You've been acquainted with Charlotte Katakuri all your life. Since childhood, in fact. To say that you thought you knew him as well as you knew yourself was an understatement. But...there's the crux of the matter. You thought you knew the Sweet Commander on a personal level. One couldn't be certain who he was anymore.
You can still recall the memory of a young boy, possessing large protruding teeth that you'd found fascinating as a child. Totto Land hadn't been as diverse that many years ago, so seeing others with such strange characteristics was something quite surprising to your young mind. Your father was of course wary at the thought of you playing with the pirate's son, but if it kept you from meddling in his kitchen while he worked, he supposed he couldn't complain too much.
Katakuri was particularly fond of the donuts that your father baked in his pastry shop. Seeing the perfect way to make a new friend, you'd frequently sneak a few donuts out from the bakery and bring them to him to enjoy together. Sure, maybe it earned you a few scoldings here and again, but it would all be worth it, you convinced yourself.
The pirate's son always looked so thankful and excited to see you bringing him the sweet treats. It was almost a daily routine, and gave you the perfect opportunity to get to know the young boy all the more. They were days you cherished fondly, the idyllic lifestyle of a young child without a care in the world.
Katakuri never seemed to mind the way he looked, unapologetic for the way he was and who his family happened to be. Maybe it was because you found him to be so cool, but the assured confidence he'd sported back then had done a lot to make your tolerance of the various residents of Big Mom's empire all the easier to accept. At least, you believed that to be the case.
Something had happened, of course, and things were never the same.
You never learned precisely what caused the young boy to change so drastically, to stop showing his teeth and covering the lower half of his face with a gray length of scarf. Given the way he now looked at everyone so coldly, so distrustfully--yourself included--you figured it wouldn't be a great idea to ask, and so the mystery persisted even to this day.
But you never stopped wondering. Nor thinking about him. It was hard not to.
You grew up, as all children do. Learning and growing under the guidance and eager teachings of your father in his bakery. He'd been glad that you picked up an interest in the family business, and your skill in the kitchen aided your studying as you helped the shop thrive. A natural talent, they'd say.
The life of a baker is what you pursued, perfecting your craft and gaining the trade secrets kept within the family. And when it came time for your father to retire--he'd worked many long and hard years, and was older than he cared to admit--you took up the mantle of the business on your own.
The establishment possessed great renown. Your father's pride in his work and notable skill saw to that. And thanks to his teachings and the work with your own two hands, you only pushed it further into notoriety. It was the thing you were most proud of. Work became your life, your sole passion, and the one thing that kept you waking up every day for a long while.
But that sort of life became lonely without someone to share it with.
Time that could have been spent garnering new friends and meeting the people among the many new denizens of Whole Cake Island were spent fine-tuning your own recipes and improving those of your father. Friends were few and far between, and for as happy as you were seeing the business continue to prosper, you couldn't help but feel something was missing.
Those feelings often turned your mind to memories of the friend you had as a child, seeking solace in cherished memories.
From afar, you occasionally saw the elusive Charlotte son as he grew older too. No longer the lanky young boy you remembered, he'd grown muscle and a hardness in his gait and countenance. It was difficult not to notice the large trident he carried everywhere he went. There was tone to his body that spoke of days and months and even years of training. The gray scarf had been replaced by a much more stylistic, fluffy one.
He was a warrior, a protector to the kingdom, and the most well-known of the ruling family. Katakuri had become a man in every sense of the word, capable and larger than life. His reputation preceded him, truly. You were both proud and concerned for him. How different he had become from the boy you once knew...
It had been years since you'd last seen his face in its entirety, but the image of large protruding teeth would remain vivid in your mind. Not that you would ever go around telling the island such things. If he truly wished for his appearance to remain hidden, it wasn't for you to go thwarting that.
And so he remained a distant memory, a once-good-friend from a time long past, and something more so a legend than a man.
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You hadn't anticipated the distance between you and Katakuri to close so suddenly. But here you stood, face to face across the counter of your father's bakery--your bakery. It had been any other typical Thursday. What great surprise this was.
He'd never come to visit before. At least, not in person. Several of his chefs or kitchen staff would routinely purchase your pastries, either for reference or if the kitchen was running low on their own ingredients. It wasn't often that you saw them--they frequently were replaced or left the position--but it did happen on occasion.
So to see the Sweet Commander there before you, eyeing you with those incredibly perceptive eyes was...marginally overwhelming, to say the least.
Perhaps...a lot more than just marginally.
As a businesswoman, you tried your best to shake away the feeling of bewilderment. It wouldn't do to stare. How unprofessional! And so with the barest clearing of your throat, you threw the pirate's son a winning smile.
"Welcome, Katakuri-Sama. Is there anything I could interest you in today?" The honorific felt strange on your lips, but as the Minister of one of Big Mom's territories, he was due the respect. "I have fresh baguettes that should finish baking in the next few minutes. Or, if you're in the mood for something sweet, perhaps a strudel? The apples from Fruits Island are in season and as fresh as ever."
Several moments of silence persisted, perhaps as he thought over the options you'd laid before him. But the words he spoke weren't what you were expecting.
"It's been a long time, Y/N." His voice trailed down your back like honey, and it was all you could do not to shiver with delight. He gave a glance around the establishment. "You took over your father's bakery?"
"I did." You say after blinking away your surprise. He remembered you, after all of these years. Something deep in your chest buzzed and tangled around itself at that revelation. "He retired several years ago, and I took up the family business. He taught me all I know."
"I've never met a more skilled baker." He admitted, tone neutral. "This place is in good hands, then."
The compliment made your heart beat harder. "Thank you."
"Do you still have your father's donut recipe?" He inquired, and your smile lit up just that bit more. The reminder of such a cherished childhood memory was welcome. "It's been years since the last time I've had one, and yet nothing compares to them. My chefs have tried all manner of ways to make them like your father did, but something is always...missing."
"Yes! I'm afraid I can't disclose the details of his recipe--it's kept within the family, you see--but he taught me well how to make them. I can whip you up a fresh dozen now, if you'd like?" You offer eagerly, and he closes his eyes to nod.
"I would be grateful."
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From that point forward, Katakuri was a regular sight in your bakery. His order was always the same; one dozen of your father's famously delicious donuts, fresh and practically melt-in-you-mouth soft. You took pride in your work, carrying on the legacy of your father's knowledge and skill.
It was just like back when you were kids, only this time it was through the fruits of your own labor that you offered the treats to Katakuri. And it made it all the sweeter each and every time. The lack of scoldings from your father was a nice change, as well.
You never saw him eat them, not personally. He only ever took the box with him, but the reassurances that they were indeed delicious soothed your worried heart. You'd hate to serve him something he didn't enjoy, and yet he always came back for more later in the week, when the craving returned.
Your numerous interactions did much in the way of rekindling your friendship. And while it may not have been as idyllic as that of the one from your childhoods, it was still fulfilling all the same. In a way, you liked to think that Katakuri too got something out of your quick talks every few days. Seeing him walk through the door certainly improved your day. With luck, seeing you also improved his.
Perhaps it was your own painful loneliness that wished for such a thing. Or perhaps it was the fact that Katakuri had matured in such a way that you found him incredibly attractive. As an adult, it was hard to deny the increasing respect and admiration you were feeling for him. Was it simply because he had become the most consistent person in your life, so willing to strike up a conversation with you? Was it because you had known him for so much of your life? Or maybe, because he still retained that air of mystery about him? You truly wouldn't know for certain.
All you knew was that your infatuation for him was growing, as silly as it was. And after your realization, you grew so nervous each time he came by to order your donuts.
Would he know? Would he suddenly realize why you found it so difficult to look him in the eyes when he thanked you for the delicious treats? Could he see into your heart and soul through those eyes of his, and know the wild and yearning fantasies that your mind had started to conjure up?
Each nervous laugh rang so embarrassingly loud in your own ears, and you worried he would know how hot your face ran when he asked if you were alright.
Months of this back and forth, and you could not deny it. You wanted him, in whatever way you could have him.
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You didn't know when the shift began to take place in the way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you, and acted around you. You'd be hard pressed to pinpoint a specific moment when it had all started. But it was there, a gradual change. Slowly, surely, the aloof and distant exterior he'd projected onto all those around him began to fade. Only slightly. Only with you.
You no longer only saw him in the bakery. Katakuri seemed to have more frequent business to attend to on Whole Cake Island, otherwise he'd be off on his own island dealing with his own duties. Surely, that's what you believed.
He'd ask you to accompany him as he went about the island, walking side by side and speaking softly about the events of that week. Once, you even managed to pry a low chuckle from his lips. You hadn't heard such a sound in years. It truly was beautiful.
These more private settings to bond were no help to your feelings, however. Each and every glance had you holding back the words that threatened to spill from your lips, the admission that could make or break your entire friendship. Oh, how you yearned for more. Oh, how it all could go wrong. The thought of losing his friendship a second time was nearly too much to bear. You didn't want to return to such a lonely way of life before he'd come back into it.
You loved him. Deeply. Wholly. With everything you had.
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"Hmm?" The castle's guest room balcony afforded a spectacular view of Sweet City below, the lights of the various shops and buildings and houses a beautiful twinkling sight. On the night of a festival, it was even more gorgeous than usual. People danced and celebrated in the streets, their colorful clothing visible even from here.
You couldn't bring yourself to look away, waiting for whatever was on Katakuri's mind.
He stood beside you, watching you. The weight of his gaze was almost palpable. He cleared his throat, and after several seconds, no further words came out. You finally looked his way, eyes catching his own. He didn't look away. Always so steady and certain.
"Yes?" You prompt, giving him a nod to show you were listening.
"I..." Another few seconds of silence, before he glanced back out to the city. "Are you enjoying the view?"
"I am." You say, offering a soft smile. You knew something was on the tip of his tongue, begging to be spoken. Though it was strange to see him to hesitant to speak his mind. "Thank you for bringing me up here."
"You're welcome." He replied distractedly.
When he said nothing more, you decided to push the issue yourself. Your curiosity was getting the better of you. "Is there something you want to say, Katakuri?"
"No." Was the immediate answer, followed by a sigh and him turning to face the balcony beside you. "Yes."
"Go ahead, then. I won't judge no matter what it is." You encourage, tilting your head and smiling just a bit wider.
For a long time, there was only silence. Both of you kept your eyes firmly glued to the festivities below, hearing the occasional bellow of laughter or whooping of those in celebration. A tiny smile settled on your face, content to stand there beside Katakuri in the quiet. You couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening.
"You are a very dear friend to me, Y/N." He finally speaks, refusing to look at you even when you glance his direction. "One of only a few who knows me for more than my reputation. Not as a Sweet Commander...but as a man."
He pauses, and you think he's waiting on a response, but he continues on before you can say anything.
"You have never scorned me. Never thought less of me. What I am means little compared to who I am, in your eyes. I can't state what that means to me, truly." His eyes finally turn to you, and there's a surprising and heart-wrenching softness to them that completely catches you off guard. "That's why I don't think I can remain friends with you."
You think you feel your heart shatter, but it's a quiet, internal break. The hurt is so intense, so instant, you know it comes through completely in your expression.
And just as quickly as he smashes it to pieces, he mends it all the same.
His hand reaches out to hold yours, lifting it from the balcony wall. His gloves are softer to the touch than you'd believed them to be. "I've always thought of you, in some way. Finding you again has made me realize that I don't have to live such a lonely life, not when you are there to fill my days with joy much more."
You blink, squeezing his hand with hope. "Katakuri-"
"I understand if you can't return the sentiment-"
"I do." You interrupt, not allowing him to even finish the thought. "The day I first saw you in my bakery, I was so happy to get to talk to you again. You've been on my mind since those days as children. I've always worried and wondered about you. And I can't lie, I...I've grown fond of you, Katakuri. More than a friendship would allow."
Your words surprise him, brows raising just an inch. "I didn't anticipate that you'd feel the same."
"Neither did I." You admit, smile growing even larger. You didn't think your heart could beat or swell any further. You let out a joyous and nervous laugh. "I feel so much, I don't know how to describe it."
"I can understand." He says, tone growing lower. "There's...much on my mind. Often the sweet taste of the donuts has had me think to other sweet things about you."
One of his gloved hands reach up to trace the edge of your face, and you shiver under his touch. Then, as if second guessing himself, he began to pull away. "I'm sorry. Perhaps that's too much, and too soon."
"No." You grab his wrist, bringing his hand back to your face, where he caresses it once more. "I've...thought similar things. More and more often, truth be told. And I hope you don't think less of me if I say that I can't stand another day of waiting and hoping to have you for myself. Please..."
You almost miss the shuddering breath Katakuri releases from behind the scarf, before his eyes flicker back to the open door leading into the guest bedroom of the castle. When they return to look at you, the hunger behind them is evident.
Without a word, he leads you inside, the festivities of the city below forgotten and ignored.
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Seeing Katakuri without the scarf as he kissed you was an experience you wouldn't forget. The teeth were an expectation, but the sheer handsomeness of his entire face stole your breath away. And when he kissed you for the first time, your head was swimming with all of your deepest lustful fantasies. He was so much better than you could have imagined. He was more than you could have ever hoped for.
There was an unspoken hurry between you. After months--perhaps years--of pining, neither of you could bear to go without the other's touch a moment longer. Your fingers itched to trail along the exposed skin of his arms and torso, feeling the way his muscles rippled and flexed underneath them. His own hands mapped and caressed all the parts of you he had longed to touch, now his to explore and discover.
Clothes were discarded to the floor, trailing a haphazard path to the bed where you'd both tumbled and ended up in. Katakuri squandered none of you, savoring the feel of your skin, the hitch in your breath, and the squeeze of your own fingers against him.
But the most sought-after prize he coveted was a breathless whisper against your lips.
"I want to taste you. Please, Y/N..." He spoke, and you nearly came undone at the huskiness to his voice.
Like honey down your could you resist?
You hadn't been expecting him to shift you both around so that you knelt on either side of his face, your exposed sex hovering above him. The way he ravenously licked his lips in anticipation, staring with unrestrained hunger at your wet heat, made your knees weak.
"Sit." The word was a command, but the tone was a plead. You played with the thought of making him beg, to see if he would, but the promise of the pleasure just inches below you was too much to pass up on.
You couldn't help but hold your breath as you descended down onto his face, and the first exploratory touch of his tongue was electrifying. All the nights of wondering what it would feel like...this was so much better than any wet dream you'd ever conjured.
His name bursts from your lips in a strangled cry as his tongue begins to truly work, swiping long licks through the slick folds. You feel more than hear his groan of satisfaction against your entrance. Quivering thighs threaten to pull away. You jolt at a particularly sharp spike of pleasure, the nerves sensitive and being paid so much attention, but Katakuri's hands clamped down around your thighs, preventing you from escaping out of his reach by reflex.
"Mmm..." He hums, ripping a moan from your lips that you try your best to muffle with your fist. "So sweet..."
He pulls you further down, and his mouth forms around your cunt, tongue plunging into you without warning.
"Kata~! Ohh..." You gasp, hands flying down to grasp at anything they can to find balance, to keep steady, anything. You clutch onto his hair, hesitant to pull too hard, but needing that grounding quality. They were soft and thick in your fingers.
Your body shudders and your hips buck involuntarily, simultaneously seeking more of the wonderful sensation of his tongue against your walls and wanting to get away from the overstimulation to your most sensitive nerves. He shows no signs of stopping even when you press further down without meaning to. He welcomes the pressure, hands squeezing into the meat of your thighs eagerly. They'll leave bruises, but you'll wear them with pride.
"D-Don't...stop!" You plead, spine arching over him as he switches his method. His tongue has receded back to your clit, flicking rapidly against the spot that has you seeing stars. He only groans deeper when your grip on his hair tightens.
Your cunt rocks against his face, nerves on fire, electrified, all at once. The room is loud with your own moans of pleasure, and you're thankful that the guest bedroom was one that Katakuri claimed lay in a mostly unoccupied part of the castle. You'd be embarrassed that someone could hear how the Sweet Commander was currently eating you out so vigorously.
You can't take much more, and after a long and slow, forceful swipe of his tongue against your sparking clit, you throw your head back and desperately ride out the waves of pleasure as you cum hard against his face. He doesn't slow, helping you along as the worst of the shivering and spasming of your muscles recedes.
He helps you to lay back down on the bed, otherwise boneless from the intensity of your orgasm. You're breathless, staring at him with such awe and adoration. You can't help but marvel at the way the lower half of his face shines with your own slick.
The pleased look on his face, you decide, is worth all of the months of waiting to have him for yourself. And if the way his cock now stands at attention, you know that the night is only just begun.