The cold persisted. Rigid, day and night, no matter the season. It was weather felt bone-deep. You long ago gave up on counting how many days the global freeze had dragged on–your journal had run out of pages ages ago, and your pencil worn down to a nub, too small to properly handle. Kid had yet to find another one.
Even sat beside the fireplace set against the bedroom wall and wrapped in your warmest clothing also layered with the worn blankets and animal pelts made from your kills, it wasn’t enough. Appendages were always tingly and numb. How long had it been since you could properly flex your fingers without pain in your joints? Too long. It was only through the scant heat your own body could provide, trapped under the layers of fabric and hide, that prevented frostbite. But it was a daily battle. The possibility was always there.
Where was Kid? You glanced up at the clock which, despite all odds, was still working. You suppose the cold gave your electronics and battery-powered devices extra life. He’d promised to be back half an hour ago. It wasn’t usual for him to be late.
Setting your jaw, you carefully stand from your pile of blankets on the bed, making your way to the front window of the cabin you called home.
Through the mucky window pane, you gaze upon the snow-piled view. Of course. It was snowing. The several feet of snow that had already been present would only grow as the fat, white flakes fell to the earth. If you were lucky, it would stop before the roof of your cabin began creaking under the weight of all of the snow again. You doubted your luck would hold out, though. Clearing the roof had become a twice-weekly task you couldn’t afford to skip.
The redhead is nowhere to be seen, the forested area white, still, and quiet. Other than the wooshing of the wind you could hear from behind the door, there was no other sound. It was always so tense and silent. You used to enjoy the muted noise. Now, it just set your jaw tight and gave you the creeps. The earth wasn’t supposed to be that noiseless.
Even a minute or two out of your nest of blankets was nearly too much to bear. By the time you made it back to bed, though, you knew any heat you’d built up underneath would be dissipated. You sigh. Air puffs in front of your face.
You’re getting worried. It wasn’t like Kid to stay out there so long. He had a watch, and made sure to check it frequently when he was away from the cabin. You bit your lip, unable to stop your thoughts from wandering to things you feared most.
The chance of encountering someone up to no good was low, but in the dense forest, predators hunted and thrived. Wolves and bears from the north had migrated down into parts of the country that once would have never maintained the cold temperatures they required. Kid should have been armed, but it wouldn’t have been unheard of to be caught by surprise. The longer you stood by the door, hands tucked under your arms to try keeping them slightly warmer, the worse your worrying became.
It was all dispelled the moment you caught movement from out the window. The furs he wore to protect against the cold were colored to match the environment, but there was no mistaking his red hair. It stood out blatantly against the white and gray and black of the rest of the forest. He sluggishly made his way towards the cabin from a small break in the trees. Behind him, he dragged the carcass of whatever he’d killed that day.
Relief flooding through you, and giving the impression of warmth somehow, you busy yourself preparing for his kill. By the time he makes it to the front yard area of your home you’re already sharpening the knife to skin and butcher the animal. You’d eat well for the next few weeks.
He’s strung up the deer on the tree outside, and just as you bundle up in one more jacket to brave the wind and even colder temperatures outside, you hear the front door open.
“Y/N, I’m back.” He calls, voice hoarse and thin. He clears his throat, footsteps telling you exactly where he was in the cabin. In moments, he appears in the kitchen, face red and yet so pale at the same time. “Strung up a deer out front-”
“I saw.” You say, stepping closer to cradle his cheeks in your hands. You bump your forehead with his in a gesture of affection. “You’re late.”
He gave a shrug. “Damn thing ran a mile or two out before it finally gave out. Had to hike up a mountain to get it. Took longer than I expected.”
Ah. Made sense. You feel a little silly, now. All that worrying for nothing. “Sit by the fireplace. I’ll get it skinned and prepped.”
He looks relieved. The day of hunting has clearly exhausted him. The fact that you’re ready and waiting to step in to take care of the rest has him smiling with appreciation. “Not much daylight left.”
“I’ll hurry.” You promise, lifting yourself on your toes to place a gentle kiss on his lips. You pull away, letting him go into the bedroom to warm up by the fire. The one good thing about living in the forest? There was never a shortage of firewood.
Taking a breath to steel yourself, you grab the skinning knife from the kitchen and step out into the biting wind.
The deer meat filled your freezer to the brim, and any extra you had on hand would be prepared in a stew the next day. But by the time you had finished butchering the animal for meals, night had fallen outside. It was only with the aid of the hanging lanterns and candles you lit around the kitchen were you able to see what you were doing.
Thoroughly spent after your hard work, coupled with the leeching cold, you were quick to blow out the candles and dim the lanterns to a more tolerable level for sleep, before making your way over to the bedroom.
Kid had replenished the wood for the fireplace, and the logs burned with fierce anger behind the iron chain-link screen that kept them inside. The glow illuminated the room enough for you to make your way to your side of the bed, shucking the thickest of the coats you wore to make sleeping a bit more comfortable.
The redhead was buried under the covers, but clearly still awake. As you approached, he lifted the blankets enough for you to slip underneath.
It took a bit of shifting, but eventually you both adjusted yourselves close together until you held each other in your arms. Sharing body heat was the best way to keep warm at night, and gave you the excuse to cuddle him. He hadn’t been a very touchy-feely person before the freeze completely changed the earth. Now, he never complained when you held him close.
The day had been so long. Worrying after your partner and butchering the deer had sapped away all of your remaining energy. You were certain Kid was in a similar state after spending all day hunting.
Without words, you quickly fell asleep together under the mass of blankets and hides.
Morning awakens you with the chittering of birds from outside the cabin. You stir, aware of Kid’s arms still wrapped around you. Your cheek was pressed into his chest, his heartbeat thumping a slow and steady beat against your ear.
It’s the warmest part of your day, waking up beside him. All of the body heat that was trapped between the blankets and the bed made you smile. You felt refreshed, happy. Despite how drastically the world had changed around you, it was the moments like this that made you rather content with your lot in life.
The day after a successful hunt, Kid always spent the day in the cabin with you. You dared not move, for fear of waking him up. He often slept in as long as he could, and you didn’t mind being stuck beside him like this. You’re certain you dozed off at one point, only to reawaken later on in the morning.
The next time you remember opening your eyes, Kid is awake and looking at you with warmth. The corner of his mouth quirks up, and his thumb trails along your arm under the covers.
“Hey.” He says in a whisper.
“I’ve been thinking…” He starts, trailing off as his eyes glance across your face. “…about you.”
“All day yesterday, I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He admits lowly, and you’re suddenly much more aware of where he trails his fingers along your arm. “Got distracted more than once out there. Just…imagining your face.”
You can’t help but smile, nudging yourself a little closer if that was even possible. “What about my face?”
“The way you look at me…” He muttered, nuzzling his face closer to whisper his hot breath against your ear. You shiver, despite the heat between you. “…all dazed and breathless…”
His hand has trailed from your arm to your hip, slowly worming its way underneath the layers of clothes you’ve worn to bed. “You’ve no idea what it does to me, Y/N.”
“Kid-” You stop, biting your lip. You’re somehow shy of voicing what you want from him, but he’s always been good at inferring what you can’t find the courage to say. When his fingers finally reach your skin and trail upwards on your stomach, you gasp. Every touch is fire.
“I think I know how I want to spend the rest of the day…” Behind his words is a chuckle, and he leans forward just enough to scrape his teeth against your ear. “It’ll keep us plenty warm, too.”
You open your mouth to respond, but he’s moved to cover your mouth with his in a kiss. All you can do is press yourself to his chest, gripping his shirt with as much strength as your fingers have in them just after waking up.
Under the cocoon of blankets, you tangle together, pushing and pulling as you kiss and grasp at one another, wanting more. Normally shedding layers would be a death sentence in a matter of minutes, but under the thick layer of covers and the rising lust in your blood, you’re not worried.
The cold may persist, but the need you have to feel Kid’s skin against yours is too much to bear.
One by one, the layers of clothing are removed and dropped to the floor on the side of the bed. You’re torn between speaking of the feeling in your heart for him, or simply kissing him instead. You opt for the latter, molding your lips together in a dance that’s slowly growing more passionate. Words could come another time. Right now, actions spoke louder.
“Y/N…” You hear him speak against your mouth as he pulls away to breathe. He looks at you as if you’re everything. "Wanna fill you up-”
“Please.” You say in a huff, putting more effort into removing his shirts and pants. There’s no doubt in your mind that whatever expression your face holds is desperate and needy. “Please, I want you inside of me-”
You barely got the words out before he’s rolled you on your back. The blankets tent above his back, letting come of the colder air into your small makeshift pocket of space. You shiver, but for now, you can ignore the frigid temperature. Hasty fingers fumble at the last remaining bits of clothing between you.
Finally, you’re nude. Naked and waiting, you assist getting him out of his pants and boxers. There’s some awkward shifting needed to release his legs from them, but it passes quickly as his lips descend onto one of your pert and exposed nipples.
The heat of his mouth is a hundred degrees on your chilled skin, and you can’t help the way your body jerks underneath him, a surprised and pleasurable gasp escaping you. He groans, sending unbelievably good vibrations through your breast.
One hand buries itself in his hair, pulling him closer to your chest as he licks and bites your nipple. He’s rough, yet thorough and giving. Loving Kid is always an intense, passionate experience. The man gave all he had, and you never had to wonder if he still felt the same as he always had for you.
You’re panting when he switches to your other breast, giving it the same hot attention. All the while, he’s shifted in place to slot his hips in between your legs. His erect flesh rubs at your throbbing entrance, slicking up from your wetness as he grinds into you. The moan that rips from your throat is deep and guttural. It sounds so much louder in your ears on account of the quietness of outside.
Kid groans. The sound of his pleasure does something funny to your heart, and you lift your hips to encourage him to slide himself inside. “Kid, can’t wait anymore…” It’s so tantalizingly close, and one tiny change in angle would have him find where you ached for him to be.
He barely acknowledges you spoke at all, but with one last rub against your wet clit, he pulls back and his cock head positions right where it needs to in order to bury itself deep in your cunt as he thrusts forward.
So full and warm. You savor this moment of union, eyes closing in ecstasy as lust courses through your body. You’re abuzz with the anticipation of more. You want so much more. You want, you want…
Kid gives you little time to fully adjust, before he’s fucking you with the full force of his hips. It’s nothing less than hard and fast, and everything you could have wanted in that moment. One hands scrambles on his back, nails digging into his skin. He grunts and groans above you, lifting his head from your breast to latch onto your shoulder. His teeth and tongue leave marks and lick them better respectively. Pain and soothing, over and over.
Your soul is ablaze with love and lust, and your eyes gaze up at the ceiling half-lidded. If this was a dream, it felt so real. You’re floating, toes curling around Kid’s back, your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him in even deeper.
You’re absolutely no match for his pace. It takes only minutes for you to feel that build of pleasure rising to a point where you simply can’t take anymore. You cum with a cry of desperation, arching your back off the bed and inviting Kid to sink his teeth further into your skin.
Kid keeps on, thrusts never slowing as you ride out the waves of your orgasm. He’s lost in your body, enjoying you as you squeeze and contract around him, so hot and wet. You wonder if he really does plan on doing this all day long. It would appear so.
You’re shaking and quivering around him, the high of your orgasm lowering as the nerves crackled with life. The blankets and hides have slipped down his back, revealing his toned body to you. What had been intense pleasure reaches that peak, and suddenly the aftershocks borderline on pain as he never ceases fucking you with wild passion.
“I’m…” You gasp out loud as one particularly fast and rough slide of his cock brushes against your overstimulated clit. “Kid-! Ohhhh~! It’s…too much!”
“So close…” He growls beside you. “Can’t stop.”
You’re dragged along with him, squirming and twitching from your sparking nerves. You feel tears at the corner of your eyes, simultaneously wanting more and receiving too much. Your cries reach a fever pitch you’ve never heard come from your throat before. Desperate and needy. Each one only spurns him further, faster. His pace grows uncoordinated and frantic.
Trapped behind the pain of your overstimulation, a second orgasm rockets forward. Catching you off guard, the edges of your vision grow dark and you shudder with such powerful muscle contractions around Kid’s cock that he swears forcefully. He holds you close, hips pressed into your body as hard as he can.
Your core grows warm as he fills you, cock throbbing and pulsing inside of you. Completely out of breath and spent from the intense overstimulation, you gaze down in fascination as he eventually pulls out of you with reverence.
His eyes are affixed to your entrance. You can feel his seed oozing out of you, dripping onto the bed beneath you. He’s mesmerized by the sight.
As the moment settles into something a bit more intimate, he closest the distance between you and holds you close to his chest. The cold is, as always, ever persisting. It chases you wherever it can. Kid reaches behind him to pull the layers of covers to cover the both of you properly.
“That…was nice.” You whisper, still feeling the tingling from your fried nerves. Your leg muscles twitch every so often.
Kid chuckles to himself. “That was only the first round. I meant what I said, you know. We’ve got all day to enjoy ourselves.”