You weren’t sure how great an idea it was to get the main doctor of your crew obscenely drunk off his ass. And with that doctor being Trafalgar Law of all people? That was an especially dubious decision to make. Being so far below the surface meant there weren’t many threats to your safety other than sea kings, but that was besides the point.
Law was holding his own in Shachi’s drinking challenge much to the delight and entertainment of the rest of the crew, so far matching the redhead tankard for tankard. They must have been a good 7 or 8 deep by now, and he showed no sign of stopping yet.
To the encouragement of his subordinates, Law lifted the brand new tankard of alcohol to his lips, chugging it like a champ. Shachi’s cup thunked down onto the tabletop just a moment after his Captain’s and both men were grinning their challenge at one another.
He was in a surprisingly good mood. Enough so to even accept his friend’s challenge in the first place. You were all pleasantly surprised.
Two men holding barrels refilled the tankards, not caring that some splashed onto the table instead. Once they were out of the way, Law and Shachi chugged those down too. Another two thunks, and another refill on the way.
Shachi fell out of his chair by the 13th tankard, making Law the victor. The crew cheered his win, before all going back to their own celebrations in small groups.
Law rose unsteadily from his seat, and to your further surprise, collapsed onto the bench beside you. With a tired sigh, he leaned down until his head was in your lap.
“Captain? What are you-”
“Shh.” He insisted, and you went quiet after that.
Bewildered that the typically grumpy and stern captain was so easy and carefree–though you suspected the immense amount of alcohol in his system had something to do with it–you allowed him to adjust himself until he was more comfortably laying across the bench beside you.
Head still in your lap, his eyes were closed, and his mouth was tweaked up in a tiny smile. You’d never seen him so peaceful, now that you thought about it.
Letting him rest off the dizziness, you went back to observing the party. The crew hadn’t noticed him lay on you, too caught up in their own drinking and partying. A good thing, too, because otherwise they would have teased you mercilessly. Most if not all knew your feelings about the Captain. It wouldn’t do to have that spoken out loud in front of-
You blinked, startled, as you feel fingers trail up your neck. You look down, seeing Law looking up at you again, his expression still relaxed and content. The fact that you’d reacted to his touch didn’t prompt him to stop, and his tattooed fingers trailed up until he held your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
The silence persisted, the sounds of the party drowned out in whatever mood had settled between you. Law’s gaze traveled all over your features, as if memorizing them and committing them to memory. Your face felt hot, all of a sudden. Surely you were blushing.
“Always so stunning…” He muttered to himself, the awe in his eyes nearly making you cry. This man…was he intentionally getting you riled up? Did he know how you felt, or was this something he wouldn’t remember in the morning and would hope you forget entirely?
You didn’t want to forget the way he tenderly traced his fingers along your jaw, or the feeling of his rough palm against your cheek, thumb brushing your skin with such care. This…softness, was something you would hold close to your heart, even if you only got to see it for one night.
His gaze never left your face, but he began propping himself up on his elbows.
“Law…what are you doing?” You finally venture to ask, hearing your voice shake as you got the question out.
“Something I hope I remember in the morning.”
Before you can react, he presses his lips to yours. They taste heavily of alcohol, slowly moving against yours without coordination. It’s everything you’ve wanted…but you’re surprised when he abruptly ends it, pulling away with a frown.
“I shouldn’t have done that…”
For a moment your heart breaks, realizing that he didn’t feel the same way as you, and was instantly regretting it.
“Remind me to do that tomorrow, when I’m sober.”
You blinked, stunned. Had you heard that right? You’re frozen in place, and therefore don’t quite register the fact that he’s shifted to lay his head on your shoulder, settling into what you assumed to be a deep sleep. It seemed the alcohol had caught up with him.
Like a bastard, he’s fallen asleep before you can get him to explain what exactly he’d meant. Damn him. But damn you for being so excited come morning.