Law was stressed. Rightfully so, you think, quietly observing the way his eyes flicked back and forth at some unseen picture in his head. He'd been sitting, hunched over, on the veranda of the home you'd all chosen as your hide-out. The countryside of Wano had plenty of ramshackle and abandoned houses to choose from, their owners mysteriously--and unfortunately--missing. It was better not to think about why.
He tried to keep it hidden. Tried, being the key word. But while any onlooker wouldn't be able to tell that his mind was racing with a billion thoughts, a million 'what ifs,' and thousands of nightmare scenarios of how this whole plan could go so wrong, you and Zoro knew better. And it didn't take long to pick up on it at all.
"I'm fine." He'd tell you, waving off your concern and going to get more food and water, perhaps. You all had to rely on him for that too, seeing as he was the only one capable of removing most of the contaminants from the water in the rivers, and the fish that swam in it. It wasn't easy, and took quite a toll on him stamina-wise, but you were all grateful for it.
For now, this was the reality. There was no telling when Luffy and crew would arrive from their detour to retrieve Sanji. While you still held worries about their own troubles, you knew Luffy would lead them to victory, one way or another. It was what he did.
In the interim, laying low and waiting for the rest of your allies to make their way to Wano stretched every minute to the limit. The danger of being found out was not lost on any of you, and it was easy to tell that Law was taking on the responsibility of staying undetected and keeping the plan viable to an insane degree. For...some reason.
You and Zoro, after a few concerned glances between one another, had decided to keep an eye on the pirate captain to make sure that he was actually as fine as he claimed. After all, you were all suffering from a lack of things to do--staying undercover meant that, for the most part, you spent all day doing nothing or attempting subtle information-gathering runs in the nearby villages.
With all of the down-time, it became clear early on that Law was struggling under the pressure. The cracks, subtle and small as they were, slowly began to eat away his laid-back facade. All that pressure with no relief, no outlet for getting it off his shoulders, was causing him to suffer.
Further pressing the fact that he needed to stop obsessing over the plan and Kaido and Wano was getting the both of you nowhere. Law was stubborn, sure, but even this was beyond his typical demeanor. And if he continued at this really did worry for his emotional and mental health.
You sigh, sitting in the grass picking idly at the blades beneath you. Zoro lays beside you, hands behind his head with his one good eye closed. The sun above keeps you warm, the wind cooling your skin when the rays threaten to make the temperature just that degree or two too hot.
Law is seated in his typical spot on the veranda, staring out at the sea with a concentrated and hard expression. He was turbulently going over the plan again, and you couldn't help but stare at him in frustration. He was going to think himself into an early grave at this rate...
"We could do something about him."
You're startled at the sound of Zoro's rumbling voice from beside you, and look down at the dozing swordsman in surprise. "What?"
"The idiot is too caught up in things to come. Stuck in his head, worrying. He needs something to get his mind off of the plan for once." He says, shifting in place before cracking open his eye to peer up at you. "If you ask me, he just needs to get laid."
You open your mouth, about to tell him that such a simple thing wouldn't fix the issue, but...well, he had a point. Nothing got all the tension out like a good, long round of sex. And hey, it wasn't like there was anything pressing getting in the way. Luffy was taking his time in getting to Wano, and information was something you could gather slowly but surely as the days wore on.
You glance back over at Law, pondering the idea seriously. Hell...why not? You could all use the opportunity to bring down the tension. You shift in place, trying to remember the last time you'd actually gotten some action. It had been a long time...
"You're right." You say, looking back to the green-haired man after accepting his idea. "Let's help him out, shall we?"
Zoro gives a grunt as he lifts himself up from the grass, wiping any stray strands from the back of his head. You both stand, making your way towards the veranda of the home, and towards your distracted and tense lover.
The poor man, it's worse than you thought. So caught up in his own head, Law doesn't immediately notice the two of you approach--which under normal circumstances would have quickly drawn his attention--and so is startled when Zoro reaches down to grab at the doctor's arm.
"Come on, inside.
"Oi, what's with you?" Law says instinctively, confused why the swordsman was trying to haul him to his feet like this.
"You need a serious distraction from all of your moping and thinking." Zoro says with a shrug, still pulling the doctor up by one arm. "And we allcould use a break."
"I'm fine." Was his predictable reply. He was still resisting, no doubt feeling like he couldn't rest until the plan was over and done, and this whole rebellion in Wano was successful.
You sigh, reaching forward to grab his other arm and help Zoro pull him up from where he was seated. "You need a break, Law. Even if you don't think you do. We've been been stuck here so long, just waiting and preparing. Give that head of yours a rest."
"Y/N, I'm-"
"They're right and you know it." Zoro follows up with a grunt. "Stop being stubborn."
"I'm the stubborn one? You should hear yourselves."
"Because you're being an idiot." You elect to say, shaking your head. "When's the last time you didn't think about Kaido or Wano or samurai?"
He's silent, and wavers a narrow-eyed stare at the two of you. You can practically sense the refusal he wants to voice. It's not a matter of not wantingto, you understand, but whether he believes he can afford to. A lot was riding on this plan working.
"We can't rest until this is over." He says, but does slowly stop resisting your encouraging hands, and stands up to his full height. Perhaps he had sensed that neither of you were willing to let this go, and decided to humor you for now. "Kaido isn't someone we can underestim-"
"Yeah, yeah. We'll kick Kaido's ass soon enough." Zoro dismisses with a wave of his hand. "Shut up and come inside."
Law grumbles the whole way, but allows the two of you to guide him inside of the abandoned house, straight to the bedroom. You'd find his pouting, mumbling discontent a little funny if you weren't so worried about his wellbeing. He could brood later. For now, you'd remind him that relaxing and unwinding wasn't a bad thing.
Once the door closes behind the three of you, Zoro is quick to rid himself of his yukata, the fabric crumpling to the floor in silence. When Law makes no move to undress himself, you step in, fingers undoing the ties that kept it securely around him. You hear him sigh, and you look into his face. It hurts a little to see just how much he is hesitant to let go of that pent-up tension, how tightly his grip on the stress of the plan was weighing on him.
Leaning forward, you catch his lips in a kiss, starting slow and soft to coax him away from the worries in his head. Initially, he's half-hearted in his response. But as Zoro takes over undressing three three of you, peeling off Law's Yukata with ease and tossing it on the floor beside his own, you feel him start to press into your lips a little more.
You're the next to be stripped, Law tugging at the tie to your clothing. Left only in your binder and panties, you shiver as his fingers trail down the plains of your stomach and then up towards the edge of the garment.
He pulls back to look at you, questioning, and when you give him a nod, he lifts the material over your head with a bit of assistance from you. The compressing material is tight, but after some wriggling and adjustments with your shoulders, Law is able to lift it free over your head and add it to the pile of clothing on the floor, leaving you completely open to his touch.
"She's a sight to see, isn't she?" Zoro mumbles as he leans in to lay soft bites at the top of Law's shoulders, causing the man to grunt at the unexpected yet pleasant pressure. "Right there, waiting, ready to make you feel good."
You appreciate the way Law trails his hand down your body, caressing the gift you are allowing him to feel and touch and hold, but this was supposed to be for him. "Let us take care of you." You say, reaffirming to him that this was all for his benefit, and that he should stop focusing on giving, giving, giving. He could sit back and let someone else do the thinking for now.
As his eyes gaze down the contours of your body, his hand gently falls away. There's still defiance in his gaze, but it's hidden as you watch his eyes close with content as Zoro's hand comes around to wrap around his exposed cock.
Your mouth seeks out the skin of his chest, tense with uncertainty and resistance, placing a variety of tender and passionate kisses along the lines of his tattoo. He shutters a breath, the combination of Zoro's ministrations down below and your own proving to be too much to hold back the sounds. You feel the small jerk of his hips as he instinctively seeks more from the slow hand job he was currently receiving.
Your tongue tastes his skin, over muscle and then around to his nipple. Sucking and nipping where you knew he'd feel it the most, he huffs at the unexpected spike of pleasure. And that movement is enough to kick Zoro into gear, his own cock untouched and standing at attention at Law's back.
He begins herding you to the bed, and Law is pushed unceremoniously onto his back, where he bounces a few times in place. He moves to sit up, but you're fast to stop him, climbing on top of his chest and keeping him down.
"Let me-"
"Relax, Law..." You hush him when he makes a noise of protest, once more feeling like he was giving nothing in return. And the look in your eyes made it clear that you weren't going to let him convince you otherwise. "We're here for you."
Slowly, you grind down, and he lifts his hips up to rub harder and multiply the friction. If he's still resisting, his body betrays him. His fingers latch onto your hips as he grits his teeth, guiding you as he liked on his erect cock. Perhaps the sensitivity of his cock was more convincing than your words, because after a few shallow breaths, he shook his head.
"You're always here for me." He murmurs in praise, slowly shaking away the resistance and lays back on the bed comfortably. You lift yourself, giving Zoro the opportunity to scoot the both of you back enough so he can kneel just behind you.
"About time you stopped worrying about everything else." Zoro grumbles.
His hand returns to Law's cock, resuming his steady pump once more, before you feel Zoro lining you up from behind. You let him slowly sink you down until you feel the tip of the head poke at your entrance, tantalizing the length that would be there soon enough.
"He's a big one, isn't he?"
You feel him squeeze your shoulder, asking if you were ready, and with an affirming nod, you ease down and let him fill you entirely. Law groans as your body envelopes and squeezes him, inch by inch, until your settle yourself back on his lap. And with a wiggle of your hips, you fully adjust to his size.
You set a slow starting pace, bracing your hands on his chest, feeling the way he dragged along your walls so well. His heartbeat beneath your fingers was rapid and hard. You hear yourself breathe out, caught off guard by how good it all felt so soon. "Fuck..."
"That's a good, Y/N." Zoro mutters in approval, lips placing a little kiss on your shoulder. His attention then turned to the male you were seated on. "How does it feel? Don't they take you so well, Law?"
"Perfectly." He breathes. "You're missing out."
"I'll get my piece soon enough." Zoro promises with a wicked grin. "Now, relax..."
"Oi, oi..." Some of that resistance shows up, as he narrows his eyes at the man behind you. "What are you up to, marimo?
"If you'll stop being stubborn for once, you'll see. And quit worrying. You'll enjoy it." He says, reaching down to spread Law's legs just a little wider, and then over to the table where a small bottle sat. Within moments you hear the soft sounds of him rubbing his own cock in preparation, the wet noises of the lubrication in addition.
You continued bouncing your hips over him, knowing the moment Zoro began to push into Law's hole with his cock. His brows furrowed, mouth opening as if to chastise the swordsman, upper half tensing as the first inch and then the second sunk inside. The green-haired man hissed and breathed through his nose as he entered.
And then he was fully sheathed, Zoro groaning out with relief as he felt Law's hole squeeze at his length. It's impossible to miss the blush of embarrassment or perhaps his own pride flushing all over the doctor's face as he gets used to Zoro's size.
"That really tight." He says in strain, a hint of awe in his tone.
As the swordsman drags himself back and then pushes in again, starting off slow so as not to cause injury or pain, Law can't contain the flustered whimper that escapes his mouth. Oh...
"I think...he's finally realizing the being a good boy." You say, never slowing your pace on his cock.
"Good. About time." Zoro grunts, slowly, slowly, increasing his pace as it became apparent Law could handle a little more.
You swear you feel him throb inside of you, so overwhelmed with the two distinctly different sensations happening at the same time. It was exhilarating, riding one lover while the other fucked the first just behind you. Zoro's barely audible grunts and groans against your ear was doing so many wonderful things to your insides.
You tried your best to match pace with Zoro's thrusts, making each rock of your hips amplify the other's. And it seemed to be working, if the increasingly strained noise that he tried so hard to muffle were anything to go by.
Law's shallow breathing, open mouthed and faraway-eyed expression, and the tight grip of his fingers around your hips, made it evident that he was quickly losing coherency as you both worked him over. Any stubbornness he had tried clinging onto was quickly fading as the pleasure took over.
"Just look at him." Zoro says darkly, huffing hotly from behind your ear. You can't help but shiver. "Finally letting himself go. You're just so good on his cock, Y/N, he can't even pretend to fight against it anymore. He's a stubborn bastard, but I bet he'll forget where he even is before we're done."
"You're..." Law swallowed past another groan, face flushed and struggling to compose itself. He couldn't believe he was this far gone so quickly, but getting double-teamed was...beyond compare. "You're both...just as s-stubborn. Hahh...fuck!"
His hips lift off the bed several inches, pushing his cock deeper inside of you and making you mewl, but in doing so also giving Zoro a new angle to enter him. Both of the men make noises of surprise as it hits him right in a place that makes his legs tremble intensely.
With a low growl, Zoro braces his knees for better leverage on the bed, adjusting his angle to hit that spot again, before suddenly quickening his pace. The room is punctuated with each hearty slap of his hips against Law's.
You make a valiant attempt to keep up, working your hips with as much speed as you can manage to give. But the off-pattern pace between you and Zoro is almost even more difficult to hold himself back from.
You're caught off guard as Law's hand reaches up to your neck, dragging you down so he can kiss you. It's sloppy, messy, uncoordinated and you manage to click your teeth together once. But you can tell he's pouring so much appreciation and unspoken praise into it. You groan, but he swallows the sound. Law shivers and strains beneath you, one hand reaching down to grasp the bed sheets in desperation. He was close...
Zoro senses it too, and ignoring the bead of sweat that drips down his forehead, he stretches one of Law's legs out just a little wider, opening him up just that extra inch more, which draws a long debauched moan from the doctor, forcing him to break away from your lip lock. His lack of control was mesmerizing. When was the last time he sounded like that, so ragged? So far gone?
All three of you are panting out heavy, but Law is the first to break. He gasps and strains, whole body tensing as it hits him in full, and you feel him empty himself deep inside with the most erotic expression. You have a front row seat, watching his facial features morph and change as it crashes over him.
Seeing him, hearing him, completely come undone is enough to push you over, wracking a shuttering wave of molten heat through you. You collapse on Law's chest, boneless and fatigued, with Zoro following you both only seconds behind, the clench and pressure of Law's body too much for the swordsman to resist his own orgasm.
It's hot. It's sticky. You all lie still against one another, letting the last vestiges of sex fade. Law's heartbeat against your ear is a heavy drum, fast and pounding. His cock still throbs within your body, and he twitches at the feeling of Zoro's own cock still deep inside of him.
As your breathing subsides, the exertion sinking deeper into your bones, you eventually come back to reality. Well, mostly.
Law remains beneath you, laying there with closed eyes and a heaving chest. And for the first time in weeks, he looks actually, completely content. Not the facade that he tried to maintain to get everyone to stop worrying about him, but true, genuine bliss.
"That was good." Law admits in a whisper, and you smile against his chest. "A good...distraction."
"Of course it was, idiot." Is Zoro's helpful response. "Hopefully you'll keep your head out of your ass and lighten up."
"Tch, speak for yourself." The pride began to seep back into Law's tone as he lay there, still trying his best to caught his breath. "Next time, you'll be the one taking my cock."