It was not often that Doflamingo called you to the thrones room directly. Even less so this late into the evening. But despite your concern that something was amiss or a swift punishment of some kind was waiting for you there, you heeded his summons and pushed through the large double doors into the long, rectangular room.
You spotted him sitting in the windowsill, fluffy coat for once missing from his back. His eccentric style was replaced with the simple cotton pants, glasses still in place on his face. The lenses turned to see as you entered. Blinking in surprise and swallowing back your fear, your feet brought you closer to where he sat.
“Y/N.” He greeted, the expression of deep thought he’d had before softening into something less severe. “Prompt, as always.”
“You called for me, of course I would come.”
There was no hesitation in your tone. As if the option of taking your time hadn’t even occurred to you. It had not. This was the man who’d raised you up from nothing, given you a home and clothes to wear and food to eat. Your savior and the man you’d devoted your life to supporting. If he told you to jump, you’d ask how high.
He nodded at your answer, head tilting to the side as he inspected your face. You stood, waiting for him to tell you why he’d called you so late at night into the room of suit thrones. They all sat empty, their owners gone to bed or out performing late night duties for the Heavenly Demon.
“If you could ask for anything in the world,” he began in a quiet voice with no less authority behind it, “what would you most wish for?”
Brows raised in surprise, you’re taken off guard by the question. But you know better than to ask why he wanted to know. It wasn’t for you to question, and frankly you didn’t care in the end. Instead, your eyes cast themselves to the side, thinking seriously on your answer.
“I would wish to remain here in the palace for the rest of my days.” You eventually decide, giving a soft smile. “I already have everything I could have wanted; a home, food, and a purpose to continue living. The promise of that remaining the same, a lifetime of that comfort, is the only thing I want.”
“What a humble answer.” He said. “You’ve been a dutiful member of this family for as long as I can remember. And I find it prudent to reward those who prove their loyalty to me. You’re certain?”
“Without doubt. Being here for you is reward enough for me.”
Doflamingo smiled, but it lacked the typical amusement you were used to seeing from him. There was something…softer around the edges about his demeanor that night you’d never seen.
Your eyes glanced down, spotting the wine glass on the ground just under where he sat on the windowsill. Perhaps the drinking had something to do with it. You weren’t sure, nor would you ask.
“Come here, Y/N.” He said, one of his hands raising and beckoning you closer.
You did as told, heart beating a bit faster as you did. It was difficult to keep your yearning in check when he asked you so close like this. The man you admired, paying attention to you? Be still, your indulgent heart.
Your eyes cast down respectfully, but you nearly jumped when you felt his fingers lift your chin up, demanding your attention. You stare into your own reflection in his curved shades, eyes flicking back and forth, wondering what he was possibly thinking about.
The position put your faces oh so close, and you were certain the intense attention from him was causing you to blush. It was difficult to breathe in the space he allowed in between the both of you, but you knew the proximity would fuel your dreams for the rest of your life.
“Anything at all, Y/N. That’s what I’m offering.” He whispered, and you could feel his breath against your lips. His thumb lifted and tugged at your bottom lip, as if suggesting what he wanted you to say. “Ask and it shall be yours.”
“I…” You dared not take his devilish offer. You shouldn’t. But the willpower to resist what your heart had always desired shattered within seconds, and your gaze lowered down to his own lips just inches from yours. “I want…a kiss.”
His mouth swept in to claim yours, dominating and hungry. You moaned your delight into the kiss, committing everything about this moment to memory, should this prove to be nothing more than the Young Master’s spontaneous whim while a little too tipsy.
He tastes faintly of the wine he’d partaken in–perhaps this was a mistake, just maybe–but you ignored it in favor of trying to keep up with him. Whatever may happen after this was something you’d deal with once morning came.