Alex' POV
After hours of Preston bothering me and talking about how I should dress, talk and all the rest of that shit. I only have 10 minutes of school left and then I have to go see a therapist so I can drive myself tonight.
"Alex why are you packing up we have 10 minutes left", Preston said sitting directly next to me.
"Because I can and I have somewhere to go after this", I said zipping my bag closed with all my school stuff in it.
I pulled out my phone because Social Studies is the only class I don't have with Stew. I guess I'll text him.
Hey Stew -Me
Yeah babe -💕BF💕
You drove your car -Me
Yeah why -💕BF💕
Because Alexander and Harry said I got to go to thing they've been wantin me to go to -Me
Oh well let's take my car have yours picked up -💕BF💕
Alright -Me
Meet me by the front doors -💕BF💕
I looked to my left to see Preston staring at my screen.
"Hey mind your own business"
"Well that 'BF' of yours is pretty nice", Preston said
"Class is over you can leave now", Mr Kinsley said and I stood up.
I put my phone in my pocket and bag on then ran out the door. It's like I'm always the first one to leave that class. I slowed down once I got to my locker and opened it.
"Alex wait up stop running", Preston said
Not him again. I put my books up and slammed my locker closed. Preston was standing there breathing hard. This dude must haven't have worked out before.
"You left your homework", Preston said
"Oh yeah just slide that into my locker or give it to me tomorrow I got somewhere to go", I said walking off.
I walked out the main doors and once I did my lips connected with someone. I looked up to see Stew. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Alex P.D.A not on school grounds", I heard Preston said
Stew stepped away from me and bit his lip. I let my arms drop to my sides and Stew wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Really Preston school hours are over you don't have to follow me anymore"
"But your still on school grounds", Preston said glaring at Stew.
"Let's get going Alex", Stew said and we started walking towards his car.
"Alex wait", I heard Preston yell
I turned around and he gave me this folded piece of paper and then ran away. Weird. I put the paper in my back pocket and got into Stew's car. Stew got in and we drove off.
( One long car ride later )
"Alex you got to get out the car", Stew said standing on my side looking through the window.
I thought it was going to be easy but now that we're here I have second thoughts.
"Come on", Stew said
"You don't want to go to that place do you", Stew said
"Then come on I'll be there with you", Stew said
"How about this I'll let you drive on the way back to your place", Stew said
"Fine", I said and got out.
Stew locked the car so I wouldn't go back in it. He held my hand and we walked into the building and got on the elevator. Stew pushed the 7th floor button and still was holding my hand. The elevator dinged and was got off. We walked into the office and sat down. The place only had 2 people in it besides us.
"Alex everything is going to be fine", Stew said
"Yeah you aren't the one forced to come"
"Alex, Alex Jackson", I heard someone say
We both turned to see the lady about to walk back into the door.
"Aye I'll right here"
"Finally we've been waiting for you to come for years", the lady said and we stood up.
We followed her into this room and sat down on this couch across from this man.
"So you're the Alex I've been waiting for", the man said
He sound like that creepy guy in scary movies.
"Yeah guess so"
"I'm Dr Smith you therapist since I have never seen you and you're new to this. So what's your favorite color", Dr Smith said
"Forest green"
"Nice color. Who inspires you", Dr Smith said
"My mum, Harry and Alexander"
"Why do they inspire you", Dr Smith said
"Because", I trailed off
"Because what", Dr Smith said
"Because my reason is personal so I'm not saying it"
"That's what I'm here for for you to tell me personal things", Dr Smith said
"Not to lie or anything but I don't trust you at all"
"Well what if you write down how you feel", Dr Smith said and gave me a notebook.
I wrote in it and handed it back to him.
"Uh-huh yeah so you feel 'This is fucking stupid can I leave now' well to answer your question no. Tell me something personal and I will let you leave", Dr Smith said
"Well I love Stew"
"I can tell that something else", Dr Smith said
"Um give me the book", I said and held my hand out.
He handed me the book and I held the book and wrote:
I've killed many of people in my lifetime my first when I was 7 while being drunk don't make me add you to the other millions of people I've killed so don't ask me personal things ( point blank period )
in it so Stew couldn't see what I wrote. I closed it and gave it to Dr Smith. His eyes went wide and he closed it immediately and he looked a little uncomfortable.
"We'll continue this talk tomorrow and next time can you wait outside sir", Dr Smith said
"Sure okay", Stew said confused
"Your session is over see you tomorrow", Dr Smith said looking everywhere both at me.
"See ya", I said and we walked out his office.
Once we were outside the building and in his car he turned and looked at me.
"What did you write", Stew said
"That's classified"
"Alex I'm your boyfriend tell me you're supposed to tell me personal stuff", Stew said
"I know"
"Then tell me I know lots of things about you", Stew said
"Buy me some skittles and I'll tell"
"You got enough money to buy the whole fucking skittles corporation", Stew said
"Actually I don't I lost all my money in a bet...with Harry", I lied
"How what was the bet about", Stew said
"We were playing poker I was drunk we all were drunk I bet all my money now I'm broke so what about my skittles", I lied
I left my wallet at home actually. Plus Harry and Alexander put me on a fucking budget so I can only spend £250 a month and save the rest but at the same time I get almost £900 every 4 weeks.
"Fine", Stew said and started up the car.
He drove to the nearest corner store and ran out. Damn he must really want to know. I pulled out my phone and I guess I'll talk to Harry.
Hey Harry -Me
What Alex -Double H
O okay thats how you greet your best buddy o pal-Me
Hi Alex -Double H
That was so dry -Me
You went to the therapist -Double H
Yeah but he got uncomfortable at the end -Me
why no how what you say -Double H
"I didn't know which kind you want but I got every flavor", Stew said
"Thanks", I said and Stew handed me a bag full every flavor of skittles.
I was about to open the first pack but Stew took it out my hand.
"Tell me first", Stew said
"I don't know what you're talking about", I said folding my arms across my chest.
"Please", Stew begged
"What now you lost me after 'fine' say it again", Stew said
"I killed.."
"Uh-huh", Stew said
"Skittles you killed skittles", Stew said confused
"Give me skittles and I'll continue", I said and held my hand out.
"Fine", Stew muttered and gave me a bag of sour skittles.
I opened the bag and started eating them. I held the bag out to Stew and he shook his head. His lost and I put 6 of them in my mouth. It's so sour. Stew pulled out his took a picture of me.
"Stew", I yelled
"Continue and I'll delete it", Stew said
"Fine when I killed my first person I sort of was drinking with him before I did"
Stew started laughing.
"But I was drunk that day I was playing fubar with some people at the bar"
( Who those who don't know what fubar is it's a card game that includes Questions and I Never and you follow the commands that goings with each card )
"Can I ask what age", Stew said laughing
"7", I muttered
"Who let's a 7 year old into a bar and playing fubar with them", Stew said still laughing.
"People who think that I'm a midget and are already drunk"
"Here take your skittles I just got my laugh for that day", Stew said handed me the bag of skittles and started up the car.
"Shut up", I said and folded my arms angrily.
I looked out the window. I know this is being childish but I can't do anything in the car. I can't walk out or anything because we're on some street I don't know.
"Alex are you mad", Stew said
"Come on Alex don't be that way", Stew said and I saw my building pulling up.
"Alex please don't be this way", Stew begged and parked in the parking lot.
I opened the door and walked out. I walked up into the building and got onto the elevator. Stew followed me and got inside of it too. Stew stood in front of me and I just closed my eyes.
"Alex please I'm sorry I made in front of you", Stew said
Okay I can't stay mad at him but he doesn't know that.
"I really am I'm very sorry I'll do anything", Stew said and I almost started laughing.
"Alex either you talk to me or I'll do something", Stew said
Well then do something. Then out of nowhere I felt something warm on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Stew right in front of me and gasped. Stew slipped his tongue into my mouth and wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms made they're way to his neck and I leaned pushed us closer to deepen the kiss.
The elevator door opened and all I heard was a growl. I pulled away from Stew saw Harry, Alexander and Mason standing there with wide open eyes and mouths dropping to the floor. Mason was the only one without that face he had that angry face and was turning red.702Please respect copyright.PENANApgrF2FPWhj
He stomped over to us and pulled me out the elevator. He pushed the ground floor button and pulled me outside the elevator. He pushed me into my place and I tripped and fell onto the floor.
"What the hell", I yelled702Please respect copyright.PENANAJlGt9HkEha
"If you want to date someone then date someone I approve of", Mason said and my phone dinged.
I got a message. I pulled out my phone to see a message from Stew.
Babe what was that -💕BF💕702Please respect copyright.PENANAAIylD6Wl8e
Mason throwing a temper tantrum -Me702Please respect copyright.PENANAjyeUZdyk0d
I guess I'll see you 2morrow or later after you work -💕BF💕702Please respect copyright.PENANAfnaTDDfPqS
See ya love u -Me702Please respect copyright.PENANAiGXVdPEmxU
Love u more -💕BF💕702Please respect copyright.PENANA4pywjskFfq
"So now I'm throwing a temper tantrum", Mason said
"Aye back the fuck off my screen", I yelled and put my phone in my pocket.
"Alex you got an appointment in 25 minutes", Harry said
"For what"
"You have an appointment in 25 minutes so get ready", Harry said
"I'm a little on the confused side what appointment"702Please respect copyright.PENANA1tIFJNmEQX
"Just go get dressed so we can leave", Harry said
"Okay", I said and stood up.
I looked up a little to look at Mason to see him looking down at me.
"If I want you to look at my screen then I'll ask", I said and walked past him upstairs.702Please respect copyright.PENANAMp3KWqBJly