It's in moments like these, when you can't help but feel you're the luckiest woman alive.
Skin still warm and clammy from your passionate round of sex, you lay beside the pirate with the dopey grin still affixed to his face, staring up at the ceiling in wonder. You both spent minutes simply catching your breath in comfortable silence, letting the sensations begin to fade as your orgasms finally subsided.
Ace gives a quiet, short chuckle in the silence, and you can't help but mimic the sound, feeling the action quite appropriate given the setting. That was So good. Not that he was ever bad, but this one had felt...mind-blowing.
You gaze at him, thinking that this was a good memory to keep. He turns to look at you when he notices you staring, but doesn't say anything at first. With messy hair and a bit of red tinging his cheeks--perhaps the last vestiges of exertion from all of his enthusiastic thrusting earlier--he just waits for you to finish committing his visage to memory.
You can think of a thousand different words to say. Many would probably be fitting in the letters you occasionally felt the desire to write him. Some brought him to tears, and nearly all made him smile. But with letters, you had more time to formulate what it was you were trying to convey. Here and now, you simply said the first thing that came to mind, hoping it properly articulated all of the affection you held for him.
"Ace." With a gentle, loving hand, you reached out to cradle his cheek. His kind eyes watched with interest. "You idea how much you mean to me. I could search these seas for a hundreds years and never find a man like you again."
Ace laughs, unable to help himself when you say something like that. And that sound is so beautiful to hear. "Really? A whole hundred years?"
Your smile grows. "Maybe even a thousand."
"That's the sappiest thing I've ever heard. But man, if it doesn't warm my heart to hear." He smoothly replies, placing his hand over the top of yours on his cheek. His thumb brushes over the tops of your fingers gently.
It's admittedly pretty cheesy, you agree, but the sentiment was nonetheless true. "I know. That's why I said it."
"Can I get that in writing?" He half-jokes, turning his face to place a tiny kiss in the center of your palm. "I'd say I'm overdue for another letter."
"Hmm...I think maybe you're right." You let him pull you close until you're snuggled in his arms. "I'll write it later. Right now...I just want to lay here."
"That...sounds perfect." He agrees, adjusting you and himself so that you were more comfortable. After all of that spent energy, a nap was a lovely idea.