You know you're stalling. By now, you've wandered the immaculately clean hallways and empty bedrooms a dozen times over, eyes roving over all walls, floors, and surfaces for any imperfection that you'd missed the first time.
Perhaps unconsciously, you were seeking the one detail of the house that you simply couldn't live with, to make your decision easier. However, the longer you looked, the more the place endeared itself to you.
One final look at the master bedroom later, and you returned to where Katakuri was leaning against the kitchen's island. As you approached, he looked up to raise his brows.
"So...?" He presented, leaving the rest of the sentence hanging for you to fill in the unspoken question. He'd already told you he liked the place, and now it was just you that needed to come to some sort of conclusion.
You weren't sure why you had such cold feet on buying your first house--maybe it was the realization that once you signed your name, it would be incredibly difficult to move if you ended up hating it--but the crippling uncertainty made you double and triple check your reasons for liking it.
This was a big decision, your first house. You didn't want to leap headfirst into this unless you were absolutely sure you'd thought over everything first.
Katakuri waited patiently, knowing how much this decision weighed on you. If he was annoyed by how long it was taking, you couldn't tell. And he was rewarded several moments later by your slow, yet decisive, nod.
" it. A lot."
"Mhmm." You say, for the first time allowing yourself to really smile and enjoy the place for what it would be: your first house together. "I think...this is the one."
Katakuri stands from the island and comes over to wrap you in a comforting embrace. His steadfast nature and lack of fear for the future had always been your rock to cling to when you weren't sure of yourself. And once again, his warm hug was like a balm on your already frayed nerves.
"I think so too." You hear above you, causing you to squeeze him tighter.
"This will be our first house." You feel the need to vocalize, despite the fact you both knew as much. This was just such a monumental moment...the redundancy felt necessary for once. Hearing it aloud was important. It made it real.
"Want me to go get the realtor?" He whispers into your hair, and you nod. "Ok."
He pulls away, off to retrieve the realtor who'd been showing you the house, as you linger in the kitchen, brushing your fingers lovingly against the cold countertop surface. There was so much room, you'd have no problem making glorious feasts for both you, Katakuri, and even all of his family if they came down to visit.
You dared to feel excited for all the amazing memories and years together that were soon to come.
Buying the house was one thing. Moving into it was another.
You couldn't count a single person who actually enjoyed the moving process. Something was bound to go wrong somewhere in the middle of all of the chaos and confusion. And go wrong they did. Not, you felt the need to specify, on account of you or Katakuri.
Obviously you were very grateful that Katakuri's brothers and a few of his sisters had offered to help you pack and move all of your belongings to the newly-purchased house. Without their help, it never would have been finished in the single day that it took.
However, with them came the multitude of dents and even a few holes they'd left in the walls in their wake; Oven and Daifuku being the worst culprits. Either their spacial awareness of where they and the furniture they were carrying were was lacking, or they simply didn't care enough to check. Katakuri made sure you didn't see the worst of the damage. At least, right now.
You were certain a few of your kitchenware was broken and no one was willing to tell you quite yet--the sounds of glass and porcelain breaking in the distance wasn't easy to miss. There was never any evidence when you sought out the source of the break. Strange...
Not to mention, the few sisters that had come to help felt the need to offer unsolicited decorating advise, pointing to unpainted walls and telling you what color they should be, where to hang your pictures and paintings, etc, etc. They were very insistent that they were right.
The whole thing was a nightmare.
But by the end of the day, after the whirlwind of relatives came and went, leaving just you and Katakuri to arrange some of the mess that now existed in the bedrooms and kitchen and bathrooms, things were finally at peace. The place was quiet. Calm. And for once, you could breathe easy in the space of your new house.
Given the late hour, and your weariness from hauling all of the heavy boxes and furniture, neither of you were willing to spend the time or energy putting your bed together properly. The mattress was still propped against the wall, and the frame in its individual pieces beside it.
But the couch was comfy enough for one night of sleep, and you found yourself cuddled together on the cushion late that evening. Katakuri on his back, with you practically laying atop him, your head on his chest. Every breath beneath your ear brought you peace. The gentle illumination from the stars through the window was a sight you wouldn't forget.
Now that you weren't overwhelmed with the chaos of moving, you felt fine in asking, "How many plates and glasses did we lose?"
You felt more than heard his laugh beneath you, diaphragm shaking. "...I'll buy you new ones."
"That many?" You felt yourself smiling, even if you would miss the ones you'd had before. Looking back on the day now, you could laugh at your misfortune.
"I should have known not to put Daifuku in charge of them, but he could lift the heavy box." Katakuri stated, his thumb running up and down your arm. His head shifted to look down at you with a soft expression. "But hey, we're here. With most of our things intact."
"We knew we'd have to buy some things after moving in anyway. We'll add them to the list. What's another $50, right?"
You let out a long, tired sigh, cuddling closer into his chest to get more comfortable. "It still feels strange. It feels so surreal."
"What does?"
"Owning a house." You gesture with your hand around you. "All of this, ours. I don't think it's quite hit me yet."
"Well, when it does," Katakuri lifted his head enough to place a kiss at your forehead, before closing his eyes and leaning back into the couch, "we can celebrate together."
Each day, while Katakuri was away at work, you spent the next several weeks unpacking boxes, putting things away where they needed to go, and just generally cleaning up and organizing your new house.
It took longer than expected, given you apparently had more stuff than either you or Katakuri would have first thought. And, on top of the organization, you also fixed up the dented and punctured portions of the walls where your in-laws had damaged them.
There was a therapeutic quality to putting the house together to make it feel live-in and yours. As you watched it slowly come together, you felt truly like you and Katakuri had carved a place for yourselves somewhere in the world, a place all your own.
As you neared the end of unpacking, the one room in the house--the third bedroom that Katakuri had said you should include--was still painfully empty. You had no plans for it, at least right away.
You stood in the middle of the room one day, clutching your mug of tea as you took a break from unpacking. You gazed upon the blank walls, the empty floor, and wondered what might go in here.
Katakuri didn't need an at-home office. All of his work was done at the company building, and he never needed to bring anything home or take calls off the clock. You already had a guest bedroom down the hall, a place for Katakuri's relatives or your friends to stay, should they need it. A second guest bedroom seemed unnecessary.
The thought that pervaded your mind, pushing closer and closer to the surface made you blush. Set up with a small bookcase, a rocking chair and some other essentials, it would be the perfect size for a nursery.
You laid one hand over your stomach, almost longingly. The discussion of children with Katakuri had been so long ago, back before you were married, when you were getting to know one another and your plans for the future. Kids were on the table for both of you, soon did he mean?
You'd been married close to a year now, the best year of your life. But the realization that your family of two felt much too small came to full strength as you stood in the empty bedroom of your house. Your mind saw a crib, a toy box and bookshelf with a multitude of children's tales, complete with a rocking chair and changing station for your child.
The longer you daydreamed, the more clear it became. You wanted a baby. Surely that would make this house a true home.
When Katakuri came home that day from work, he could tell something was off about you.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked in concern, head tilting with a small frown on his face.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." You say, doing your best to cover any of your fluster. "Why do you ask?"
"You just seem a little antsy today."
"Hmm, maybe I'm just impatient to have all this unpacking done." You say, hoping he'll believe you. It seems he does, because he wraps you in those arms of his and gives you a kiss on your temple.
"Don't rush, we have all the time in the world to settle in. Slow down and relax for awhile. You've been working so hard for several weeks. You deserve a break." He says in a low, quiet tone, making you close your eyes.
And while you know usually having him hold you this way would calm your nerves, all you can think about is your belly round and him laying his hands upon it as he holds you from behind. Oh dear...
"I think...maybe I just need a shower." You say, placing a kiss on his lips and pulling away. You knew you needed to have the conversation, but not just as he's come home. He hadn't even undressed from his work clothes.
"I think I'll join you. If that's alright?" You nod, and he follows as you head to the bathroom. Your heart does a little flutter at his suggestion.
You turn on the shower, hands shaking with anticipation as you do, and it begins to steam behind the glass door. Coming back out, you reach down to the hem of your shirt, but Katakuri lays a hand on yours, closing the distance between you.
"Let me." He whispers an inch from your mouth, and you nod again. The sight of him so soft and tender makes you breathe funny.
With utmost care, he lifts your shirt from your body, revealing your skin underneath. He's slow and tender, and tosses the garment away towards the walk-in closet nearby. Where you shirt once covered, his hands begin to caress, making you gasp. But his lips claim yours and cover the sound, kissing you in a way that had you practically melting.
Your fingers are quick to undo his buttoned shirt, releasing them one by one until you pull back the fabric, gaining access to his muscled chest. Together, you pull the shirt off his frame, tossing it alongside yours somewhere on the floor. The longer you stand there, the more insistent your movements become.
It had been a long day for both of you, and the thought of him buried deep inside of you was all either of you could think about.
The shower is left forgotten for now. The slowly rising temperature from the hot steam makes you undress until you're both completely bare, skin pressed against skin in a way that you relish. This man made you breathless, in so many ways.
His cock, trapped against your stomach, twitches with need, and as you shift against him Katakuri stutters a breath. His lips release yours, trailing kisses along your jaw to your earlobe. Your nails scratch against his tattoo as he nibbles it gently.
"Forgot a condom, shit..." He mutters with realization, placing a kiss against your cheek. His groan is one of frustration rather than lust. "Don't wanna use one, though. I...Baby, I want to start a family..."
His admission catches you off guard, but the answer to your burning questions is laid before you. You give a little huffed laugh, smiling.
"That's ok." You admit, deciding that now was as good a time as ever to tell him what had been on your mind all day long. Heart still pounding, and your core still throbbing, you swallow thickly. "I want that too."
He blinks. "...You do?"
"Yes." You reach up to cradle his cheek. "I want to make this house a home, not just for you and me, but...our daughter or son, too."
"Why didn't you say anything before?" He asked, his eyes flicking across your face, as if you were only pulling his leg.
"I...don't know. It really just hit me today." You admit, eyes closing for a moment as he dips his face back into his neck, mouthing several wet kisses there. "I didn't know if you wanted to yet-"
"I've been waiting for you to say something, but I can't any longer." He says with a groan, hips pushing his erection against you tighter. "Just wanna see you all filled up."
"Fill me up, then." You say, feeding off the sudden desperation Katakuri is putting off. He's practically panting with need against your neck. "Put a baby in me, Kata."
His mouth returns to your in a crushing kiss, his hand buried in your hair as he pulls you closer. He moves as if you've just granted him the greatest wish of his life, and he's determined to act upon it now before he never gets another chance.
You're taken off guard as he suddenly pulls away, hands grabbing onto your hips and spinning you around. You brace your hands on the bathroom counter, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
"Watch." He instructs in a growl. You can only nod in dumb obedience, lifting your hips up as he lines himself up with your soaking wet entrance.
The combination of your gasps and groans echoes around the bathroom, Katakuri's cock sliding easily into your waiting heat. His hands on your hips keep you steady, and serve to pull you as far as you'll allow his cock to go. He's buried, hips flush with your plump ass, and he savors the sensation of your walls enveloping his shaft another moment, before he begins to move.
You bounce back and forth, using the counter as leverage to push back into each of his hard thrusts. Seeing the erotic sight of you both completely naked in the mirror, and the expression on Katakuri's face as he looks you over--as if he'll absolutely devour you given the chance--rips a moan from your throat.
One of his hands reaches in front of you to play with a nipple, tweaking and pinching it, to his delight earning him whiny moans from you. The double sensation of his cock and his hands is incredible.
"They'll be so big..." He mutters to himself. "So beautiful..."
He switches to giving your breast a squeeze. He kneads them, and you can't seem to look away from the way his hands work your body with such care and confidence. Katakuri's eyes were glued to your reflection in the mirror, marveling at your beauty, daydreaming of the way you'd look with a round belly.
"I'll give you as many kids as you want." He growls between his thrusts. "A big, giant family, all our own."
"Please, Kata~!" You cry out, gripping the surface like a vice. The steam from the shower makes it slick, and you're already sweating from the dense moisture in the air. "I want it!"
Your words only spur him on, and he finds the strength and stamina to fuck into you even faster. The force behind his hips nearly drives you into the counter, and it's only through pushing back against him that you stay standing where you are, back arching against the rising coil of pleasure in your belly.
There comes a point where you can't find any more words to speak, the lust boiling your blood and curling your toes, and urging you to gaze back at the man you loved so much in the mirror. You think you're pleading, begging without words to cum and to have him absolutely fill you to the brim with his own.
Katakuri sees your expression, completely caught off guard by the way you look at him. His head drops to your spine, and you feel his breath fan against your skin as he repeats your name over and over, like a prayer or a chant, as he fucks you deeper and harder.
The added sound of your name is enough to have you shaking and shuttering from orgasm, your muscles aching from holding yourself up. The raggedness of your voice shocks you, but you can't seem to focus on anything except the way he feels, still dragging his cock along your walls to guide you through the waves of pleasure.
Katakuri follows after, gasping as you clench tighter around him. You can only imagine the way his cum fills the entrance to your womb, coating it in milky white and all the love he could possibly give to you.
You feel lightheaded, and black blurs the edges of your vision. With his hands, he helps keep you standing. He stays buried in you, but leans forward to wrap his arms around your sweaty body.
It's unbearably hot in the bathroom, a combination of the excess steam from the still-running shower, and the exertion you'd both just spent. But even so, you dare not move, dare not have Katakuri pull out, until you're certain his cum makes it where it needs to go.
"I love you." You hear your husband breathe against your neck, a gently and chaste kiss following after. "And I look forward to the day we can welcome our baby home."