When I got inside and sat on the couch. Someone knocked on the door and when I opened it I saw the Storms at the door.
"How did you get here"
"The apple", Leon said. I stopped biting the apple and looked at it.
The stem of the apple had something blue sticking out. I pulled it out and it was a chip. How did I not see this?
"It's chipped", Jamie said so sweetly like it was not bad to chip somebody's apple.
"We wanted to make sure you were safe", Chris said
"You just let me take the apple I fucking hate all of you bloody bastards"
"No, you don't you're just saying that", Jamie said with almost teary eyes and sadness in her voice.
But for some reason, it didn't feel like cared.
"I'm sure if you wanted to know where I am you could have just called me or text me"
Right now I'm mad but I'm trying to keep it in. Trying not turn into a different Alex.
"Did you even think of that you all have my number", I said pointed at all of them.
"Actually no", Xander said scratching the back of his head.
"Fuck all of you"
I dropped the apple on the floor and slammed the door. I thought Xander and Leon were trusted friends I guess I was wrong. I walked into the garage and left them at the door.
"Alex what wrong you okay", Logan said. I continued walking ignoring him.
"Alex calm down it's okay", Sam said
As I was walking into the garage. I hopped on my 2015 Honda CTX700 and drove off not even giving them a glance. I was driving for about 2 hours until I saw a gas station. I need something to eat anyways and get some more gas. When I walked in I saw this man he looked so familiar but I don't remember. I can't just put my finger on it. I went and got some skittles and yellow Gatorade. I walked up to the cashier man.
"That we be $2.50 Alex", Cashier man said. Now I know who he is it's Kennedy. He was the guy I fought while I was walking down the street.
"Wait I know who you are now you Kennedy, right"
"Yeah the one that was supposed to win the fight", Kennedy said
I got a call from Sam and put it on speaker and told him to hold on. I sat it on the counter and started digging through my pockets for some change.
"Well here you go $2.50"
But instead of taking the money he stabbed me with the dagger in the hand. Then he tried to jump over the counter and his foot got caught on the edge of the counter. He then fell on me and pushed the dagger in more.
"Bloody bastard"
He started punching me in the stomach over and over again until I got tired of this. I pushed him into the candy rack and he knocked over the snack rack too. He got up and started running towards me. I got up a little too late cause he knocked me back down. I got thrown into the atm. I got up and groaned in pain.
I ran back towards him and kicked him in the stomach. Once he fell I started punching him in the stomach over and over again. Until he kicked me off of him and I landed on my back. I headbutted him and punched him in the temple and he passed out. Even though he was out cold I started punching him in the stomach.
"You done yet", Sam said sitting on the counter and eating my skittles. I walked over there to him and grabbed my phone.
Since he is out cold I guess I don't have to pay. I put my money back in my pocket.
"Yeah when did you get here"
"About 2 minutes ago you still haven't lost it yet", Sam said getting up and pulled the dagger out of my hand. I forgot that was there.
"Ok", I said while looking at myself in the camera of my phone. I had a black eye, bruise on my left cheek and a scratch on my forehead.
"Let's get you home before the police come", Sam said jumping off the counter up.
"What about my bike outside"
"I have the truck I will bring it to the garage", Sam said
I picked up my Gatorade and Sam gave me my skittles. We got into his Black 2015 Chevrolet Silverado SS and got in. He put the bike in the back of the truck and got in. He drove off and got a call. I started eating my skittles and started listening to Sam's phone call.
"Yeah....She's fine.....She'll be able to that.......Wednesday I thought it was on Sunday.....I gotta drop her off yeah...Bye", Sam said
I got out and left my trash in the truck. I know he'll clean it up
"Wait, Alex, before you go", Sam called out running towards me.
"Yeah", I yelled
"Take this", Sam said taking off his hoodie and I took it.
"No see ya you have to cover up those bruises and stab wound and put the hood on", Sam yelled out walking back to his truck.
"Okay well bye then", I said then Sam drove off. I walked to the door and put the hoodie on. And knocked on the door and I might not want to touch anything cause I have blood on my hand. The door finally opened after 5 minutes.
"Hey it's the girl", Chris said
"Move out the the way you bloody bastard"
"Thanks is that my new name now bloody bastard it has a nice ring to it", Chris said
"Move out the fucking way"
"No and what happened to your face", Chris said and I pulled him out the door. I closed the door and Chris stood there.
"We can talk about this tomorrow but I have to get in now"
"Why", Chris said
"I will explain later just let me get me get to a bathroom"
"Why again", Chris questioned
"I have been stabbed in my hand"
I started to walk in the door but Chris grabbed my hand. My bad hand and pulled my hand. He closed the door again.
"I don't believe you", Chris said
"My hand let go of it", I growled out.
He started squeezing my hand and I hissed loudly. I punched him in the stomach and he let go of my hand. He bent over holding his stomach and I started looking at my hand.
"It's a reflex"
"It's ok just help me inside so I can lay down", Chris said in a whisper.
I opened the door with my good hand and helped him inside. I closed the door and helped him to the couch. He laid down and was still holding his stomach. I sat down next to Chris.
"Go clean up your hand I'll be right here use my bathroom", Chris whispered
"Okay but do you have to talk like you're dying"
"Yeah I do and go before Leon and Jamie and the rest come they'll be here in about 25 minutes I think", Chris whispered
"Okay be right back" and got up.
I went upstairs and got some red plaid pajama shorts and white cami. I took a shower in Chris's bathroom and once I got out I wrapped up my hand. I found some bandages under his sink and put on of his hoodies out of his closet. I went back downstairs to find Chris trying to reach for the t.v. remote. I walked over and picked up the remote then sat down next to him on the loveseat.
"Hey Alex nice hoodie I have one just like that", Chris whispered
"This is your hoodie"
"Oh, That's why it smells like me", Chris whispered and I changed the telly to Breadwinners.
"Your voice your still whispering"
"After your death punch", Chris said whispered and sat up
"Not my fault it's a reflex"
"Really you sure you didn't want payback for when I lied to you", Chris whispered
"When I get injury and get hit in the same spot I hit the person that hit me"
"More like slowly kill", Chris muttered
"I heard that", I said and threw a pillow at his face. Then the Storms walked in talking in a yelling and they sound angry.
"Son who's that", Leon said
"Alex", Chris said
I guess he got his voice back finally. Then Leon started running towards me and picked me up into a big hug.
"Alex sorry about chipping the apple we just wanted to know where you went", Leon said in my ear. I hugged him back.
"All is forgotten" and that's what he thinks. Then he put me down and went over to Chris.
"So Chris what's wrong with you", Leon said pointing at his stomach.
"Nothing my stomach just hurts", Chris said looking at me. Then the rest of the family started walking in.
"So Alex wanna do something tomorrow", Jamie said
"Sure what is it we're going to be doing"
"Shopping and then something you enjoy", Jamie said
"So what you're saying is that I don't have to go to school, right"
"Yes and what you want to do has to not be life threatening", Jamie said
"Okay", I said
"Alex what are you thinking about", Jamie said looking at bit nervous.
I'm thinking about going street racing and maybe going to watch a few street fights. So nothing life threatening or if something comes up I'll go do that.
"It's a surprise sweet cheeks and don't look so nervous", I said and pinched her cheeks.
"I'm going to my room knock if you want something", I said and walked up the steps into my room.
I closed the door. I see my room is back to normal no game system and cleaned up. I took off the hoodie and threw it on my bed. I grabbed the album out my bag and took out the picture of my mum. I still wish she was here and laid down on the bed. I placed the picture on my nightstand and went to sleep.