Your mother had always said you had angels watching over you. It was a sentiment she’d repeated all your life, nothing more than a polite platitude, a reason for your good fortune and continued luck. You weren’t very religious, but if it made her feel better to tell you so, you didn’t mind much.
So when she passed away, you felt it appropriate to remember and honor her through something she cared for deeply. A tattoo on your wrist, the symbol a design she had always associated with angels. You’d seen it in multiple tapestries hanging throughout her home, stitched into pillows, and even embroidered on small pieces of cloth.
In your worst moments of grief, touching the lines that inked your skin was a comfort. As if your mother was right there with you, guiding you forward with a smile and her usual words of encouragement. Angels are watching over you, my dear.
What you hadn’t expected was to begin seeing a man with wings everywhere you went.
Hanging around the edge of your vision, at first you thought it had just been a trick of the mind, a trick of the light. You’d blink and look again, but whatever you’d seen would be gone once you looked closer. It happened several times, seeing the same blonde hair over and over again, each time just too far away or through a small break in the crowd, but surely it meant something?
You tried searching online what it might mean, but nothing ever showed up that made sense. Maybe you were going crazy in your grief, maybe this was some stalker, but then what explained the wings?
One night, you finally were able to tell yourself that you weren’t crazy.
While grabbing a bowl and some milk to make yourself some cereal, you turned towards the windows of your 5th floor apartment, only to see the same blonde-haired man looking at you through the glass pane.
You gasped, then dropped the bowl in fright. Clutching the edge of the counter, you noticed the way his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, surprised at your reaction. You scrambled for your drawers with the knives, desperate for something to arm yourself with, when you were served an even more frightening realization. In the blink of an eye, he’d somehow managed to get into the apartment, wings and all, without making a sound.
“Get the hell out of my apartment!” You yelled, finally closing your fingers around the handle of a knife and wielding it in his direction. Your arms shook, but you did you best to keep calm. You’d never had this happen before. “Just get out!”
“Easy, Y/N! Easy now…It’s not what you think.” He said, holding up his hands in a calming gesture that just wasn’t doing much help. “I can explain-”
“How do you know my name?”
“I can explain that too! Just let me-”
“You…you have fucking wings!” You suddenly cry, mind trying to process what exactly you were seeing. You blinked rapidly, but they didn’t disappear, and all those times of seeing him before began to come to your mind. “What the hell are you?”
“I’m an angel!” He said, throwing in a hopeful smile for good measure. “Your guardian angel, in fact. But…I honestly wasn’t expecting you to be able to see me-”
“Angels? They’re real?”
“Of course! But, like I said, normally you can’t see us. We’re invisible to humans, or we’re supposed to be…” He said, scratching at his chin in thought. His eyes then drifted to your wrist, seeing your tattoo and peering closer. “Hmm…Maybe that has something to do with it.”
With a flap of his large, white wings, he was beside you in a second. You jumped, still keeping the knife between you. His face was serious, but he made no move to approach you further.
“Y/N…I know this is a lot to take in, but you can trust me.”
“Really? I’m supposed to just believe you?”
“No, well…yes, but…I understand that you’re panicking and…” He closed his eyes and lowered his head, rubbing at his temple with one hand. It was then that you noticed the halo floating just above his head, a barely visible golden line of faint light. Not quite as brilliant a light as you’d expect of a supposed angel.
He turned those brown eyes back to you, and somewhere deep inside you, a calming sensation began to come over you. In a matter of moments, your body felt at such ease. Mentally, your panicking only increased, but your limbs felt light and eventually the grip on the knife loosened, until you gently set it on the counter with a quiet clatter.
“How…did you do that?” You whisper, in awe and yet terrified of this man’s power.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Y/N.” He said in just as quiet a voice. Those eyes held such honesty and hope. “You’re my charge, the precious human I protect and watch over. So trust me when I say…you’re in no danger with me at your side.”
Something in you told you he was telling the truth. Hell, the very sight of his large, fluffy white wings should have told you everything you needed to know. With a tentative hand, you reached out and brushed a few of the feathers, seeing how they flexed under your touch.
He shuddered at the touch, and you pulled your hand back. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine, it…just feels nice, is all.” He said, flashing you a grateful smile. “I’m truthfully very happy that I get to actually…talk to you. I’ve watched over you for so long, but angels cannot interact with their charges.”
“Well…you’re welcome, I guess?”
He chuckled, fluttering his wings back into a comfortable position behind him. They were hard to look away from, but you tried your best not to stare. You didn’t want to be rude.
Now that your panic was subsiding, you walked over to your fridge and poured yourself a glass of water. The man watched you quietly, allowing you to have all the time you needed to process this new revelation. Taking a long sip from your cup, you take a deep breath and look at him again.
“What’s your name anyway? Or…do angels even have names?”
His smiled in amusement. “I do have a name, Y/N.”
“Well…what do I call you?”
“My name is Corazon.” He gave a little bow with his head, sweeping his hand to the side. “And I am at your service. Now that you know I’m around, feel free to ask for anything you need. I’ll hear you always, no matter if I’m near or far. Call my name and I will come.”
You nod, taking another drink to give you time to respond. This was all so much, but…truthfully, it all put you at such ease.
“So…mom was always right, I guess.” You shook your head, smiling sardonically. “Angels were always watching over me.”