You weren’t one for parties. Not really. But when the boss invites the entire office out for a cocktail party? Well…you knew better than to refuse, especially if you had eyes on getting that promotion this year. You’d worked your ass off, and there was no way missing a stupid party would be the reason you were looked over for it.
The only problem was you needed a plus one. These things were fancy affairs, and there was the expectation that attendees would flaunt and show off a little while they were there. Not too much to come across as a attention hog, but enough so that they didn’t get lost in the crowd of people.
You were pitifully single, unfortunately, but with luck there were other options you could resort to. Thankfully, you knew of just the person who could get you out of a tight pinch. Sanji had been ecstatic to receive your call, and was thrilled when you asked him to be your date for the evening. You already had a bit of a crush on the man, so it was killing two birds with one stone, essentially. The party seemed a little less daunting knowing he’d be at your side throughout the night.
Days later, you stood just inside the event hall’s doors, picking at your dress nervously. It was the fanciest thing you could find at a department store. It felt strange. Such nice clothing you weren’t used to. Sanji also hadn’t shown up yet, traffic causing him to be late. He’d texted you a few minutes ago, saying he was nearly there, and wouldn’t be much longer-
Someone cleared their throat beside you, and a quick glance up made you pause to take in the sight. The blonde chef looked stunning in his crisp suit, complete with a small rose in the breast pocket. You had neglected to tell him to dress fancy, but obviously the reminder hadn’t been needed. The man was gorgeous…
Sanji flashed you a pleasant smile, cheeks tinging a brushed red, before reaching for your hand and giving it a chaste kiss. “Mademoiselle…your beauty goes unmatched tonight. You look a dream. It would be an honor to be seen beside you this evening. If you’ll allow me?”
You blinked, blindsided by the blatant compliment. He knew how much this promotion meant to you, so maybe he was playing up the charm to help impress your boss? Your infatuated heart fluttered with the prospect that this was real, but you squished down the fantasy. With a swallow, you nod and take his elbow when he offers it to hang on to.
He leads the two of you to the cocktail table to get some drinks, before you begin to mingle with the crowd. The hall was glitzed up to bring it that touch of fancy, the dim bulbed lights providing an intimate and high-end atmosphere. Sanji must have felt your nervousness, because he drew you closer to whisper in your ear.
“Relax, Y/N. It’s just a party. Enjoy yourself. Did you want anything to eat, or another drink? I’ll grab them for you.”
“No, I’m alright.” But he was right. There was no reason to be so nervous. You tried your best to calm down.
You could see the shocked faces of your coworkers as you wandered the event hall with the blonde chef by your side. Your ego boosted a bit, and you curled your arm around his a little tighter. When he noticed the action, his face lit up in another red blush. How cute.
A gal in the accounting department suddenly approached with her husband, holding out her hand to shake when she approached. “Hi, I’m Amy. I didn’t realize Y/N had a partner? She’s never talked about you before.”
You clear your throat uncomfortably. “Well, we’re actually…”
“I’ve only just had the good fortune of calling Y/N my partner.” He gracefully recovered, squeezing your dress-clad hip in reassurance. “But I hope to be here for next year’s party as well.”
“Oh! Well, congratulations then. And what is it you do, Mr. …?”
“Prince. Sanji Prince.” He responded with a small dip of his head. “I’m a professional chef.”
“Wow, a chef! You must be so esteemed!” Amy went on, practically forgetting that you were even present. Her husband looked like he felt just as neglected, staring off to the side absentmindedly.
But, humble as ever, Sanji waved the compliment away with a hand. “Oh, not quite as spectacular as you believe. Y/N is truthfully the more accomplished one between us. She has such lovely coworkers and a promising career upwards.”
“Well, I’ll certainly keep a closer eye on her future, then.” Amy said, giving you an approving wink as she glanced between the two of you. Clearly, Sanji had won her over. “We’ll let you two get back to the party, but I look forward to seeing you next year, Mr. Prince. Have a lovely evening!”
Amy and her husband moved off to speak with another couple, and you sighed in relief.
“Thanks for agreeing to come.” You whisper to him privately, struggling to keep your eye contact with him for too long when he was this close. “I really appreciate it.”
“I should be thanking you. Getting the opportunity to be your date is something I wouldn’t miss for the world.” He replied, his smile turning tender.
“You don’t have to pretend so much that we’re actually dating. If it makes you uncomfortable-”
“Uncomfortable?” He looked at you with an intense expression, and you couldn’t look away. “The thought of being your date, in any capacity, would never make me uncomfortable. For you, Y/N, I never have to pretend.”
The genuineness in his eyes and the way he said the words, you blinked up with a rising hope. “What exactly…are you saying?” You didn’t want to misunderstand him.
“If I am to be your date just for tonight, I will accept that. I’ll cherish this evening and we can go back to being friends in the morning.” He promises. “But if that offer extends past just tonight…I would gladly accept.”
“There’s no pressure to accept-”
“Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”
His mouth opens, but nothing comes out. You smile, taking advantage of his shocked expression to swoop in with a kiss to his lips. And when you pull away, all you can see is adoration in my gaze.
“This must truly be a dream, to hear you say those words.”