From far in the distance you could see the cluster of small islands and the tall trees of the groves that comprised the island you'd set off to find not 2 weeks ago. The endless upwards stream of bubbles that was so unique made it appear warped and unclear from this far out. You couldn't help but stare, the smell of salt heavy on the early morning sea breeze.
You heard a pair of steps come up beside you, until the merchant who'd offered to ferry you here stood next to you to view your destination. Several seconds of silence went by, nothing but the rush of wind between you, before his eyes turn to you instead.
"Saobody Archipelago. Ever been here before?"
"Once." You say, leaving it at that with a tiny knowing smile.
"Hmm. Then, maybe you already know, but just watch yourself around those Celestials, and the pirates in the lawless zone. Saobody may look pretty, but the taste is awful bitter." He said with years of wisdom behind every word, finally giving the boat's railing a pat before turning away, leaving you to your musing in peace.
"I'll keep that in mind." You mutter.
Sailing into Saobody Archipelago's docks was...surreal. A dream. A moment you'd envisioned over and over ever since Luffy's message. A day that, truthfully, felt like it would never come. But here it was. And here you were, stepping your way past the merchant with a wave and a grateful nod.
5 steps away from the end of the wooden deck. Then 3. Until finally the soft grass of the grove beneath your boots made you pause, looking down at the incredibly green and moist lawn. Green. God, you'd no idea how much you missed that color until it was right in front of you.
2 years without it, 2 years of nothing but gray rock, jagged peaks, and the bleak windstorms of whatever godforsaken island Kuma had sent you off to. You press your foot further into the dirt, nearly amazed at the way it gave under the pressure. So soft and full of life. You have to resist stooping down to run your fingers through the soft blades.
A loud 'pop' of one of the rising bubbles snapped you out of your funk. You blink, taking a breath and straightening your posture, resuming your slow walk towards the direction of Grove 13.
Without meaning to, you realized your eyes scanned the surrounding buildings for signs of battle. Of course there were none left. Buildings were repaired, scorched grass replanted, All trace of the chaotic incident near the human auction house had been erased, as if it never happened at all. It was a silly thought, really. The world moved along just as it always did, with or without your crew there to experience it. You fingers tightened on the straps of your bag, and you moved on.
Shakky's Rip-Off Bar was just as shady-looking as it was 2 years before, but damn was it a sight for sore eyes. A wave of familiarity washed over you as you approached. You did your best to keep the excitement in check. There was no guarantee that the rest of the crew was here yet. Were you first? Were you last?
You didn't see anyone going in or coming out, which either meant it hadn't yet opened or business was still as scarce as ever. You figured telling Shakky to rename her establishment would be a waste of breath.
Opening the door, you step inside to the dimly-lit bar. You stop, eyes riveted on the back of a green head of hair leaning against the counter, three swords strapped around his red sash.
"Oh? Another already." You hear Shakky muse, a cigarette held loosely between her fingers. It would be appropriate to address her, but the moment your nakama turns around to see who had entered, all else seems to fall away.
"Zoro." You say, smile striking your expression.
You can't help but look over the swordsman with interest, seeing in all the ways 2 years had changed him. It was a daydream you'd often had, wondering what he had been up to all this time.
His hair was a little longer, more unkempt and wind-blown than you remembered it being. His muscle tone had increased, and along with it he'd accrued a new scar, obvious signs of the intense training he'd endured. He was hardened. Assured. Matured.
He'd gotten even more handsome, if it were at all possible. 2 years were suddenly unsure if the beginnings of whatever you'd had before would endure the long separation.
At the sound of his name, his one good eye widens a tiny degree, and the stern frown he'd had set in place lifts into that easy going smirk you knew so well. Seeing it again made your heart beat a little faster.
"Y/N." He says, taking the time to drift his eye over your figure as well. You don't think you've changed much, but the way his brow lifts half an inch leads you to believe that perhaps you had. But his smile never wavers, and you see only pride in his eyes. After all your hard work, you've impressed him.
"You two are the first to arrive." Rayleigh suddenly cut in from his seat at the bar. You reluctantly tore your eyes away from the swordsman and acknowledged the older man. "I imagine the others won't be far behind."
"No doubt you're excited to see everyone together again after all this time." Shakky said, eyes closing as she took a drag on her cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the corner of her mouth.
"Yeah." You say, catching Zoro's eye. You saw the same curiosity and excitement in them to see the rest of your crew mates again. "I wonder how much we've all changed over these 2 years."
"I'd advise you keep a low profile until you've all gathered." Rayleigh continued, swirling his drink in his glass with that lazy smile of his. "It might not be as exciting now as it was back then, but don't take that to mean it's entirely safe."
"Relax." Zoro gave an amused scoff, crossing his arms. "We'll be alright, old man."
Shakky reached down and lifted a bottle of liquor from behind the bar. "A drink to celebrate your arrival?"
You held up a hand to decline. "I'm alright. It's still early morning, and there are some things I need to pick up from the market before we depart."
"Suit yourself." She shrugged.
"Wanna tag along?" You ask your crew mate, sticking a thumb out behind you. "It shouldn't take long, and we can catch up along the way."
Zoro gave a noncommittal shrug.
You had to do a double-take, nearly tripping as the two of you walked through the streets lined with the various businesses and shops to purchase from. He kept his distance, a fact you were a little disappointed about.
Several people walking past you sent you strange and curious stares. You remembered too late that you were trying not to cause a scene and stir up trouble before the rest of the crew arrived. Clearing your throat, you switched to a much quieter tone of voice.
"You were sent to Dracule Mihawk's castle, the man you're supposed to defeat one day?"
"Mmm." Zoro hummed an affirmative, looking entirely bored yet still content despite that fact. "Got my ass kicked by a bunch of baboons, and then he shows up. Thought I was hallucinating at first."
"So...what happened?" You ask, now entirely invested in his story. You couldn't have imagined something so astounded would have happened. And...baboons? You weren't sure what that was supposed to mean, but the mention of the legendary swordsman kind of took priority over all else.
As if he hadn't just dropped a figurative bomb into the conversation, Zoro simply shrugged. "He trained me."
You blink several times. "Wow. Ok. That's...not what I was expecting. How did you manage to swing that?"
"I asked him to, and he said yes."
"As easy as that?"
"Well, he said no, first."
"God, Zoro, you're the worst at telling a story."
"You never said what happened to you. Where did you end up being sent?" He spoke up out of the blue, startling you as you were perusing the shelves of books. After 2 years with no access to books of any kind, you were eager to get your hands on something to pass the time away.
"Well, in comparison to meeting your rival and convincing them to train you, my story is so boring by comparison."
Arms crossed as he leans against the shelf next to you, a little more easy-going around you than earlier that morning, his head shakes. "I still wanna know."
"Fine, fine..." You say, grinning. "I landed on some bleak rock way out in South Blue. Barely any population except this stray Long Leg Tribe. They were nice enough to take me in.
"After I got Luffy's message, I asked for them to help me train."
"Did they?"
"Well, first the tribe leader told me I'd need to face against the strongest warrior they had. The result would determine if they'd let me stay."
"So, you won?" He took a guess, but you only laughed.
"Oh, much like you with those baboons, I got my ass handed to me. He wiped the floor with me in about 20 seconds." You smile, remembering that exact match with fondness. "I thought I had blown my chance, but the next thing I know they're telling me to rest up for drills the next morning."
"But you lost the match." Zoro pointed out in confusion.
"The leader told me later, that had I won, they would have nothing to teach me. By losing, I displayed how much further I had to go before being strong. So they felt pity and helped me in the end."
Zoro closed his eye and sighed. "Didn't think you'd lose..."
"He was strong, ok?"
After returning to Shakky's to see if any other members of the crew had arrived, the both of you left once more to find lodging later in the day. Without Luffy there, it didn't feel right returning to the Sunny just yet, but you did still need places to stay for the night.
"Sorry, I've only got one room left." The innkeeper announced with a sorry shrug. "There's a concert about 2 weeks from now, and a lot of travelers made reservations early. There aren't many available rooms on the island right now."
"Damn..." You chew on your nail, looking back towards the door of the inn, unsure what to do. But before you could make any sort of decision, Zoro stepped forward and made it for you.
"We'll take it."
You supposed it wasn't actually a problem. With two beds, you'd still retain a respectable distance, since he hadn't once mentioned your...attraction before your separation 2 years before. There was a good chance he no longer felt the same way.
That was all thrown out the window when you caught Zoro's eye, who only shrugged as if it wouldn't be any big deal to share a room together. But the underlying heat behind his gaze was...oh dear. You swallowed thickly, suddenly unable to look away.
One look and he had you swooning. If it were physically possible, you'd have melted into a puddle on the floor. Even after so much time apart, there were some things that never changed. His influence on you being one of them.
Was it hot in here? When did it get so hot in here?
"We'll take the room." Zoro repeated once it became apparent the innkeeper was waiting on some sort of confirmation, his eyes never straying from yours.
The innkeeper glance between you, but eventually did accept the beli you'd placed on the counter. They produced a door key, and pointed up the stairs. "Yours is up on the right, very end of the hall."
You crack a nervous smile. You weren't sure how fast the two of you were now moving, seeing as there was clear interest in rekindling the spark you'd shared 2 years ago.
"Well, at least it has two beds, right?"
"Ahem." The innkeeper coughed, suddenly looking sheepish. "There's...only one bed."
A heartbeat of silence. "Oh."
You both decided to eat at a close-by restaurant after securing your lodging, since neither of you possessed the cooking skills that Sanji did. And, with no kitchen currently accessible, you decided to splurge on a nice meal between you two.
You were feeling more antsy by the minute. Catching Zoro's eye only served to further heat your cheeks, especially when he kept looking at you with that intense interest. You thought you might combust if he kept at it.
Conversation was light, but infrequent as you ate your food. The underlying, charged tension that had settled between you was clouding everything else, but damn if you didn't put up a valiant attempt at casual behavior.
The sudden realization that it was just you and him on the entirety of Saobody Archipelago. With the rest of the crew not having arrived yet, there was no chance of one of them chancing across the two of you on what was in all definitions of the word, a date.
Without the overhanging threat of being barged-in on, interrupted, or rudely chased by Marines due to something stupid one of the crew managed to stir up trouble form, you felt...vulnerable, but courageous. Strangely enough.
"I missed you." You blurt out before you can stop the words. He pins you with that same stare that had you rubbing your thighs together under the table. "I missed everyone on the crew, of course, but most of all...I...missed you, Zoro."
He says nothing, and you can't stop more words from coming out.
"I wasn't sure if I'd ever see any of you again, until Luffy sent his message, and I just remember being so upset. There was still so much you and I never got to do together. There was still so much I had to tell you-"
"Then say it." He interrupts, his voice quiet and husky. "Whatever you wanted to say, back then. Say it now. I'm not going anywhere this time."
"I-" Your voice cracks, and you clear it with a shake of your head. Put on the spot, suddenly the words dry up in your mouth. You'd just been reunited. Was it the right time? "Umm..."
"I missed you too." He suddenly says, leaning across the table to grab your hand, the first touch since so long ago. You relish the feeling, and your heart feels light. "I thought of you often. I thought...about what I'd say to you when we met up again." You watch the peak of his tongue as he licks his lips. "About what I'"
"And?" You whisper, caught up in the way his thumb brushed the back of your hand. "What would you do?"
"I'd much rather show you than tell you."
You're certain the room couldn't get more electrically charged than it was, and even the approach of the waitress who'd been attending your table wasn't enough to dispel the desire brimming deep in your gut.
"Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked sweetly.
"The check."
You don't even make it to the room before his lips are crushing into yours. Pressed into the hallway's wall, a dozen feet from your destination, Zoro's heaving chest pressed into your, hands wandering your arms and torso to his heart's content.
Oh, this was so much better than all your dreams. 2 years without him. Without his touch. You were starved of the way his hands caressed and claimed your body as his. The way he practically lost control the moment he had you.
The kiss is so desperate, you're head is spinning and screaming for more. Your fingers drift up into his messy head of hair, gripping the strands and earning you a delicious-sounding groan from the swordsman. So long since you'd seen him lose composure like this. Too long. You didn't want to wait any longer to reap the rewards.
"Zoro-" You whimper, pulling away just long enough to say his name before his seek yours in another bruising kiss. He wasn't done.
You allow him to pull you back in, his hands settling on your waist as he grinds his hard erection into your pelvis. As if you weren't wet enough, you feel your cunt throb almost painfully. You could cry, with how intense your lust was for him in that very moment.
Perhaps lack of air is what causes him to pull away, giving you the moment you needed to tug on his green jacket sleeve. "The room."
You're both panting in the inches between your lips, his half-lidded eyes searching your face, uncomprehending. Again, you tug on his sleeve in the direction of your room, and finally he gets the message.
But instead of walking there, he surprises you by lifting you up by your legs, wrapping them tightly around his waist. Not missing a beat, his lips attach themselves to your neck and he makes his way towards the room.
Your back thumps into the wooden door, but Zoro doesn't stop the way he tongues and nips at the spot just under your jaw, humming his satisfaction as you wiggle just above his tented pants.
"The door..." You mutter through your cloud of lust.
"Key in your pocket." He growls, teeth gently scraping against your skin, and you whine out your frustration.
It takes several seconds of searching your pocket before you feel the key with your fingers. Pulling it out as one of Zoro's hands snake their way up under your shirt, you try several times to slot it into the keyhole.
The seconds feel tortuous, his fingers brushing your nipples over the cup of your bra. Your shaky hands try to steady as the tip of the key clinks against the knob a dozen times. Finally, finally, it slots into the hole and you twist your wrist to unlock the damn thing.
You snatch the door open, and Zoro kicks it closed with his foot as he steps through the threshold. Perhaps it's instinct that sends him in the right direction--a miracle in of itself--but you're instantly pressed into the softness of the bed.
Your legs unwrap from his waist, and then the two of you are staring at each other in a haze, chests heaving with anticipation. Air sizzling with heat, hands frantically yank at buttons and unlatch belts, shucking clothing as fast as you possibly can.
Zoro watches you with the eyes of a hunter, lips slowly curving up in a predatory smile. "So many things I'm gonna do to you..." He promises in a mutter, finally unwrapping the sash around his waist and baring himself fully to you.
Your naked limbs tangle together as he rejoins you on the bed, and you're pleasantly reminded of one very important thing about Zoro. He's a man of action, rather than words.