Sabo let out a long sigh, pulling up the collar of his trench coat. It was late, it was raining, and he’d run out of cigarettes. What a day.
Worst of all, he suspected his partner had no intention of showing up to the scene of the crime. Poor bastard was no doubt sauced at the nearest bar, or having it out with his wife again about who knew what inconsequential thing he’d forgotten to do. Which left Sabo in the unfortunate situation of going this one alone, on a rainy Friday evening when he could have finally had a night in for once. Typical.
No rest for the wicked.
Finally giving up the wait, the blonde detective pushed away from his car and headed towards the jewelry store his boss had sent him to check out. A single lamp’s light illuminated the entrance. The place was unremarkable, and he wondered why it had been the target of such a crime. Well, there was certainly enough criminals waiting in the wings. It didn’t matter where you were in this city.
He entered the establishment, a bell tinkling above him to announce his arrival. It was small, but well-kept and clean. Sabo was glad to be out of the mirky drizzle, and made his way to the counter where an elderly gentleman stood behind tending.
“Are you the owner of this fine establishment?” Sabo asked, knowing the answer before he’d received it. As expected, the man gave a distressed nod.
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m Detective Sabo, you gave our precinct a call earlier to report a robbery.”
“I most certainly did.”
“Why don’t you tell me what happened?”
“Owned this place 14 years. Never once had a problem with thieves or criminals, or the like. You can imagine my horror when I discovered one of the most valuable sets of jewels missing from its display.” He said, gesturing to the glass displays where many of his wares could be seen. They glittered and glinted off the lights inside, clearly meant to show them off as best he could.
Sabo wandered closer to where one cushion sat empty. The red velvet had certainly housed fine pieces not long ago. Sabo stood, reaching into his pocket for his notebook. Already details were jumping out at him.
“No broken glass…was the display unlocked?”
“Is that typical?”
His head shook emphatically. “No, I make sure to keep things secure.”
Sabo took that down. The man’s expression thus far didn’t lead him to believe he was lying. No discrepancies thus far, and he didn’t see any point in the old man stealing from his own stock. Insurance fraud, perhaps? Not likely, but he wouldn’t completely disregard the possibility.
“When did you notice them missing?”
“Just before I made the call. I go through daily to polish the pieces, make sure they look their best.” He looked down at the empty stand, shaking his head sadly.
Sabo frowned. His words didn’t add up, and the blonde gave the shop owner a raised brow. “It’s late, sir. Your hours of operation are clearly posted outside. You mean to tell me you’ve been open for 10 hours and only now noticed the theft?”
“Normally that’d be the case, but we weren’t open today, on account of my poor health. My son wasn’t here to oversee the store’s operation, either.” He explained, reaching up to rub at his head. After a moment, he reached behind him for the stool that was behind the counter, taking a seat with a groan. “I’m not as young as I used to be, and I’ll admit my eyesight has seen better days. That’s all I can say, son.”
“Hmm.” This would only make his job more difficult. “Your son? Where is he now?”
“At home. And there’s no use suspecting him. My family wouldn’t do this to me.”
“I’ll let our investigation decide that.” He said curtly, writing all relevant information he could think of on his notepad. So far, the best lead he had was the son, though in a case like this, he wondered what a motive would be. He looked back up to the owner. “Do you have a photograph of the stolen jewelry?”
“Yes, one moment.” He said, rising from his chair and going off to a back room.
Sabo looked around the place for any other signs of things…out of place. But as hard as he tried, he couldn’t see a hair out of place, a scrap of clothing or evidence as far as he could tell. This robber had come and gone like the wind, like a shadow in the night. This man was good, whoever he was.
The owner emerged from the back room, placing a picture onto the counter for Sabo to see. “It’s a Tiffany’s set, only 8 of it’s kind produced.”
Sabo gave a low whistle, eyeing the details. The golden necklace encrusted with pearls and gemstones matched with the fanciful ring and brooch pieces. Together, they were quite the sight. A woman would count herself lucky to wear them. They were beautiful. And valuable.
Sabo dragged the picture closer to him, clear indicating he desired to take it. “If you don’t mind…”
“Go right ahead. If it helps you find my missing jewelry, all the better.”
Folding the picture twice over, he tucked the photo into his breast pocket, taking one last quick look around at the place. “Is there anyone you could think of who could have done this, sir?”
“No one comes to mind.” He said with a shrug. “I have good customers, frequent customers, and they’re all lovely people. There’s no other possibility but it being a random job, I’m telling you. I don’t have any enemies.”
“Are you certain of that?”
“Yes, Detective, I’m sure.” He griped, clearly getting upset at these assumptions.
“Who would you say is your most frequent customer? Perhaps they may know someone who could have done this, or noticed something off.” Sabo decided to rephrase.
“Well, that would be Y/N.” The shop owner says, rubbing at his chin in thought. “Dame’s a singer at Club Dragon on the other side of town. One of the high-end nightclubs. She comes to me for all her finery.”
Sabo checked his watch, then peered back up at the shop owner. “Would I find Miss Y/N at the club about now?”
“Most likely. She works most nights.”
“I’ll pay the lady a visit, then.” Sabo concluded, figuring he’d learned all he could for now. The shop owner didn’t seem to be able to provide any further information.
Club Dragon. A dimly-lit den of music, singing, and the alcohol that had just barely been made legal again. There were dozens of bars like it all over the city, but Sabo had to admit this one had a flair of elegance that many lacked. Classy, sleek, and that wasn’t even mentioning the patrons.
The blonde swept his gaze around the room, noting the ritz and glitz of the dresses, glasses, and intentions that surrounded him. He skirted half-lidded gazes from smoking dames sitting at the bar. A few couples slow-danced on the open floor, and he was mindful not to get in their way as he casually navigated to an open seat at the bar.
He slid into the stool, leaning forward and pretending to take an intrigued look around the place and even going so far as to order a drink, but he was only here for one thing.
“…At least consider our romance.” You sang from your raised stage, smooth voice heard clear and beautiful through the standing microphone before you. “If you should take the word of others you’ve heard…I haven’t a chance.”
You shimmery black dress caught his attention and held it, even if you hadn’t been the person he’d been seeking out. You were alive on the stage, gaze soft and seductive as you looked out over the club’s patrons. You were truly in your element, and Sabo had to admit you were definitely born to be a singer.
His drink arrived, but he didn’t even realize it, so captivated by your song.
“True, I’ve been seen with someone new.” You went on, your gaze sliding past him, before coming back to settle on him. And the smile you gave him, perhaps recognizing a new person in the crowd come to pay you attention, or because you saw something different in him he wouldn’t be able to guess. “But does that mean that I’m untrue?
"When we’re apart…the words in my heart, reveal how I feel about you.” Your gloved hands come up to steady the mic, and you lean into it with closed eyes. “Some kiss may cloud my memory…”
Sabo watched, eyes riveted on your performance as he waited for the song to finish. It was one he hadn’t heard before, but it was truly beautiful. Just as beautiful as you. The shop owner hadn’t mentioned what a sight he’d see when he finally laid his eyes upon you.
“And other arms may hold a thrill.” You say, your own arms wrapping gently around themselves. “But please do nothing till you hear it from me…And baby you never will.”
The song came to a close, the band behind you ending the song with a flourish, and those listening clapped their appreciation of your skill. Sabo joins in as well, impressed with your ability. His eyes are riveted on you as you take a small bow and smile in that demure way that you do.
He surprised, however, when you descend the stage’s small steps and make your way over to the bar. Perhaps your set was done for the night.
It’s a packed bar, and the only empty seat just so happens to be right beside his own. What luck, he thinks, recalling with a start that for a moment, he’d completely forgotten why he was there to begin with. He clears his throat, just before you came to stand at his side.
“Is this seat taken?”
Sabo shook his head, gesturing to it. “By all means.”
Again, that smile of yours catches his eye. So beautiful. More stunning than the dress or the fancy jewelry that adorns your neck and hands.
Jewelry. Yes. The theft, that’s right. He was here on business, not pleasure. He opens his mouth to speak, already reaching for the notebook in his back pocket, but you beat him to the punch.
“I haven’t seen you in the bar before.” You say, gesturing to the bartender for your drink, before glancing Sabo’s direction. “Are you new in town?”
“No, just, uh…never got around to seeing this place for myself.” He says, feeling dumber as the seconds ticked by. How had he lost all composure so quickly? He wasn’t used to not having the upper hand here.
“I’m Y/N. I hope you enjoyed the music.” You say, extending your hand for him to kiss the knuckle. He does so, trying not to let the action weigh too much in his headspace.
“Ahem…” He cleared his throat once more, finally bringing his note book out and placing it on the bar top. “I did enjoy it, actually, but I’m here for more than just the drinks and music-”
“I’m afraid this club doesn’t provide that sort of entertainment, sir.” You say, grin giving away your joke. He huffs a small laugh in response.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” He continued, reaching into his breast pocket and unfolding the photo the shop owner had given him. He tapped the photo with one finger. “I’m Detective Sabo with the WGPD. I’m investigating the theft of this set of jewels from the shop on Cocoyasi Avenue, a place I know you’re intimately familiar with.”
“I am. It’s the only place I purchase my jewels.” You say, eyes searching the photo with a careful eye. “I’ve seen this piece before. It’s the Tiffany set, right?”
“Mmm, so you recognize it?” He asked, already clueing in on your words and body language. You’re surprisingly calm, though, if you were the thief. You give no outward signs of nervousness or discomfort.
“I do.” Your eyes trace the many jewels that comprise the necklace. “It’s one I’ve always had my eye on, but it’s his most expensive set. It’s a considerable investment, and I’m frugal with my money. He knows how much I love it. He even promised to hold it for me until I could make a final decision.”
“Seems like the two of you are well acquainted.” Sabo prodded, writing this new information in his notebook. He didn’t miss your amused smile at the action from the corner of his eye. “He claimed you were his best customer.”
“I’m…a loyal patron.” You say, and leave it at that. Hmm. Interesting.
“I have to ask, considering you’re close to the victim of this crime.” He preluded, just in case you thought to start getting offended by his accusations, but of course, your gentle smile and calm expression never waned. You looked so incredibly amused by this whole debacle as you sipped slowly at your cocktail. “Where were you last night after 10 pm?”
You set your glass down on the counter and shift in your stool, getting comfortable. “Here, finishing my last set. At midnight, I walked home to my flat on Skypeia Boulevard.”
“What time did you arrive home?”
“It’s about a 10 minute walk.”
“Hmm.” More notes. “And your whereabouts this morning?”
“I woke up around 8, then met with my mother at 11 for brunch. The little cafe on 16th? You know the one?” You say, leaning just that little bit closer to him in your chair. He couldn’t stop the way his eyes caressed your curves in the dress. “I ran several errands, groceries and whatnot until 2, before returning home. Then to the club after that at 6, where I’ll remain for another hour.”
“You’re very thorough, Miss Y/N.”
“Anything to help you and your investigation.” You say pleasantly, placing a gloved hand atop his on the bar top. “The shop owner is someone important to me. I hope you’re able to bring whoever did this awful thing to him to justice.”
“That’s what I do.” Sabo said with a reassuring smile, deciding not to move his hand out from under yours. He liked the feeling of your fingers atop his. Cloaked in your satin gloves, they were soft and delicate. “You needn’t worry.”
“I don’t. Something about you makes me feel like I can trust what you say.”
“Is that so?”
“Most definitely.”
There’s a quiet that settles between you as the band continues to play their soft jazz in the background, providing mood music for the club in between your songs. You can’t help but look away from each other.
“I still have one last set to do for the night.” You say, hand slowly trailing up his hand and arm, until you brush under his chin in an intimate gesture that he wasn’t expecting. But it wasn’t a bad thing. The touch was thrilling, he had to admit. “I know the city never sleeps, a detective’s job is never done, but surely you could stick around and listen to a few more songs?”
Sabo knew it was late. Much later than he intended to be out and about. Not half an hour ago he’d been lamenting his luck in getting picked to be put on this beat. But now, he was glad his partner had never showed up and that he’d found his way here.
“Another few songs can’t hurt.” He says, reaching over to the drink that had up until now been left forgotten. “I’d love to hear your lovely voice again.”
You both take a sip of your own drinks, before setting them down on the counter. You stand, your hand squeezing his shoulder in another intimate gesture, and flashing him that smile that now seemed all the more seductive. “Enjoy the show.”
“I appreciate you offering to walk me home, detective.” You say, wrapped in his jacket to keep away the chill. Your shoes click against the cold concrete beneath your feet on the sidewalk, the lamp posts guiding your way. “Though I am capable of getting there myself, you know.”
“I don’t doubt you could.” Sabo says, careful not to pull you along too fast with your arm looped through his. “But in a city like this, I would be remiss to leave a dame like you out on her own. I know all too well the things that can happen to beautiful women in the dark, lonely streets.”
“Then, all the better you accompany me, I suppose.”
It’s a companionable silence that settles in between you on your way. Sabo felt the gentle buzz of his drinks in his veins, bolstering his courage without leaving him completely sauced. He blamed the alcohol for the many lecherous thoughts now plaguing his head.
You looked a dream, and he couldn’t help but wonder how your skin felt beneath his fingers, and how that beautiful voice of your could sing in other ways, in gasp and moans and higher octaves…
“Here we are.” You say, interrupting his thoughts, releasing his arm and stepping forward to the door. You reach for your key and unlock it, turning to smile at him again. “You’ve been delightful company tonight, detective.”
“As have you, Y/N.”
“You know…the night is still young, and I have a lovely bottle of red I’ve been saving for a special occasion.” You elude, hand reaching up to trail down the sleeve of his jacket. “If you’ve nowhere to be-”
“Are you inviting me in?”
“If you’re willing.” Your hand finally slips into his, giving a gentle tug backwards as you open your door.
“I most certainly am.” Sabo says, eyes dropping to your lips as you pull him through the threshold of your doorway, shutting behind you both.
He should have seen this coming. Should have known that his gut instinct about this whole investigation was right. It typically was. And now, he had no choice but to admit that he’d shared a bed with the very thief he had been tasked with apprehending.
All his investigating had turned up traces to you. The brooch matching the Tiffany’s set that you’d sold, no doubt in order to purchase the plane ticket to Paris you had booked for the next morning. It all added up, but Sabo was strangely disappointed that his assumption was right.
A woman as beautiful as you, as elegant and soft and loving as you…he didn’t want it to be true.
But for a thief, and one who perhaps suspected that he was onto your guilt, he still found you at Club Dragon, singing your set late into the night for the patrons to hear. You wore just as stunning a dress as the one he’d seen you in that night, and the way you took up the stage was professional and seductive all in one.
Sabo managed to squeeze his way past the people dancing to sit at one of the few empty stools at the bar, making sure to pick a spot with a good view. There wouldn’t be any doubt you could see him. That was fine. He had a feeling you knew he’d be here, sooner or later.
And he was right. As you sang the words to your song, eyes sweeping the crowd as they had that first time, they lit upon him sitting there in the smoke and dimly-lit atmosphere.
He lifted the metal handcuffs he’d brought him with, giving them a gentle wiggle to make sure you saw them. And when you did notice their presence, your smile was no less stunning. You’d been caught, the jig was up, and yet you still stood there as if you’d be in Paris the next afternoon.
Without missing a beat, expression just as calm and serene as when you’d started, you finished the song to the clapping of the crowd.
Sabo checked his watch. A few more minutes left until midnight. You only had one last song left. He hoped it would be just as beautiful as the first he’d heard you sing.
Sabo got what he wanted, as the jazz band once more took up the song.
“I could show the world how to smile, I could be glad all of the while.” Your voice took up, eyes riveted on his all throughout. “I could change the grey skies to blues, if I had you.”
“I could leave the old days behind, leave all my pals, I’d never mind. I could start my life all anew, if I had you.”
Sabo smiled, relieved to hear your voice swell and swoop through the lyrics of your song. He leaned into the bar, letting the music take over, letting the memories of your short moments together burn themselves into his brain.
This case would be one to remember, for all the years to come. The beautiful Y/N, at Club Dragon, shining bright in the final moments of her swan song. Sabo knew, somehow, you’d be a woman he’d never forget.