You're upset. Angry, even. What was Killer thinking, attacking a band of thieving pirates by himself? Was he mad? You could expect something this asinine from Kid on his worst days, but Killer? He was supposed to be the sensible one on this ship.
You're the closest thing they have to a medic, so when he returns, you sit him down on the rudimentary cot you'd shoved into an unused storage room and open the first aid kit that was kept there. He removes his helmet and his shirt, giving you access to all of his wounds.
"Can't believe you wouldn't think to wait for us to come help you." You mumble to yourself. Your lips were pressed into a thin line, eyes focused on the bandages and disinfectant in hand rather than the object of your displeasure right now. "It's not like we were far away. I thought you were smarter than that."
"I'm alright." He says, voice tired and obviously in pain. The many bruises and cuts he'd accumulated during the course of the fight were not a pretty sight. You'd normally be quite happy to see his bare chest in any other circumstance, but it hurt to see him injured like this.
"You could have gotten killed." You press, back still turned to the first mate.
He's silent for a moment, but then you hear him sigh. "I had to, Y/N."
"Why, Killer?" You asked, finally turning with the wet cloth in hand and dabbing at the lines of blood leaking from his cuts. Your eyes look to his own with concern and confusion, and you see nothing but an exhausted pride in them.
He reached down into the pocket of his pants, and holds up a familiar trinket. "One of them pick-pocketed me while I wasn't paying attention in town, then made off with the rest of their band to their hideout. They took this with them."
You stare down at the small chain, a symbol of protection from your home country dangling at the bottom. You'd given it to him when you'd first started dating. Something to reassure you that wherever he went, he had some sort of good luck or presence of protection with him, even if you couldn't be there for him yourself.
Your silence is heavy, a pang of emotion hitting you straight in the chest as you gently take the chain from his hand to inspect. He'd done all that...for this little thing?
Your throat felt thick, and it was difficult to swallow.
"Had to search every pocket and bag they had to find it, but I got it back." He stated with a shrug. "I couldn't let them take it."
"Killer..." You don't know what to say, mouth opening and closing until you finally shook your head. "It's just a silly chain. I could have gotten you a new one."
"But this one is special." He said, reaching up to take it back from you, holding it up in between you so you could both see it. "It was the first gift you ever gave me. My lucky charm. My reminder of you. I can't let this go, Y/N. Never."
You let out a huffed breath, staring at the dangling chain with bewilderment, but then finally turn to gave at him instead. You think you probably look a mixture of touched and exasperated, but he offers you a little smile in response.
This ridiculous, wonderful man, you think to yourself. How could he manage to aggravate and yet endear himself to you all at the same time. You simultaneously wanted to hit him out of frustration that he'd gotten himself so injured for something so inconsequential and meaningless, and kiss him for placing such importance into such a small gift you'd given him so long ago.
You elect to do the latter, heart unable to take his heartbreakingly soft expression looking at you any longer. You lean forward and press your lips to his, pouring so much into the kiss that you hoped he could read your mind.
You loved him. For as dumb as he could be sometimes, you still lovedhim for that reckless, loyal, bleeding heart.
You pull back, holding his cheeks between your hands. "Don't do something so stupid for me again."
The smile he gives you is almost cocky. "No promises."