You swear never to wear heels again as you painfully stepped down the hotel’s long, stale-smelling hallway. Each press of your feet on the ground made you grimace, the nerves flaring to life like fire with each dull click on the thin carpet. The steady roll of your suitcase behind you seemed to echo around the empty hallway.
Still, it’s a relief to finally be so close to your destination after hours of waiting, flying on planes, standing around more airports for layovers, and navigating your way to your accommodations for the night. You’d quickly realized how confusing the streets of Montpellier could be to a non-resident, and only with the aid of your Maps app did you find the hotel in the first place.
Your eyes track the numbered plaques on the wall, counting up the room numbers until you reached room 345. You stop, fumbling with the small folded paper that held your keycard before managing to get it out. You slip it into the door’s reader, watching with a sigh as it lit up green. You pull the card and turn the handle, stepping into what would be your home for the next three nights.
Your heels are the first to go. With graceless kicks, you shuck them off close by the door and groan as your poor, aching feet are finally free from the awful fashion statements. You knew wearing them would have been a bad idea, but you also hadn’t been sure if you’d be seeing your business clients at the airport or not. Turned out to just be a big waste of time anyway…
You set your suitcase by the mini fridge and fall backwards onto the queen bed, bouncing on the soft yet stiff mattress. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever slept on, but it surely wasn’t as plush as the one at home. Ahh, you’d miss several things on this trip.
Speaking of…
You lift your hip, pulling your phone from the back pocket of your jeans and turn on the screen. It was already 1 AM back home. Was Kid still awake? You weren’t sure, but after over 14 hours of traveling, the only thing you wanted was to hear his voice.
Hoping he wouldn’t be mad at the late–or early–hour, you tap his contact and dial his number.
The dialer rings, then rings again. You rub at your eyes in exhaustion, wondering whether it would be worth the effort to find something to eat or just sleep the rest of the night to recover your energy for the next day. You’re about to reach for the ‘What’s Nearby’ brochure on the nightstand when the ringing suddenly stops-
“Hey, sorry…did I wake you up?” You ask, hearing the fatigue in his voice.
“Nah, been waiting up on you, actually.” He says, and you only half believe him. “Did you get in alright?”
“Yeah, just made it to the hotel.”
“So, how’s France?” He chuckles a little. “As fancy and scenic as they all say?”
“Well…not quite.” You lift yourself into a sitting position and slowly stand, doing your best to ignore the burning on the soles of your feet as you make your way to the window and look outside.
There really wasn’t much of a view. All you could see were trees and the storefront across the street. “I didn’t really get a good look today, but I’m sure when I head to the conference tomorrow I’ll see the better parts of the city.”
“Just don’t get lost.”
“I won’t!” You say, half offended that he had such little faith in you. “I have my Maps app for a reason.”
Kid only laughs on the other end of the phone. “You’re totally gonna get lost.”
“Hey, we’re thousands of miles away but I’ll call Killer and have him kick your ass for me.”
There’s a few moments of silence after you both laugh, and you make your way back over to the bed to lay down. You sigh and stretch your tired limbs. “I just hope this conference goes well…”
“It will. I’ve seen you prepare for this thing for weeks. There’s no way you won’t kill it.” Kid said confidently. You could just imagine his shrug and look of incredulity. “And if they don’t like it, then they’re idiots and clearly don’t know an expert when they see one.”
You can’t help but smile. His assuredness in your skill and expertise was bar none to anyone else you knew. Kid was your most vocal cheerleader, even if sometimes you felt like he touted your ability past what you were actually capable of sometimes. Still, the sentiment was really appreciated.
“You’ve got this.” He added.
You nodded to yourself. “I’ve got this.”
“Hell yeah you do.” You could practically hear his pleased smile.
You talked together for several more minutes, about the flights, and what he’d gotten up to that day while you’d been away. You only half paid attention, so focused on the soothing sound of his voice. You’d only been gone a day, but you sure did miss your boyfriend. There’d never been this sort of distance between you, in all the time you’d dated.
Kid must have heard the fatigue in your voice, and cleared his throat. “Should probably get going to bed, babe. Big day tomorrow.”
“Yeah…” Now that he’d said it, you didn’t want to hang up the phone. “I’ll call you tomorrow after its done?”
“I’ll stay up to hear from you.”
You couldn’t help the yawn. “Alright, well, get some sleep too.”
“Won’t be quite the same without you here. Guess I’ll just have to have some pleasant dreams of you to make up for it.”He said, a smirk behind every word. “Night, Y/N.”
You press the 'end call’ button on the screen and drop your arm to the bed, closing your eyes with a long sigh. You were hungry, but the pain in your feet and the exhaustion in your bones was too much to fight against.
After reluctantly getting out of bed to break into your suitcase of clothes, you changed into pajamas and settled in for the night, making sure to set an alarm for an hour or two before the conference started to give you plenty of time to prepare.
So caught up in preparing for the conference, you don’t get a chance to check your phone until just before you enter the event hall. Several unread messages are waiting, all from Kid. You smile as you read through them.
Don’t psych yourself out. You’ve practiced this a thousand times at home.
Killer says good luck too. He’ll take us to lunch when you get back to celebrate.
Go kick some asses and take some names, babe!
Thank you, baby <3
Putting away your phone and tightening the grip on your briefcase of materials you’d need for the presentation you’d be giving that afternoon, you climb the steps to the entrance, leaving your nervousness at the door.
You get back to your hotel room much later than you anticipated, on account of being taken out to dinner by your prospective clients and nearly getting lost on the way back. Of course, your drunken state didn’t help things either, but luckily one of the clients had enough wherewithal to assist you back to where you needed to go. There was nothing more dangerous than a drunk foreigner in a country they weren’t familiar with.
You stumble inside of your hotel, holding yourself up against the wall as you shuck away your shoes. You set your briefcase on the ground and chuckle to yourself. You feel so free, all of a sudden. With the important conference over and out of the way, the responsibility seems to lift from your shoulders and you feel elated in that moment.
It’s late, and you’re tired, so you remove your business attire and leave them in a pile on the floor. Perhaps it wasn’t the most sanitary–this wasn’t a five-star hotel and you didn’t know how clean the carpets actually were–but you were too drunk to care at the moment.
You collapse to the bed, wearing nothing but your underwear. You can feel yourself smiling, happy as could be after such a successful day. Everything had gone well, according to plan, and the presentation you’d given a resounding success.
You couldn’t wait to give Kid the good news.
God, you missed him. You wished so badly he was there to celebrate your job well done in person. It was a tradition to go to a fancy restaurant when something big happened at work, and while the place your coworkers had taken you to had been just the sort of place you would have gone, it was lacking a certain red-headed boyfriend. It just didn’t feel quite the same.
Thoughts of Kid made you reach for your phone, but the more he swirled around your drunken mind, the more lewd those thoughts became. Here you lay in your underwear, drunk and so very lonely. Whatever were you to do?
You bit your lip, practically hitting his contact with your eyes closed, you’d called him so many times it was muscle memory at this point. What would he say? What would you say? This wasn’t something you’d typically do, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
By the time he picks up, your fingers have already slid into your panties, slowly circling your clit.
“Hey, babe. How’d it go?” He asked, still sounding tired but not nearly as much as the night before. “Did they love it, or did they love it?”
“Oh, they loved it, all right…” You sigh, smiling a little wider at the sound of his voice. Your legs open just a bit wider, adjusting on the bed until you were in the perfect position to play with yourself. “All went perfectly.”
“Ha, I knew it would. You had that speech memorized front and back. There’s wasn’t any way it could have gone wrong.”
“Did you go out and celebrate there? You’re calling pretty late.” He remarked, no doubt looking at the time.
“Some clients took me to dinner, wanted to talk more business over some drinks…” You say in a hush, humming under your breath as your other hand puts Kid on speaker, before sliding down to slide your underwear off of your legs entirely. “I maybe drank a little too much…”
“You sound a little wasted for sure.” Kid said with a laugh, and you heard him adjusting the phone a little. “Too bad I didn’t come with, I would have liked to know what the French have in way of alcohol.”
“I wish you were here too.” You mutter, unable to keep the breathy little gasp from your voice as your fingers plunge into your wet entrance. “Miss you a lot-”
There’s several seconds of silence on the other end, before you hear Kid huff a little. “Babe…are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
“Mhmm.” You shut your mouth firm, loving the way your own fingers slide along the inside of your walls. It’s nothing like how Kid’s cock feels, but you can at least try to pretend.
You hear more shuffling on the other end, but you’re already in the midst of pleasuring yourself, pumping your fingers in and out of your cunt at a steady pace. You’re in no rush, happy to keep that dam at bay all night long if it means hearing Kid’s voice the whole time doing it. His voice was like music to your ears. Erotic, sexy music…
“Just couldn’t wait until you got back to see me again, could you?” He breathed into the phone, and you can tell he’s put you on speaker as well.
“Miss the way you touch me.” You mutter.
“You miss my fingers inside of you?” He asks, adopting that quiet, smooth tone you loved so much when he was in the mood.
“Yeah…wish they were yours.” You whine, lifting your hips a little at the unfairness of it all. Why couldn’t it be Kid touching you, teasing you with his rough, calloused hands? But he was so many miles away, and you were alone on this unfamiliar bed. You put greater effort into your pace. “Just not the same-”
“How many fingers?”
“Add one more and imagine it’s me.” He groans when you do as he says, making you moan a little out loud. “Mmm, that’s it babe, you like the way I feel, don’t you?”
“Yeah…like it…” Your sentences are getting shorter and less coherent the further things go. The stretch of three fingers gives you a taste of the sort of fullness Kid’s cock would have brought you, but it at least is closer in size to his own fingers. The stretch is a welcome sting.
“Just imagine…me touching you too.” You breathe out, laughing a little as he hisses in pleasure. The pumping of his cock in his hands is a little more pronounced now. He’s picked up his pace. “My fingers wrapped around you, rubbing you up and down. Just the way you like-”
“Fuck, Y/N…” He lets out a small breath, and you hope he’s stroking himself at the thought of you touching yourself to him as well. How are you positioned in his mind? Are you on your knees? Beside him on the bed? Your lust-filled curiosity gets the better of you.
“I’d lick the top as I pump you.” You continue, your thigh muscles beginning to twitch as you hit a place inside that’s just right. “Right on the head, then use my tongue to swirl around the head. And then I’d take you all in my mouth, as far down as I could go.”
Kid’s panting, breathing faster and coming out funny as you describe your fantasies. You’re soaking wet, the lust overflowing. Oh, you want that so badly, it only fuels your own fingers to go faster.
“You’d taste so good in my mouth-”
“Want more than your mouth, babe. Want that pretty, wet cunt of yours.” He groans, the exertion of his pumping hand punctuating each word. “What I wouldn’t give to fill you all the way with my cock-”
“All the way up…so tight and wet-”
“Want you inside me, baby…” You whine, squirming on the mattress as you switch from fingerpicking yourself to swirling your wet fingers around your aching clit. “Ahh…yes~!”
“Fuck, I’m close, babe-”
“Gonna cum~!” You cry out, legs shaking and tensing as your orgasm approaches at a rapid pace. Your hand is getting tired, but the promise of overwhelming pleasure is too good to stop now. “Baby, I’m…I’m gonna…”
“Let me hear you. Moan real loud for me.” He groaned, and you know he’s teetering right on the edge with you. “Fuck, you’re so good…”
“Kid~!” You beg, gasping and choking out a debauched moan as you cum in a shaking mess. The sensation of your climax leaves you panting, jittery, and overtaken by euphoria. You can feel the bed beneath you grow damp from your juice.
For a moment, you can’t seem to hear anything, your hearing going muffled in the wake of your orgasm. Until Kid’s muttered curse brings your attention to his stuttered groan, his own climax audible. He pants through each of the spurts you know his cock twitches with, perhaps staining his bed or splattering onto his own chest. You’re pleased with either scenario. The sound of him finding release is as much music to your ears as his erotic moans had been.
Your limbs feel heavy, and you both simply lay together on separate continents, panting as you caught your breaths again. You finally give a little laugh, dragging your phone closer to your face.
“As nice as that was…all I want now is the real thing.”
Kid hums on the other end, shuffling around once again. “Mmm, then let’s skip the fancy dinner this year and just spend the rest of the night fucking when you get back.”
“Won’t say no to that.” You say with a dreamy sigh. Missing your tradition just this once wouldn’t hurt, right? “I’ll call you in the morning, ok?”
“Heh, sweet dreams, babe.”