You hadn't anticipated the wind that afternoon. Wispy and strong, you were forced to keep your eyes narrowed as you walked the winding mountain path. There was no other route to your rendezvous point with the rest of the crew, and you were due to leave the island soon. So, you were forced to put up with the elements.
Your hair especially was causing you some trouble. With the random swirling wind not sticking to one single direction, the hair around your face whipped and slashes back and forth, often times betting in your mouth and eyes. Even pulling it back frequently with your hand wasn't enough, the shorter strands always managing to break free and continuing being a nuisance to you. It was overall not a great time...
But you did your best not to show how much the wind was bothering you. With Zoro beside you, quiet and composed as usual, you didn't want to give the impression that you were complaining.
And so you suffer in silence for a good portion of the trek, trying not to be obvious about the way you pick at the most bothersome strands that lash into your eyes and mouth.
But you should have known better than to believe Zoro wouldn't notice.
You must have given a sigh, or some sort of frustrated noise, because suddenly Zoro steps in front of you and stops walking, forcing you to halt in your tracks as well.
"Here." He says, holding out something to you. "Put this on."
You look down, holding back some of your hair so that you could somewhat see what it was. You look back up to him with surprise. "Your bandana?"
"It'll keep your hair out of your face." He says with a shrug, perhaps wondering why he was needing to explain that.
"But it's yours." You say. He'd never let anyone else use it, and it was such a staple to him in general, you weren't sure if you should accept it. "I couldn't-"
He gives a roll of his eye and steps closer, holding the bandana between his two hands. "Stay still."
You close your eyes as the cloth is press to your head. His strong fingers fidget at the back, and you feel the cloth tighten around your head. Not too tight, but snug enough that the wind wouldn't take it. Then, after a few gentle tugs so you could still see, Zoro steps back and you open your eyes.
He appraises how you look, before nodding in satisfaction. "Come on. We'll be late if we stay here."
You're only a step behind him, reaching up to feel his signature bandana wrapped snugly around your face, holding back your hair and making it much less frustrating as you went along. You're touched that he'd be so willing to part with something you associated so closely with him, just to help you out.
Smiling to yourself, you trot a few steps to catch up with him, and fall into step at his side. You offer him an appreciative smile, which he returns softly, and the two of you continue on your way.