked out that much.
"I'm going home I can't take this shit anymore", Alex said and picked up her bag.
"I'll drop you off", I said and grabbed my keys off the table.
I ran out the front door after Alex and she was on the ground. My dad was on top of her punching her.
"Fuck", I yelled
"What did you just say", I heard my mom yell.
Shit, I left the door open. My mom came outside and now my mom is mad. She stomped over there towards him and started yelling but he wouldn't listen. Alex flipped him over her since she was still on the ground. Then grabbed his collar and held his head up. She kept punching him back down and kept pulling him back up by his collar. I knew this was going to happen after awhile but dad started it.
Then a car pulled up and honked the horn. Alex dropped him stood up she walked to the car and got in. The car drove off and I ran over to my dad to see if he was alright. He was still breathing just had a few cuts and bruises on his face.
"Mom help me get him up", I yelled
My mom ran over and helped me pick him up and we sort of dragged him into the house. We sat him up the chair in the kitchen and my mom ran and got the first-aid kit. I ran into the living room and dragged my brother into the kitchen and laid him on the floor. My mom handed me a rag and I started wiping off Cam's face.
"I don't like her", Mom said
"I don't care"
"Yes you should I don't like her she has beaten up your father and brother next thing you know it's going to be you, me or your sister", Mom said
"Alex would never lay her hands on you or Kayla or me"
"How do you know", Mom said
"Mom, Alex has a reason and I'm not going to say why because it's personal"
"What do you mean", Mom said
"'She doesn't like policemen that's why she did that to dad and because he tackled her and started punching her. She pulled Cam off of me to stop us from fighting and Cam tackled her and started punching him. They provoked her she was only protecting herself and me it's self-defense"
"Oh", Mom said and dad grunted.
"No it wasn't she attacked me first she came out of nowhere", Dad said
"Liar you attacked her"
"I won't have a disrespectful son under my roof get out", Dad yelled standing up.
"Then kick Cam out too", I yelled standing up.
I stood right in front of my dad.
"Leave get the fuck out now", Dad yelled