You were staring. Damn it, you knew you were, but you just couldn't help yourself. Watching the way the blue flames danced harmlessly on Marco's fingers as he pressed them against Ace's shoulder. The jagged cut--how the 2nd division Commander had gotten hurt again, you couldn't be certain--faded and disappeared entirely with a few flickers of the flames. There was no trace at all that he'd been injured to begin with. Incredible.
His healing abilities had always fascinated you. You knew from experience that the flames produced only so much as a pleasant warmth, a pleasant healing balm to those he laid his hands upon. So very different to Ace's red-hot ones, which mostly burned to the touch.
The doctor gave a long-suffering sigh.
"I'd tell you to be more careful, but I know you won't listen, yoi." Marco reprimanded a pouting Ace, lifting his hand and gesturing him out of his infirmary. "So next time you get hurt because you do something reckless, don't come running to me for a healing."
"C'mon, Marco. You wouldn't let me suffer like that, would you?" Ace said with his typically mirthful smile. He stood from the medical cot and flexed his shoulder, testing to make sure it no longer felt painful. "Aren't doctors supposed to show compassion?"
"On what?"
"Whether I'm in the mood to be." He says with a tilt of his head and a matching smirk of his own. "Don't push your luck."
"Alright, alright!" Ace held up his hands in mock surrender, throwing you a grin before turning towards the door. The door shuts behind him, leaving you and the Mythical Zoan user alone in the infirmary.
"Sorry about that, Y/N." Marco turns to you and scratches at his head. "Didn't mean to keep you waiting, but I didn't want him eavesdropping on our conversation. You know how Ace gets sometimes."
"Yeah, I know." You say, glancing at the door that the 2nd division Commander had just left from. You all knew how he could be. Too curious for his own good. You're pretty sure he'd picked up that trait from Thatch.
"So, what did you need? It seemed like you had something important to say, yoi." He said, snapping your attention back to your partner. Then, his lids lowered and his smirk returned. "Perhaps you've worked up the courage to let me give you that check-up after all?"
You do your best not to appear flustered by his not so subtle intimate offer. That was a step you hadn't been ready for yet in your relationship. Sex intimidating first, to say the least. Apparently, there was a good chance it would hurt a great deal the first time, and that was surely making you nervous about it all.
And while Marco was always genuine and enthusiastic when he offered to take things further every so often--throwing in a seductive wink and a well-placed innuendo of some kind--you knew the decision was entirely yours. There was no expectation of going further than what you were prepared for.
It almost felt like each rejection was something of a game to him. Perhaps he kept a mental count of the amount of times he'd been turned down. You often wondered...
"No, uh..." You bit your lip, reminded of what had carried you all this way in the first place. Would it sound too sappy to speak out loud? "I just wanted to see you. You've been busy today and I didn't want to interrupt your work, but since dinner will be served soon..."
Marco's amused smirk shifted into a much more genuine smile, touched by the sentiment. "We can eat together if you'd like. I don't expect any more mishaps for the rest of the day. So long as we keep Ace away from any of the alcohol, of course."
"Ok, I can bring you a plate down, then."
You lie awake that night, tossing and turning, staring up at the wooden ceiling of your quarters in the ship. Your mind is too preoccupied with thoughts to let you rest, and instead makes you sit back and fantasize about your relationship with Marco.
He was a wonderful man, and you'd often thought that you were ready for the next step. It's not that you didn't want to sleep with him, you were just...scared of things going wrong, or it being too painful, or that you wouldn't be any good. What sort of expectations did he have for you as a sexual partner? Oh dear...
You were tired of waiting, and wondering, and worrying about something that you knew was an inevitability between the two of you. Try as you might to tell yourself that you didn't need or care for the sex in a relationship, your curiosity was burning. Eating away at you, day by day, wondering what sort of pleasure you'd be in for from a night in bed with Marco.
He'd promised you an experience you wouldn't forget, or regret for that matter. And you fully believed him.
It was strange. You'd never shied away from a fight, but the idea of pain from the loss of your virginity was something else entirely. How were you to heal an injury from the inside?
You blinked, mind's eye taking you back to the infirmary. Marco's flame-clad fingers erasing all hint of injury from Ace's shoulder. There hadn't even been a scar, even for a cut that deep and wide.
Could he heal something internal, too?
"Internal wounds? Yes, I can heal those too, yoi." He answered the following day, once you'd grown the courage to skulk down to his infirmary to ask. His brow rose an inch, eyeing you with sudden concern. "Are you feeling unwell? Does something hurt?"
"No. I'm fine." You say, shaking your head. You should have seen this misunderstanding would have happened. That's what you got for talking around the reason you were here. "Nothing hurts."
"Then...why the sudden curiosity?" He tilts his head to look at you, perhaps debating if you were actually telling the truth or not. It wouldn't be the first time you didn't immediately come to him for healing. Sometimes asking for his assistance with scrapes and burns made you feel a little ridiculous.
"I, uh..." Your hands twisted in front of you, distracting you while you thought of how to word what was on your mind. It was difficult to look at him properly. "I've been thinking about your...offers."
"Offers?" There's a pause, and sudden comprehension dawns on his face, expression clearing. A hint of caution edges into his eyes. "Ah."
"I can stop, if you'd like, yoi." He says, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "If they make you uncomfortable, I won't bring it up anymore. I only kept it up so you knew I was still interested. That's I'm frustrated or anything if you're not ready-"
"I am ready."
Your admission leaves him speechless for several seconds. You dare a glance at him, and see that he's just as surprised as you are that you'd said it.'d better clarify.
"I want to take the next step with you. I do." You step closer, feeling like touching him in some way, having that skin contact, would soothe your increasingly frazzling worries. You grasp his forearm, and he uncrosses his arms to offer you his hand to hold. "I've just been nervous, since...I figured it would hurt. That's what I've heard, anyway. That the first time is painful."
"It can be." He agrees, thumb rubbing on the top of your knuckles. "But I'll do everything I can to make it as painless as possible. I don't want you to regret the decision."
"I know. Which is why I asked." You look up at his face, giving him a small smile. "If it does that something your healing flames could fix?"
"I would certainly try." He says, reaching up to caress your cheek with one thumb. You close your eyes at the gentle touch, your anxiety about the first time reducing to a simmer. "I want to make you feel good. Nothing else, yoi."
It's dark out when you hear a knock at your door over the gentle creak of the ship as it sails through the open sea. Your pacing halts, and you look towards the door with anticipation. You know precisely who it would be--you never received visitors from anyone else in the crew at such a late hour.
Marco had specified that he wanted to wait for the right mood and give him time to prepare for your first time together. Nerves feel tingly and on edge, and you can feel your heart beat painfully against your ribs. You're definitely nervous...but there's a growing excitement underneath it, too.
When you open the door, you see the 2nd division Commander leaning against the door frame, looking quite casual and relaxed. You give Marco a smile, inviting him inside without a word and shutting the door behind you.
It wasn't the first time you'd spent the night in one another's rooms. But it was the first time there was the expectation of sex to accompany it. You swallow past the tension.
"It's ok if you change your mind. I can leave, and I won't hold it against you." Marco says, turning and giving you an out in case you were getting cold feet. "Or, we can just hold each other until we fall asleep, yoi. Tonight, you decide what happens."
You give a nod, eyeing him but knowing your mind was made up. You were ready. Or, more accurately, you wanted to get the first time out of the way. Because surely he had so much in store for you later on.
You turn, reaching to lock the door behind you. The tumbler slides into place with a loud click. Just you and him. Alone. And if that wasn't an answer to his question, you didn't know what was.
He eyes the door with a small smile. "Ok."
"I...don't know how to start this." You admit, hands fidgeting once more. "How do I, uh, initiate?"
Marco takes up your hands in his again, laying several kisses over your knuckles. "I'll show you. what comes naturally."
With a gentle tug, Marco pulls you into his arms, and you wrap your own around his neck as he leans down to kiss you. You can feel him smiling softly against your lips, pleased that you were placing your trust in him like this. That, or he was just excited to finally get the chance to have you this way. You guessed it was a bit of both.
The kiss is slow, exploratory. You'd shared plenty of kisses before, but this one felt heavy the prelude to so much more. A promise of a night you surely wouldn't forget. That was your hope.
Marco's hands slowly caress you from behind and the side, making you shiver. His hadn't even touched your skin in full yet, and already he had this affect on you. Were you too anxious? Perhaps.
He doesn't rush, only continues to kiss you. And slowly, he lowers his hands to the hem of your shirt, sneaking a few fingers underneath to brush at the skin of your stomach. You can't hold back the little gasp that it causes.
"Don't be nervous. I've got you, yoi." He whispers against your lips, pulling you ever closer to his own body. Slowly, he pulls the garment up and over your head, letting it fall to the floor in a crumpled heap.
You're pressed together, and you can feel the growing bulge from his pants the longer this goes on. Marco said to do what came naturally to you, and so without thinking too hard on it, you reach down to touch the cock-shaped indent in his pants with your palm.
He hums, pressing himself further into your hand, encouraging you to keep doing that. His mouth seems to pick up in speed, the pleasure in his crotch spurring him on. So much so, that one of his hands drifts up to unclasp the bra keeping you only slightly modest. You feel the familiar pop of the hook, and you allow him to drag the straps down your arms until it too is dropped unceremoniously to the floor.
Your first instinct is to cover yourself, but his hands pull your arms down to prevent that, asking without words for you to trust him. And you do. You've never trusted anyone more.
His own purple jacket is tossed to the side, leaving him just as exposed as you. Fair, in all ways. The playing field was even, he was demonstrating without words.
You gasp, feeling the way his fingers touch and mold your breasts insistently. Not too hard, but you've never had them touched by a hand that wasn't your own. The movements are the same, but the sensation is all the more incredible.
Your hands explore the other's body slowly, no rush between you at all. And soon enough, your pants join your shirts, leaving you both in nothing but your underwear. You thought you'd be feeling a lot more timid about all this, but Marco's patience and careful ministrations have put you at ease. He's attentive and his eyes search your face for any sign of discomfort or pain.
Finding none, he suddenly turns you both so you're back is to the bed. With a few steps and stray kisses that he plants on your lips, you find yourself now laying back on the comforter, Marco perched above you.
"Still ok?" He asks in a voice that's huskier than you've ever heard him.
"Tell me if that changes."
You nod, then let out a whimper as his lips descend from your jaw, down along the skin of your neck, until he's nipping tiny little bites at your collarbone. But he doesn't even stop there, humming and traveling lower still until his tongue laps across of your nipples unashamedly.
Your hands hold onto his shoulders, using them as an anchor point while he does such delightful things with his tongue and teeth to your breast. You didn't know the breasts could be such pleasure points. Even in your own solo experimentation, touching them hadn't ever felt as good as what he was able to send shooting through your nervous system.
"Marco~" You let slip, involuntarily pushing your chest up further into his busy mouth.
To your dismay, the nipple he'd been pleasuring pops out of his mouth, and his eyes look into your face. "Do you want me to st-?"
"No." You hiss, using your hand to push him back towards your breast. "Keep going, it feels good."
You feel more than hear the chuckle that rumbles through him, amused by your sudden impatience. Mouth once again latching onto your breast, he lips and sucks and even uses his teeth to tug on the nub when you clearly push your chest up again for more. You're almost breathless already, and he hadn't even touched you down-
"Mmm~!" You whine with a closed mouth, caught off guard as one of his hands slip into your panties and brush through the curls at your vulva. He barely does more than cup your sex in his palm, but it's enough to have your nails digging into his arms.
You're gasping again as one finger slips past the building slick between your lips, entering you for the first time and making your toes curl inwards.
"'re really wet." He mutters against your chest, almost surprised by that fact. "That's good, 'cause touching you like this is giving me...somany ideas, Y/N."
"Ideas?" You whimper, and you bite your lip when he looks up into your face with the most lustful gaze you've ever seen.
"Maybe not tonight, but I can't wait to bury myself inside of you and just...breed you. Fill you so full of cum..." His thoughts drift, realizing that he was getting ahead of himself. You see his head shake minutely. "I'm gonna add another finger."
You appreciate the warning, because you're stretched just that little bit wider around his second finger. The moan he pulls from you causes him to groan in response. Oh, your pleasure is music to his ears.
He takes up a steady, moderate pace pumping his fingers in and out of you. You squirm beneath his hand, feeling so much all at once that you can't keep still. You're so damn wet, the most aroused you have ever remembered feeling, and he hasn't even entered you yet. How unfair!
You decide that you don't want to be the only one feeling good, and reach down to palm at his pants again.
Marco lets out a hiss as you squeeze and knead his straining cock through his underwear. His brow furrows, eyes closing as he lets you touch him. His fingers never slow, keeping you on a quick rise to an orgasm. Not quite there, but steadily gaining.
Feeling bold--where the confidence is coming from you don't know--you pull down his underwear to reveal the erect member that springs to life, now free of the waistband.
He's...big. You wonder if that poses a problem for the pain issue of your first time, but Marco hadn't seemed worried. You decide to trust in him, and reach to grasp his exposed member in your hand.
You feel him shudder, and he slips a third finger into your pussy as you begin rubbing him up and down. Groans from both of you sound so loud in the quiet of your bedroom. But you can't help yourself. It's just too good.
The hand gripping him quickens its pace, pumping him up and down with growing speed, until your fingers accidentally brush the underside of his cock head, and he gives a strained exhalation of breath as he reaches down to still your hand with his larger one. "Woah...Y/N, if you keep doing that, I'm not gonna last very long, yoi."
"I don't care." You say, lifting your hips to encourage his fingers faster. "I...want you inside. Please. I don't want to wait."
"Fuck..." You hear him mutter, eyeing you hungrily. He glances down at where his fingers still pump your sopping cunt. "I...think you're as prepared as I can get you."
He shifts a little, and you spread your legs wider to allow him to slot his hips between them at a better angle. Still watching your expression, he pants heavily, sliding his cock through the wetness of your slick entrance. You grit your teeth, the nerves of your clit stimulated as his cock rubs against you. It's nearly too much. You could cum then and there, with a few more of those.
He's slow to coat himself in your slick, tantalizing and teasing all in one. There's a darkness to his gaze that you wanted to see directed at you, rather than at where he's so concentrated on readying you both for the main event.
And when he settles closer, the tip of his cock pressed against your cunt, he looks up at you with that dark, blown-out gaze. And you shudder.
"Can I?" He asks, tone mixed with adoration and eagerness.
You nod, your hands steadying themselves on his shoulders for leverage. "Yes."
That's all the invitation he requires, and you bite down on your lips as he gently pushes himself through the first inch of your pussy. You're never felt quite so full, and he hasn't even buried himself to the hilt yet. Only a few inches in, and you notice he stops going further, testing the waters so to speak, before he gives a sharp thrust forward.
"Ahh!" You cry out, face immediately grimacing as something deep in you explodes with pain. It forces your eyes to well, and your muscles to clench. "Fuck..."
"It's ok, Y/N..." Marco's soothing voice hushes you, and not a moment later you feel the tell-tale signs of his healing flames hovering just above your abdomen. "I've got you."
The pain, for several moments searing and incredibly uncomfortable, fades away into nothing more than a dull ache, before only a mild itch deep inside of you remains. You open your eyes, watching as Marco breathes heavily and the flames from his finger subside.
"Does it still hurt?" You asks, breathless and clearly incredibly turned on, now buried all the way inside of you.
"No." You say in awe, shifting a little to get used to the feeling of him.
His eyes snap shut, and he ruts a little deeper into you as you move. The feeling of you clenching him is nearly too much. His labored breathing comes out as a stuttering breath. "Can I...move now?"
"Yes." You practically beg, doing your best to push you hips up into his as he completes the first thrust into you.
He still starts slow, but it seems the simple act of thrusting is enough. Marco holds himself above you on his elbows at either side of your shoulders, face above yours as he watches you underneath him. You can't help but moan your pleasure as his hips push back into your cunt with a wet sound. So good...
With the fear of pain long gone, you practically give yourself over to your lust, desperately trying to chase your orgasm as the pace quickens. The bed rocks beneath you, creaking with the momentum of his poisoning hips.
"Y/N..." He groans aloud, kissing your jaw and your forehead and wherever else he can reach with his mouth. "Oh,'s so much better than I thought it would be. All those dreams weren't even close. So tight..."
"Marco~!" You cry out, unashamed with your volume. You wanted him to know just how good it felt, just how much you wanted more. You wanted so much wit him...everything he might think to give you. Your brain latches on to something he'd mentioned before, and you can't help but desperately want it. "Breed me!"
His hips stutter, only for a moment, as he hears your words. His surprised gaze looks up at your. "You're...sure? I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't." You say through a moan. "It doesn't hurt. It only feels good."
"Y/N..." He says your name with reverence, a quiet sound of adoration, before he releases his breath and adjusts his position. "You're so good to me."
Your mouth is stuck open as he fucks you harder, muttering many things under his breath. You don't catch half of them, so blindsided by the rapidly-approaching orgasm, but you're sure he's promising to fill you until you're swollen, stuffed full of his cum and practically dripping all over him.
You cum hard. It takes you by surprise, hitting you and making you shudder underneath him. Your muscles clench and throb as you ride out the pleasure, gasping for air. It's too good, too good...
You hear Marco give a strangled cry, and as promised he doesn't last long after you. You swear you can feel the sticky warmth deep in your cunt, deep at the back towards your womb, right where he'd hoped it would go. A few more deep thrusts and he's spent, holding himself up by his hands so as not to crush you.
You're sticky, sweaty, and out of breath. And yet you're so refreshed and full of life after having him finally fucked you. You stare up at him with wonder, smiling with content.
"Was it ok?" He asks after several moments of gaining back his breath. You give a chuckle, reaching up to trail a thumb along his cheek.
"Better than ok."
"Ah, I'm glad..." He hangs his head, before finally lowering himself down beside you, pulling you closer. "Than I can rest easy knowing you don't regret it."
"I could never regret you." You say, and you know with full confidence that it's the truth. You lay beside him, relishing the way his holds you close, listening to the way his rapid heartbeat slows to a normal level.