“A partner?” Lucci spat with venom, expression twisted with displeasure. “Absolutely not.”
Spandam gave an infuriating shrug, leaning casually back in his chair. “No one’s getting into that place by themselves. The gathering requires a plus one, whether you like it or not.”
“Tch. Just send me in with Califa, then. No need for an outsider.”
“They aren’t going to trust two strangers. Bringing her won’t get you anywhere.”
Just his luck. Spandam always loved rubbing him the wrong way, especially when he knew there was nothing he could do about it. An order was an order. If CP9 saw fit to send him on this mission with a partner he knew nothing about, he’d have to do so.
At least he tolerated Califa. Whoever you might be? Well…he contemplated how he’d kill you once the mission was over.
The agent holds back the glare he wants to send in Spandam’s direction, managing to compose himself.
“Who are they?”
“A member of the organization who defected 6 months ago. She offered to help bring them down in exchange for immunity.” His boss explained, reaching for the den den mushi on his desk. “I’ll call her in so you can meet. You’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Lucci crossed his arms and waiting, eyes closed. Whoever you were, you’d best be of some use to him.
He waited, eventually opening his eyes when the sound of footsteps outside alerted him to your arrival. Spandam called a loud ‘come in’ to whoever knocked, and it opened a moment later.
You weren’t what he expected at all. Not only as a partner on this mission, oh no. Something he never thought would happen actually did happen.
He’d heard of such a thing before, but never put much stock into it. When two people destined to be together looked into each other’s eyes for the first time, the world would be bathed in such brilliant color. Or so they said.
The world that he’d so far only seen in blacks, whites, and grays suddenly burst to life with color as the two of you locked eyes. It was as if a switch flicked, unlocking the last remaining door to his vision, or finding that missing piece.
He blinked away his surprise and bafflement, seeing a similar expression in your own face. No doubt your own world was changing into one of color as well.
“Lucci, this is Y/N. She’ll be your partner until the assassination is completed.”
The smile you offer him can only be described as wicked.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lucci.”
When you’d agreed to rat out your own organization, you hadn’t expected to meet the man you were supposedly supposed to be with for the rest of your life. But it was a pleasant coincidence all the same.
You can’t help but glance his direction every once in awhile, standing beside him at the ship’s railing as you waited to arrive to the island your former compatriots would be hosting their next secret meeting.
So tall and handsome. Closed off and distant, sure, but you’d only met yesterday. Getting to know each other would take time.
“Quit staring at me.” He suddenly said, perhaps feeling the weight of your gaze from beside him.
You can’t help but grin. “Can’t help it. You’re certainly more than I expected from my soulmate-”
“We aren’t soulmates.”
“The blue water and the brown wood of the ship seem to disagree.” You point out, turning so your back was against the railing and crossing your arms. “Look, I get that this wasn’t exactly a great time or place to figure out who we were meant to be with-”
“We aren’t-”
“-but I’m pretty sure the universe doesn’t make mistakes.” You finish, not letting him interrupt you. “So there’s really no point in fighting it.”
He decided not to grace your words with an answer. You shrug, turning back to look out at the vast ocean. It glistened in a way that the gray you were so used to just didn’t hold a candle to. Hell, even the candle looked better.
“Never cared much for the world.” You admitted, eyes taking in the whole picture with a small smile. “But it is so much more beautiful in color…I’ll give it that.”
He doesn’t respond, but you can feel his narrowed eyes staring at you from the side. You turn to walk below deck, deciding to leave him be for now.
There were two things Lucci was willing to admit. The first being that you proved useful after all.
Spandam had mentioned that security was tight, but having Y/N there to talk both of your ways through the front door was quite a feat. She’d thrown her weight around, familiar with some of the people at the door, and charmed her way right into the main complex where they’d be gathered. All without a single threat or brandishing of a weapon.
Y/N had an easy and believable excuse for her 6 month absence anytime anyone inquired–an unexpected and cruel stint in a WG jail for all of her shenanigans in East Blue. And just like that, everyone in the room seemed to welcome them even deeper into the complex, grins and congratulations of escape everywhere they went.
The gathering was much fancier than Lucci had anticipated. It was a suit and tie event, as Y/N had predicted. She had the good sense to recommend he dress appropriately. He would have stood out even further if he’d come in something any less formal.
Yes, he was pleasantly surprised how resourceful and cunning you could be. A fox with a silver tongue. That was one thing he could admit to.
And the second?
You looked damn fine in a dress.
You’d done your job of getting the CP9 agent into the compound, now it was his turn to do the rest. You stood outside the door to the big boss’ office, a crack in the door the only way you were able to see inside.
The sound of a struggle, of sadistic laughter, and then the telltale choking on blood indicated that the assassination had been successful. Not that you had any doubt Lucci couldn’t handle himself against the boss. You thought him an arrogant prick who relied too much on his father’s reputation to protect him.
You turn to look at him as he leaves the office, having taken off his suit jacket. You guessed it had been stained with blood and would have aroused more suspicion to wear it than to discard it. But boy…did he look fantastic in the white collared shirt and a tie. You had a hard time looking away from him.
“You can ogle me later, Y/N.” He said, a smirk tugging the corner of his mouth.
You smile back, pushing away from the wall. “Did you get the files?”
“Right here.” He held up the folder of files that you’d also been itching to get your hands on.
“Oh, I could just kiss you…” You mutter, staring at the files with wonder. They would complete the deal you’d made with the world government, and meant your freedom from the idiots of this ridiculous organization.
“Later, when we aren’t in the middle of a base of thugs.” He gave an amused chuckle. The fact that he’d just killed a man seemed to lighten his mood a bit. “Let’s get out before the body is found.”
You were inside the ship, resting after the mad dash away from the compound. You’d been discovered in the last leg of your fleeing after word got out about the boss’ death. In the ensuing escape, you’d nearly twisted your ankle, causing him to throw you over his shoulder and continue running towards the ship.
The doctors were seeing to you now, giving him a chance to think about the results of the mission alone.
Spandam should be pleased. Not only did they assassinate the boss, but they also retrieved the ledgers for most of the organization’s business. Lucci didn’t care much about what happened after that. He was simply satisfied that he’d been able to kill the man.
Leaning against the railing and looking out on the ocean, he realized that you’d been right about one think. It surely was beautiful. If not for you, he wouldn’t have taken the time to appreciate the view.
Maybe having a soulmate wasn’t so bad. If you were the person he was meant to be with, well…you were strong, resourceful, and morally gray just like him. He couldn’t have asked for more. And given the odds, you could’ve been a lot worse.
Behind him, the door to the lower decks of the ship open, and the doctor steps out onto the deck. “She’ll be fine. No lasting damage, just a bit of stress on the tendons.”
“She was asking for you, if you want to go down.” With that, the older man turns to leave Lucci alone, no doubt knowing how little he enjoyed interacting with anyone at all.
Smirking to himself, he turns to the door to go see you. After all, you’d mentioned something about a kiss…