You've tried not to think about it. Tried to distract yourself from the inevitable. Cipher Pol gave you plenty to do. Work was a never-ending cycle of paperwork and then more paperwork after that, so there was no shortage of things to occupy yourself with.
But it never seemed to fully take your mind away from your troubles.
A knock at the day had you sighing, setting down the newest of attempts at focusing on something other than the nearing departure of CP0. The words were starting to blend together on the reports, anyway. May as well take a small break.
Standing from your desk, you approach the door, turning the knob and opening it to see who was needing your attention.
Kaku gave you a smile and a wave, one hand stuffed in the pocket of his jacket. "Hey! Figured I'd spend some time with you before heading out in the morning."
You offer as bright of a smile as you can, given the circumstances, before letting him inside your office. He follows after you, shutting the door behind him.
"It seems like the mission came up so quickly." You say neutrally, forgoing your desk in favor of the coffee machine on the other side of the room. You'd certainly need it if you were to finish all these reports by the end of the night. "Feels like yesterday that you were telling me they planned on sending you to Egghead Island..."
"Well, time flies when you're looking forward to something." He says, mood chipper and positive as always. Kaku wanders over to your couch and makes himself comfortable, watching as you set about making your drink. "I've been briefed about what will be there when we arrive, but wow, I bet it'll be more than what they've told us."
"It typically is."
"Yeah, but that just makes these missions all the more exciting." He muses aloud, sighing in content as he sinks into the cushion a little deeper. "I will miss a decent bed, though. Never can get decent sleep on one of those warships."
You only hum in response, mind elsewhere while also half on the task of preparing your coffee. You stir in some creamer, the spoon 'tinking' gently against the sides of the ceramic mug. It's hot to the touch, and the slight burn is welcome against your tumultuous thoughts.
Your head turns quickly, hearing your name. "Huh?"
"Feeling alright?" Kaku prods, head cocked to the side with concern. "You haven't said much."
You turn back, finishing up the stirring of the coffee, setting the spoon aside gently. You take a breath before turning around. "I'm fine. Just..."
"It's nothing, it's...I'm a little worried is all."
"If it's about if I'm gonna miss you or not, don't worry." He assures you with a little chuckle. "I talk about wanting to get out of the base all the time, but you know I'm eager to come back to you the moment I leave."
You think he's missing the point on purpose, but regardless, you give a sigh, sitting next to him on the couch. After a sip of your coffee, you set the mug on the table in front of you. "'re leaving again."
"I leave all the time." He points out, but your head slowly shakes.
"This time is different. We know there's a possibility Straw Hat will head to Egghead Island after Wano, and-
"Y/N, relax." His hands come up to placate you, eyes expressive and sympathetic. "It'll be alright! We've gotten way stronger since we saw that pirate last."
"He's a Yonko now." You stress. "And you don't have reinforcements going with you. All they're sending is CP0-"
"Because that's all we'll need. Have we ever encountered a problem we couldn't solve? We've come back home every time, safe and sound." It's a bit infuriating, his self-confidence, but perhaps that's what you need most right now. Just to hear how sure he was that nothing would go wrong.
He lays a gentle hand on your cheek, garnering your gaze so that he can flash you that optimistic smile he's so known for. "Straw Hat or not, it doesn't matter. We'll back back home next month. And when I get back, you and me will do something special."
But for as confident as he appeared, doubt weighed on your heart. You lean your head into his palm, and he brushes his thumb across your cheek. "You can't promise something like that."
"Sure I can." His eyes are soft, flicking back and forth between your own, willing you to believe his words. "A promise made to you is one I'll never break. Nothing could stop me from keeping it. Not some Yonko, and certainly not Straw Hat, either. And who knows? Maybe he's not even there. Maybe this is all just a big precaution that pans out to nothing. Then I'll come home and have a good laugh about it."
When you don't say anything, he leans in close and presses his forehead to yours. "Do you believe me, Y/N?"
You swallow back the fear, the uncertainty, and allow Kaku's closeness and familiar warmth to act as a balm on your mind. You nod slightly, and Kaku gives you a winning smile.
"Good." He leans away, and you miss his head pressed to yours the moment he does so. "I'm yours for the rest of the night. Let's spend whatever time we can left before I'm off for a month, ok?"