The last island was half a day's sailing behind you, and the aches of your latest battle were already beginning to settle and ease. With full bellies and nothing left to do for the evening, the crew had retired early to catch up on much-needed rest. Even Zoro, who often manned the crow's nest for watch at odd hours of the night, had elected instead to sleep away his newest wounds.
Only two souls remained awake aboard the Thousand Sunny as the distant sun dipped lower below the horizon, marking an end to the day. You squint against the saturated orange light, basking in the glow. Drinking in its warmth.
This is bliss.
A summer evening on the sea, rolling waves lulling your eyes ever closer to shut and let sleep take you. Gentle and coaxing, the wind brushed your exposed skin warmly as it passed. Subtle sensation along the curves of your breasts, like the phantom caress of an absent lover, harden your nipples further. Up to this point untouched and neglected, a shiver runs down your spine in response.
The barest shift of your hips upon Luffy's lap is enough to cause his cock to rub against your inner walls. Nothing more than a twitch, but to your aching, throbbing cunt, it was more than it had received in the last half hour. A strained little mewl leaves your lips, a sound Luffy ignores.
Despite the desire to feel his length fuck you with whatever energy your Captain had left, you refrain from seeking it. He makes no move to give you more. You're certain that the serene, content expression he'd held since bringing you to the top of the observation room and sinking you slowly onto his cock remained in place and untouched behind you.
Perhaps the fatigue from the island's battle had finally gotten to him. Or maybe he simply wanted to enjoy the sea on his ship. Such peaceful moods from the rubber man were rare, and if this was all he wanted, to take in the fading sunset with you clenching uselessly around his cock...well, you certainly wouldn't complain.
Heart up in your throat, your cunt throbs hard once more. Your thighs tense and relax multiple times from the feeling of fullness without the friction of repeated thrusts. Slow and shaky breaths is all you can do to keep yourself from outright bouncing upon his lap. This was a practice in self-control, a study in intimacy.
The world feels at a stand-still as you sit upon your lover's cock in heavenly silence, the soft swaying of the ship providing the only real sensation as the two of you rock in time to its movements. Given how long you'd sat there just watching the sky and soaking your Captain's cock as you climbed a torturously slow path to orgasm, your concept of time was skewed. It could have been minutes. It could have been hours It's beyond your care to guess. You only wish it wouldn't end.
The occasional stroke of your spine is the only attention Luffy seems to give you, softly trailing his fingers up and down the skin atop your vertebrae. More shivers, which in turn, makes you clench a little tighter around him. Yet still, your eyes watch the sun. Orange leads to nearly red, before it dips down completely from view and leaves nothing but the fading light behind.
You feel a hand at your shoulder, gently pulling you back to lay across Luffy's chest. You fold easily, slowly sinking back until he's draped his arms across your chest in a loose hug. The rise and falls of his torso as he breathes moves the cock within you just enough to make you bite your lip, holding back the whine that threatened to come out.
The Captain is silent as he breathes you in, hands eventually roaming up to idly touch your breasts. They pull and stroke in random patterns, almost absentminded intent. Dull pleasure pulses through you. Only ever pulses.
What was normally the scorching flames of fire, felt no more than the smoldering of dying embers. Just enough heat to glow, with the occasional pop of sparks. A satisfying sigh leaves your mouth.
Just beneath his breath, you hear a hum from behind your ear, and Luffy's head shifts a little closer behind you.
"Pirates get to see the best sunsets, huh Y/N?" Voice smoky and hoarse, signs that he was just as wound up as you. Another tiny shift of his hips has you hissing with need. He breathes out through his nose, perhaps trying to tamper down the rising pleasure that your cunt brings as it contracts with fluttering squeezes. "It feels really good like this."
You nod, out of words or the cognitive ability to think of any that might seem an appropriate response. This new angle has him pressing against your walls in a way that, even without thrusting motions, has your core coiling tighter and tighter.
It's impossible to calm your beating heart, your breaths coming out a little faster than before. You feel squeezed, filled from below, entire body tense. Just waiting for that edge to come and plunge over it. You feel weightless, but heavy all the same. It's a strange sensation to be floating in as you sit back against Luffy, eyes fluttering between closed and open to watch the sky darken further.
Some time later, when all traces of the sun have vanished, and the stars begin to dot the blackness above, Luffy's hands release their half-hearted playing with your breasts, and instead grip either side of your hips.
Two thrusts is all it takes, both shallow and barely more than a soft rut into your body. Your orgasm leaves you a shuddering, shaking mess upon his lap, eyes rolling back as you see more stars. It envelopes you from head to toe, the sensation of cumming so profound and yet so unremarkable. After so long on the edge, it's both a relief and a bit disappointing to finally release your pleasure.
In the haze of your come-down, it takes a moment to realize that Luffy too had reached his edge. His hands on your hips tighten, his steady breathing stuttering as he lets each pulse of cum spill into you. Luffy's soft panting accompanies the gentle whooshing of waves and whirling wind.
Despite the sun having set and night enveloping the Thousand Sunny, warmth permeates the air and your body, leaving you both content to lay there another long while. Even after his cock has softened and no longer pressed at your walls with exhilarating fullness, you remain in place upon his lap, fighting sleep to spend a bit more time just taking in the multitudes of stars above.