Something about that morning was different. Something...he couldn't quite name.
You busily wandered the bedroom behind him after your shower that morning, feet taking you here and there as you gathered what you'd decided to wear for the day. It wasn't so unusual, a routine familiar to him.
He almost didn't notice the difference, what with him being hunched over his desk to gaze at the news coo over his breakfast. But the heavier-than-usual footsteps behind him made him turn, curiosity getting the better of him.
Nothing strange caught his eye, and so Law mentally shrugged, already in the process of looking away when finally something made him double take.
...had you always been so tall?
He couldn't recall noticing your head reach so high up on the full-length mirror as you stood before it, adjusting your clothing with a careful eye. With your back turned to him, his eyes couldn't help but wander down your shapely legs, all the way down to the platformed shoes adorning your feet. Ah, that would explain the slight difference, he supposed. It only accentuated your calves and thighs, and added several inches to your already noticeable height.
Damn...what a pleasant view. But the sight was short-lived when he finally glanced up to see you noticing the way he was staring obviously at your backside from your reflection in the mirror.
"Got something on your mind?" You teased, grin lifting the corner of your mouth.
"Don't mind me." He manages to say without clearing his throat. "Just admiring the view."
"Perving on me from behind? I'd expect such a think from the likes of Shachi and Penguin, or that perverted chef with the StrawHats." You turn, stepping closer to him with those long legs and tall shoes and...from his seated position, you seem to tower over him as you stand by the chair. "Have a bit of shame, Captain."
Law tried, really tried, to come up with some smart retort to your words. Really, he did. But when faced with the way you looked down at him from above, head cocked in that amused way you do, his mouth is suddenly dry and it impossible to focus on anything other than the way his heart pounded a little harder in his chest.
Oh shit.
Seeing you above him, did something to him. He couldn't explain what. Or perhaps he knew but just didn't want to admit to himself how much seeing your difference in height was turning him on, but either way, his only response to your quip was silence and that stunned, wide-eyed look. And unfortunately for him, this didn't escape your notice.
He sees you frown momentarily, before your eyes flicker between yourself and his face. Amusement overtakes your expression once more, and you lean down further to peer into his face.
"Well, this is interesting." You muse. "Is that a blush I see, Law?"
"No." Pride demands he deny such a thing, but when you reach down to tilt his chin up at you, your gaze sultry and soft, he knows that if he wasn't blushing before he most certainly was now.
Fuck, how was this so hot?
"Liar." You mutter, studying him for a few seconds before backing away and offering hims some respite from your teasing. Still, you can't help the laugh as you turn away to finish getting ready. "There's no shame in having a size kink, you know."
"I don't-"
"Deny it all you want, I see right through you." You voice lilts while you straighten out the outfit you'd picked for the day. And, with one last heated glance his direction that had him stilling in place, you turned to leave with a parting quip. "We'll revisit this later tonight, yeah?"
Law's eyes track down your long legs again, focusing longer than necessary on the tall-heeled footwear—the chuckle as you notice snaps his gaze back up in time to watch as you disappear past the doorway and out into the hallway. Apparently his fascination was answer enough to your question.
He's not sure how long he just sits there, staring at the place you'd just occupied. Mortification and excitement clashed in his head, knowing you suddenly had this knowledge about him—knowledge which, truthfully, he hadn't even known about himself until that point either. All he knows is that he's in for it once you return later.