Alex's POV
I opened my eyes after having this terrible dream about being in the grey room. I sat up and I think I shouldn't have now I have this headache. I held my head and looked after the room. I'm in my bar lounge how did I get in here. I stood up slowly and looked at the floor. There was beer bottles, vodka bottles, tequila bottles, and this broken bottle all over the floor.
I guess I'll have to clean this up later. What time is it? I walked downstairs into my bedroom and it's 7:43. How long was I out? I got to get to school. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I washed my hair and myself with some vanilla soap.
I got out and wrapped myself with a towel and I heard my phone rang. I opened the door and ran looking for my phone. I went upstairs and saw it on the floor under my bean bag chair. I answered it.
"Hey you doing okay Alex", Stew said
"Yeah just not feeling so good"
"Are you sick because if you are I'll come over", Stew rushed out.
"No. no I just got a headache", I said and started walking back downstairs into my bedroom.
I opened my closet and pulled out some clothes.
I was tying up my shoes and stuffed all my school books into my bag.
"Alex you still there", Stew said
"Uh yeah"
"After school you want to go somewhere with me", Stew said
"Sure where"
"Uh you'll find out when we get there", Stew said and hung up.
"Okay", I said to myself and put my bag on.
That's weird why would Stew hang up like that? I walked into the bathroom and took an aleve. I put my hand under the facet and drank some water. I turned off the water and rushed my teeth and hair. Then ran downstairs into the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed an apple. I grabbed my house and car keys off the counter.
I opened the house door and locked it behind me. I walked over to the elevator and got onto it. This lady got on the elevator too off of the 3rd floor and pushed the 4th floor button. She was just staring at the elevator door and she was holding a little boy's hand. The little boy was just staring at me.
"You're pretty", the little boy said and started to turn red.
"Thanks you're cute"
"Thank you", the little boy said and started hiding behind his mum's leg.
The elevator dinged and I got off and ran out to my car. I opened it and cranked it up. I closed the door and started to drive off to the school. I bit into my apple and sped off to the school. I stopped at this red light and my phone rang once again. I picked it up and answered it.
"You okay", Harry said
Why is everybody asking me this today?
"Why did something happened"
"A little but you don't remember anything about last night", Harry said
"Yeah I walked into the bar lounge and started drinking everything after that is a blur"
"Oh okay", Harry said
"What happened? Did something happen to me?"
"You hit your head but that's all you need to know. You should start to remember the rest before the day is over", Harry said
"Uh-huh yeah", I said and slammed on brakes.
This car just almost hit my 2016 Blue Audi R8 V10. Does this motherfucker know how to drive? The man was speeding down the street and almost hit the front of my car.
"Alex what just happened", Harry said
"Some motherfucker almost hit the front of my car"
"Alex that's not nice", Harry said
"That's not nice my ass"
I started back driving and turned the corner into the school parking lot. I parked my car in the back under this big ass tree. I turned off the car and got out. I took another bite into the apple and closed the door. I locked the door and threw my apple into the grass and walked up to the school.
I tried to open the door but it was locked. Really Mrs Ruiz are you fucking serious. I banged on the door and I saw Mrs Ruiz fast walking towards the door. She opened it and just had this mad look on her face.
"Why are you late", Mrs Ruiz said
"Woke up late"
"You've been drinking I can tell by your eyes they're blood shot red", Mrs Ruiz said
"They are", I said confused.
"Let's continue this conversation in my office with your brother and friends", Mrs Ruiz said
"Ugh not that motherfucker", I muttered
"What was that", Mrs Ruiz said and started walked off.
"I said 'ugh not that motherfucker' if you wanted to know"
I followed behind her into the main office. I walked behind her into her office and Mason, Harry and Alexander was sitting in the chair playing Subway Surfers on their phones. Mrs Ruiz sat behind her desk and they put their phones away and looked up at me. I sat down in the seat next to Mason and he was still looking at me
"Why you staring at me"
"What got a problem", Mason said
"Yeah you staring"
"Sorry to interrupt your brother sister argument but we're here to talk about Alex", Mrs Ruiz said
I turned and looked at her but Mason was still staring at me.
"Okay what I do"
"Nothing it's about your health", Mrs Ruiz said
"What you mean? I'm healthy and strong"
"No, not your physical health your mental health", Mrs Ruiz said
"I'm smart what else is there"
"You need to see your therapist", Mason said and I turned to look at him.
"What", I said and turned to look at Mason.
"You need to see your therapist", Mason repeated
"Alex I'm sorry but in the school's eyes from looking at you school, police and street record you're mental ill", Mrs Ruiz said
"But I'm not"
"So then tell me why were you drinking last night and having those dreams", Mason said
"I don't remember drinking as much as you think I did but I do remember drinking"
"Alex last night when Ashton called us he said you passed out and hit your head after drinking this liquid", Harry said
"Okay I pass out all the time after drinking a lot of alcohol"
"But you smoked too and usally you remember what happened that night", Harry said
"Okay I still haven't found my mustang after my birthday"
"But while you were passed out you were screaming and yelling and crying please tell us if that's not mentally ill", Alexander said
"It's not mentally ill"
"Alex it is and you need to see your therapist today or we'll enroll you into a mental place", Harry said
Really to them I'm that mentally ill to the point they have to threat me to make me go.
"Fine I'll go but you guys have to let me drive my own car to work"
"Deal and to make sure you go Aston will accompany you", Alexander said
"Also you think you could track down my mustang"
"Sure and see you later outside your therapist's office with Ashton", Harry said and stood up.
Alexander stood up too and so did I. We walked towards the door and after Alexander walked out Mrs Ruiz called my name.
"Alex sit back down", Mrs Ruiz yelled
"Damn", I muttered
Alexander started laughing and I turned around walking back into her office. Harry closed the door behind me and I sat back down.
"Alex from what your friend's said you've been drinking and smoking and that's not a model student at our school", Mrs Ruiz said
"I don't want to be a model student"
"Well everybody here is a model student and to make sure that you'll stay one well a good one you've have a student adviser", Mrs Ruiz said
"I'll call him in here", Mrs Ruiz said and I pulled out my phone.
I started playing Modern Combat 5 Blackout until my so called student adviser comes in. I was about to shoot the last man on the game and I heard the door open. I paused the game and looked back to see some guy standing there.
He was tall, had short blond hair, green eyes, and from the looks of it he looks sort of strong. He was wearing a black blazer, white t-shirt, some blue faded jeans and some black converse. He looked sort of cute but not better than Stew.
"Preston come sit and talk", Mrs Ruiz said
He closed the door and sat down in the chair next to me. I played my game and started back playing. I could feel Preston staring at me and I looked out the corner of my eye and he was.
"Preston you may or may not know Alex so introduce yourself", Mrs Ruiz said
"Hi my name's Preston Fisher I'm 18 years old and I like to cook and play games in my free time", Preston said
"Alex now you", Mrs Ruiz said
I looked up from my game and looked at her. She kept darting her eyes between me and Preston. I sighed and put my phone in pocket. I sat up straight and turned to look at Preston.
"You already know my name so there isn't very much to say"
"Alex introduce yourself", Mrs Ruiz said
"My name is Alex"
"Keep going", Mrs Ruiz said
"I have friends and a job"
"Keep going", Mrs Ruiz said
"I do things"
"Keep going", Mrs Ruiz said
"Keep going my ass what else do you want me to say"
"Say at least one personal thing", Mrs Ruiz said
"I'm an ex convict I've spend a fair of my life in jail over the years"
"Was that hard", Mrs Ruiz said
"Yeah very I think I pulled a muscle and strained my vocal cords"
"Alex he has all the same classes as you and will follow you around all day at school to be sure that you're good", Mrs Ruiz said
"Okay now can I go I'm missing someone"
"Yes you two may leave and go straight to class", Mrs Ruiz said and I stood up.
I picked up my bag and walked out the door with Preston following me. I walked to my locker and Preston cleared his throat. After I opened my locker I turned to look at him.
"So you served time for what", Preston said
"Many things armed robbery, hit and run, murder but a suspect and others", I said turning back to my locker.
I took out books for my classes and but the others in my bag away. I closed it and made my way to business class and once I knocked on the door Mr Otten was standing at the door.
"Why are you late", Mr Otten said
"Why are you leaving your class unattended"
"Go take your seats I can't deal with you right now", Mr Otten said
I walked into the classroom and the first person I saw was Stew staring at his laptop screen. I walked down the row and took a seat next to him. He looked at me and his face lit up.
"Alex you doing alright", Stew said
"Yeah I got this guy as a student adviser"
"Cool", Stew said and leaned over and kissed my cheek.
I pulled my laptop out my bag and business textbook. I turned on my laptop and started working on my cupcake business.
"Hey Alex", Stew said
"I was thinking when your free one of these night do you want to hang", Stew said
"Sure how about tomorrow night"
"Alright I'll come by your place around 7", Stew said
"Alex you're supposed to be working not talking", Preston said
"Your talking and not working"
"Because I'm trying to tell you not talk", Preston said
"Shush I'm trying to work you distracting me"
"Hey Alex want to go into business together because I'm not that good at projects", Stew said
"Sure why not"
He has a coffee shop and I have a cupcake place. It's perfect match.
"Sure so what's going to be the name"
"How about A's coffee & cupcakes", Stew said
"Alright and I see what you did there with the name since they both start with an 'A' that's nice"733Please respect copyright.PENANAQLTJ8NFOk6
This is going to be a long and boring school day.