There were many things you loved about your mochi lover. His strength, his compassion, his devotion to you...The sense of comfort and safety he exuded and offered to you just by being who he was couldn't be understated. With his large physique, exceptional haki capabilities, and skill with his devil fruit, you couldn't be in safer hands.
Right now, however, you weren't sure whether to love or hate his foresight as you were teased and pleasured with those long fingers of his, inching closer to the precipice of your orgasm...It was right there. You could almost taste it. The nerves along your spine pulsed in preparation for the burst. You were coated in sweat, the room way too hot.
But Katakuri's eyes, riveted in wonder on your debauched and desperate expressions as you writhed under his touch, lit up red for the fifth time that night. Fuck...
You'd label him cruel if you didn't already know this whole thing had sort of been your idea to begin with. Curse your curiosity and big fat mouth.
You hear yourself whine in frustration, hips lifting to follow after his fingers that remove themselves from your swollen cunt. It's so hard to breathe, your body trying as desperately as you can to cum, your muscles tensing and clenching as your electrified nerves fizzled in disappointment. You'd been so close this close.
"Beautiful, Y/N..." He mutters, eyes dimming to their usual color and roving over your sweat-slicked body. "You're doing so well."
You can only moan out a reply, words beyond you this far into being edged. You felt like coil, wound way too tight, ready to snap or combust at any moment, and yet unable to. Katakuri's hands, only moments before working your cunt with precise and fast motions, now caress your thighs lovingly, amazed with the way they felt under his touch.
"I think you've earned another rest." He says, rubbing slow circles along your legs. They're innocent enough, but you can't help but quiver underneath him. "
You look up at him with desperation, torn between drawing this excruciatingly erotic session on longer at the risk of your sanity, or begging for him to finally give you what you want. After each time, he's looked to you for any sort of sign that you were ready to end it, but you'd shaken your head each time, determined to truly get the most out of this.
But the promise of relief was now too much to resist against, and your heart couldn't take any more, you decided.
"Don't...wanna rest." You squeak, an overwhelming mix of emotions causing tears to well up in your eyes. "Just wanna cum..."
You see the little twitch in Katakuri's mouth as he smiles, proud and content. He reaches over to wipe away the tear that you couldn't even feel along your cheek, seeping into the sweat on your face.
"You've worked so hard for it." He mumbles sweetly, finally leaning down to kiss your forehead. The tenderness makes your pussy throb painfully. "I won't deny you the release you deserve."
Another groan escapes you as his fingers squeeze your thighs, before his blessedly big fingers slide into your stimulated folds once more. Your whole body shivers as the pleasure resumes.
He starts you back slow, not wanting to rush you to an orgasm that was more pain than pleasure, instead taking his time so that you both savor this one final build-up. Your breaths are coming out in fast pants, too loud for you to hear most of whatever words Katakuri was murmuring. You suspected he was praising you, and the thought alone set your heart alight.
This time, when you rocked your hips to take his fingers in more, to increase the pressure his thumb applied to your clit, he didn't pull away. Rather, he moved his hand in tandem with your hips, ensuring each and every stroke was precisely where you wanted it to be. His attention to detail had you curling your toes.
The coil in your core tightened, already so close to snapping. Your eyes lifted to take in Katakuri's face, seeing the way he watched you, adored you, loved you with his eyes. This man would be the death of you.
The sudden hitch in pleasure made you gasp a choked sob, and upon hearing the sound, your lover switched gears, pressing harder into your clit, rubbing and circling tight circles that had you throwing your head back, seeing stars, keening, crying out-
You couldn't accurately describe just how hard your orgasm hit, entire body going tense, the blood rushing through your ears and drowning out all noise. You think you gush out all over his hand, but honestly past that point, your head is empty of everything other than relief like you've never felt before.
Your body sings in triumph, finally getting the sensation it had been begging for this whole time. Euphoria keeps you suspended for what you think is several minutes.
The come-down is slow, and when you become coherent enough to focus on where your eyes were pointed in the direction of, Katakuri's gentle expression is there to greet you. You feel calmer, in safe hands.
"I'm right here." He says reassuringly. "Are you ok?"
You barely possess the strength left to nod, but you do manage it. He smiles wider, smoothing down the sweaty hair that frames your face. This time, the tender gesture warms the love that fills where the lust had taken up moments before.
"I'm so proud of you."