You're always in awe when you observe Sanji cooking.
It's like a dance, really. Every movement smooth and practiced, as if each chop of his knife or flick of his wrist was less a conscious effort and more his muscle memory taking the reins. You wouldn't be surprised if that wasthe case. He barely has to look at what he's doing.
Sanji could talk and banter with the crew as they wait on the food he prepared without missing a beat, when the others felt the urge to sit in the galley to socialize before the meal. It's really quite a sight to see him in his element, navigating and utilizing all of his kitchen space with care.
You're mesmerized, watching with fascination as he tosses the browning meat in the pan, his other hand expertly measuring out the required seasoning for the vegetables that would soon follow. And all the while, he's eyeing you with that adoring smile you're so used to.
"Y/N-chwan, you're stunning as ever. It's a treat to have you with me while I work." He says sweetly, the faintest dusting of a blush on his cheeks. "I'm sorry to make you wait for your dinner, though. I promise the results will be worth the wait."
"That's alright, I really don't mind." You say, returning his soft smile. "The smell alone is tiding me over. And I love watching you cook anyway."
Your words make his smile widen, and you're struck by how stunning it is. Love radiates from it like a sun. "I'm glad! That just means more time I get to spend gazing at your loveliness."
"Such a charmer..." You chuckle, placing your head in your hand as you go back to observing. The meat properly brown, he tosses the seasoned vegetables into the pan, and you're struck with an even more delicious aroma as they sizzle and cook.
Sanji glances at you, but doesn't continue the conversation, perhaps understanding that your mind was preoccupied with the sight of the cooking meal. He simply smiles, that happy buzz of content settling in his chest.
The kitchen has always been a place he's felt most comfortable, surrounded by utensils, pots and pans, and the ingredients to make life worth living. But with you there, hovering nearby and watching him work with that look of curiosity and awe on your face...there wasn't nothing else like it.
There was something incredibly domestic that he relished. And when it was just the two of you, he could pretend many things he hadn't yet broached the subject of with you. One day, he'd work up the nerve. But for now, he could simply enjoy your company and cook you a delicious meal.
It came out of nowhere, the realization. A little accident, a crying child, and Sanji quick to act in comforting them. A dropped ice cream cone, the remains melting into the dirt. The expression on his face was heart-wrenching. Not only had he inconvenienced and made the girl sad, but the food was going to waste.
Of course, before he could eat the dirt-covered scoop himself to preserve his values, the nearest seagull swooped low and snatched it up for itself, flying away high into the sky, the child's cries far below it.
Sanji looked around frantically, finally spotting the ice cream vendor just down the market street, before laying a comforting hand on the girl's head. "Stay right here, ok? I'll be right back."
You stood with the girl, trying to calm her crying down, speaking soft and kind words. You wiped at her eyes with your shirt sleeve, uncaring that you'd get it wet and stained.
Sanji returned in haste, stooping in front of her and offering a triple scoop cone, far more than what the child had originally had to begin with. "Here you go, the vendor told me which flavor you asked for."
All at once, the girl's face lit up with excitement and happiness, her little hands grabbing hold of the cone. Sanji made sure she didn't drop it a second time, smiling softly and encouraging her to be a little more careful next time.
Your heart throbbed, once then twice. Seeing him interact with the little girl had your mind going a million miles an hour, leading to one single destination that you were honestly afraid to admit. You swallowed, envisioning Sanji himself as a father, doting upon his own children in much the same way.
The love he would have for them, the patient and understanding way he'd teach and discipline, the sweet and soft affection you knew he'd shower them in...shit, the picture was tooth-achingly sweet. Your heart yearned for it to the point of pain, catching you off guard.
On this dangerous journey you sailed, settling down seemed out of reach. Marriage wasn't something either of you had ever talked about, let alone kids. You knew in your heart you loved him, that in the end, he was the one for you.
But now that you'd seen it with your own eyes, you couldn't help but want it with every fiber of your being.
Once satisfied that the little girl would be careful with her new ice cream, Sanji rose to his feet and joined you once more. His elbow jutted out, an invitation for you to take a hold of as you walked. Your body was in autopilot, slotting your arm through his and matching his pace as you continued forth.
Your mind was a million miles away, though.
At some point, he must have noticed your expression of concentration, or the extended silence, because he stopped and frowned down at you. "Y/N? Are you alright?"
Eyes widening, as if he could read what was racing through your mind, you blinked and cleared your throat. "Uh, yes. Sorry. I was just thinking...of what you might need for the kitchen."
It was a poor lie, but either he truly believed it or Sanji was too much a gentleman to question it. His bright smile returned, and he gave a chuckle.
"Don't worry about that, Y/N. I have a list. We won't forget anything."
You're restless the remainder of the day. And, truthfully, several days after that. It would be impossible that Sanji didn't notice, but strangely he doesn't mention it to you. You can feel him watching closely, though. Making sure you're alright but giving you space to figure out what it was that was wrong. Did he suspect? You feared so.
While out on the open sea, late one night aboard the Sunny, you leaned against the railing and looked out over the rolling waves. The salty air flicked and caught any hair that wasn't pulled back. You sought something to calm you after your head had been plagued with all of these domestic thoughts. No matter how many times you'd tried to tell yourself it wasn't reasonable to want kids, your heart refused to acknowledge it.
The heart wanted what it wanted, and yours was a goddamn idiot.
The rest of the crew had gone to bed, save for Brook up in the crow's nest on watch for the night. Well, and Sanji, still in his kitchen doing...something. You weren't sure, actually. But the light in the galley was still on, which meant the cook was still awake. Perhaps preparing for the next day's meals. That sounded likely.
You weren't sure if it was bravery or a sudden onset of need that caused you to leave the railing behind and make a beeline to the galley. Whatever it was propelled you as far as the door, where you promptly froze with your hand on the handle, heart beating hard in your chest.
Sanji wouldn't think less of you...would he? Of course he wouldn't. He loved you...right? Only one way to find out.
You step through the door, closing it with a soft click behind you. You hear the pause in whatever quiet ruckus Sanji was making, hearing someone enter the galley when he wasn't expecting them. You appear in his sight and there's a moment of slight panic on his expression. Odd.
"Oh! Y-Y/ everything alright?" He sets the down cook book he'd been looking through--setting it suspiciously behind him where you couldn't see the pages--and glances at the small clock on the wall. "It's late. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?"
"I...couldn't sleep, to be honest." You say, arms wrapped around yourself in a hug as you lean against the counter. "Figured I'd come and see what was keeping you up as well."
His eyes glance to the side, and you follow his gaze to the counter. There were half a dozen small, circular cakes made and prepared on plates. They were all frosted, with a small square cut out of each one. No doubt Sanji tasting their flavors.
"What are these?" You ask, stepping around the counter to get a better look.
"Oh, they're..." Sanji shifts again, keeping himself between you and the cookbook he'd set so deliberately aside. Your brow raises. "uh...cakes. I'm testing some recipes."
"Could I try them?"
"Of course! I'd...appreciate if you did, actually. I'd love to know which one you like best." He says, clearly trying to cover his panic from earlier. For now, you ignore his strange behavior, feeling so on edge yourself with the reason you'd come to see him swirling at the back of your brain.
He offers you a fork, and you carefully take a bite from the first cake, letting the sweet flavor overtake your mouth. And by's nearly the best thing you've ever tasted, which was saying something given how you were treated to Sanji's excellent cooking every single day.
"Sanji...that's delicious." You say, earning a pleased smile from the cook. You're tempted to take another bite. "It's so light and that strawberry?"
"Raspberry." He corrects, finally gesturing to the others. "Try the rest before you decide which is your favorite."
You go through the other four test cakes he'd made, savoring the distinctly different yet incredibly good flavors from each one. Raspberry, vanilla, lemon, even coconut and red velvet. You're blown away by them all. You realize most of your nerves had been calmed from the taste of Sanji's cooking. No surprise, really.
"So? Which one did you like best?" He asks, an expectant expression on his face.
You point to your favorite. "This one. They were all so amazing, but...this takes the cake. Literally, I suppose."
"Mmm, I had a feeling you'd choose that one." He said with a chuckle, taking the plate and a fork and tasting it again himself. "I think it's my favorite too. And, it pairs excellently with wine. Would you like some?"
He turns to retrieve the drink, stepping away from the counter long enough for you to finally get a look at the cookbook he'd tried so hard to hide this entire time. Your eyes read the titles of the two you can readily see.
Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out for a moment. Sanji, wine bottle and glasses in hand, turns back and freeze when he sees you staring at the cookbook he'd forgotten he had wanted to hide so badly.
He rushes to place the bottle and glasses on the counter. "Y/N, I can explain-"
"Wedding cakes?" You ask in a tiny, hopeful voice. "Why are you testing wedding cake recipes?"
"I-" He flounders, eyes flicking back and forth from the cook book to your face, desperately searching for whatever you were currently feeling at this revelation. And when he didn't see anger or something negative, he continued on. "I's fairly obvious to guess."
"You want to get married?"
"I want so many things with you, Y/N." He admits, reaching down to grasp your hands in his, pulling them to his mouth to place gentle kisses against your knuckles. "A future, and a promise to love one another for the rest of our days. I want to be the man you call yours, and to have the privilege of calling you my wife."
"I wanted to ask when I prepared a bit more-"
He blinks, shaking his head. "What?"
"Yes." You repeat, taking your hands from his grasp and laying them on his cheeks. "I want to marry you."
"You do?" He lets out a relieved breath, as if he couldn't believe that had been your answer, as if preparing for the worst. "To me?"
"Yes, you." His stupid question makes you laugh, before you drag his lips down to meet yours.
The kiss is desperate, but fueled with the happiness of the future you both would enjoy together. You're riding a high you didn't expect to feel when you'd stepping into the kitchen, but Sanji's eagerness and the smile behind his lips is what prompts you to pull away before you couldn't breathe any longer.
"Sanji." You say, eyeing his love-drunk expression with such wonder. "I want kids."
The admission rolls off your tongue like water, the easiest thing to say in the world when he looked at you like you were the stars in the sky. His eyes widen, and it's several seconds before his brain catches up with the words you've spoken.
"Yes." You nod emphatically, fingers drifting down to play with the first button of his shirt. You're panting, the buzzing desire stirring and making it hard to breathe. The kitchen feels so small all of a sudden. "Maybe it's something I shouldn't want--we're pirates for god's sake--but I no matter what I do, I can't convince myself otherwise. I wanna have children. Yourchildren."
"My children..." He breathes out in wonder, eyes glancing down at your stomach with an intensity you've never seen from him. His face is tomato red, but there's no embarrassment from him as he looks back up at you. "What I wouldn't give to see you big and round...the promise of our child-"
"Please, Sanji, right now. Don't wanna wait." You keen, no longer able to stand not having him inside of you.
You're down to the shirt's third button before Sanji's mouth presses into yours once more with a hunger you more than understand. Your back hits the counter as he steps into your space, his own fingers helping you with the rest of his buttons.
When that's too slow, he rips the last two apart, yanking the fabric from his body and dropping it to the floor in a heap. His chest on display, you greedily feel over his corded muscles, hearing the little breath he lets out through his nose.
You tear your shirt off in a rush, then your bra right after, bearing yourself to the man you loved, to the man you'd soon be married to, to the man you'd carry your child for and with. Skin pressed against skin, you can't help the whine of lust coursing through you in that moment. It's too much, but it's not enough.
His strong arms pick you up by the waist, depositing you on the only space left on the kitchen counter. He continues to kiss you as you pull his hips to slot in between your legs by the belt buckle. You can feel the bulge underneath and shiver with anticipation.
"Y/N..." He moans as you finally get the buckle off, loosening it just enough to undo his pants and shove what you could down and out of the way. His erect cock bounces free, and you grasp the flesh with one hand, pumping lazily. Sanji hisses in pleasure, head falling to rest on your shoulder, completely at your mercy for a few moments.
But you're only allowed a few moments of control, before Sanji's brain snaps back into focus, and he's hastily helping you out of your own pants. His hands wander the smooth skin of your thighs once they are exposed for him to see, and he lifts one leg, peppering the area close to your knee with kisses.
"So beautiful..." He mutters eyes closed as he simply feels you under his touch. The other hands pushes your other thigh wider apart, and adjusts your position until the head of his cock nudges at your entrance. "Wanna fill you up, Y/N."
"Please~!" You beg, opening just a bit wider to encourage him to take you already.
His mouth sucks a spot on your thigh as he lifts it to settle on his shoulder, and he slowly pushes his way into your wet pussy, stretching your walls out to accommodate his size. You groan low in your throat, hands scrambling to find something to grasp on the counter. You brace yourself on the edge of the counter, the other digging your nails in his shoulder.
"So wet..." He moans next to your ear, chest heaving as he's finally slotted fully in your body. "Can't ever get enough of you."
His hips slide back and then back into you as he establishes a steady pace. You can tell he's holding back, wanting you to get used to taking his cock first. The power under his hands simmers, you want to feel him handle you without care, to put everything he has into your body and lay the seed for your child together.
The angle hits somewhere so deep inside it makes your toes curl, brushing up against the entrance to your womb, nudging and teasing the idea of giving you that promised child you both want.
"Sanji, don't make me wait~!" You cry, having had enough of his gentle rhythm. "I want it..."
You feel more than hear the growl that emits from deep in his chest. His hips seem to switch gears, taking you with reckless abandon. You're whimpering and moaning as he fucks you with such ferocity, the wet slaps of skin echoing in the kitchen. It's erotic and dizzying, and he brushes just right to set you on the fast track for an orgasm.
"Mother of my child..." He groans without prompting, rambling in his lust for you. "You'll be...such a good mother...Y/N, so swollen and big...carrying my baby."
His grip on your thigh is tight and almost painful. He's feral, chasing a desire and his own release with such intensity and determination. You're crying out, holding on for dear life as he brings you both closer and closer.
The heat in your belly ignites to a sweltering scorch, and that heat envelopes over your nervous system. You're gasping and tensing as you cum, shaking on the counter with such force that you knock something over. You don't know what. You don't care what.
Sanji curses as your walls milk his cock, pulsing and beckoning him to join you in release. When he looks at you, seeing your expression of blown-out lust, he's a goner. It takes only two thrusts more, before he comes to stop deep inside of you, groaning as his sticky cum paints the entrance of your womb.
Your muscles are sore, you're struggling to catch your breath, but the only thing you can think about is the warm and fuzzy feeling deep in your core. His seed. Your womb. The recipe for a perfect child, just waiting to bloom.
Sanji lowers your leg from his shoulder, but you wrap both of them around his waist, preventing him from removing himself. You reach up and pull his head down, kissing him slowly, gently, and with such love.
And for several minutes you stay that way, wrapped in the warmth of your post-sex glow.