Sharp knocks of your knuckles on the parsonage's door sound loud and accusatory in the evening air. Thankfully a glance around at the empty path eases the anxiety of passersby--parishioners weren't likely to need the services of the church at such late hour--and you face towards the door once more upon hearing muted noise inside.
It creaks open, and even in the dim light of the lantern Father Katakuri holds up to you, it's easy to see the surprise in his expression vanish entirely into something...darker the moment he recognizes who was disturbing him at such a time of night.
Without words, he opens the door far enough to allow you entrance, and gestures with his head for you to come inside. You do so with a tightness in your chest and a fidgeting of your fingers.
He sets the lantern on the small table set against the wall after the door closes behind you, his bed and a simple wooden chair the only other items on note inside. Priests were not given great luxuries--it was within their commitments to the Heavenly Father to denounce such materialistic lifestyles. And when you've finished your cursory glance across the plenty familiar surroundings, your eyes meet that of the man you'd come to meet.
"Is there something you require, Y/N?"
Heavens above, his voice. A faithful follower you'd always been, but there was no denying the Lord was testing your restraint every time he spoke a word to you. And underlying the seemingly innocent question was a rather sinful implication.
Although you'd gone through this song and dance before, the words came out of your mouth with enough anticipation to make them sound like jittery nerves. He made you feel such intense things, and each time was just as exciting as that first, forbidden moment.
"I...have sinned, Father." You say in a shaky voice, hands clutching themselves before you. It was all you could do not to reach out for him prematurely. There was always something about the act before that did unexplainable things to your most intimates parts. "I must confess."
His eyes darken further, and those piercing eyes travel down your figure and back up, examining and thinking. Though dressed in less formal attire than his robes for daily mass, his white collar still remained behind his fitted black shirt. Though with a careful step towards you in the small interior of his home, he reached up to loosen it away from his neck.
"Then, speak your sins, Y/N."
You close your eyes at his whisper, the insistence behind them causing a shiver down your spine. A sharp breath escapes you as his hand trails over your cheek with such gentleness you're almost struck silent.
"I am plagued with lecherous thoughts. Lust consumes me, at every moment." His body is so close, though you can't find the strength to open your eyes even as he circles around you, mouth close enough that you can feel the warmth of his breath against your neck. "I desire what I should not. I covet what I should not. But so anyway."
"What is it that you covet, Y/N?" The rumble is felt through your spine as his lips find place along the back of your neck, causing such distraction you practically whimper. His hands continue to wander your clothed skin, though with careful and slow fingers the fastenings of your garments begin to loosen.
You don't realize you haven't answered until his teeth graze your skin, causing a gasp from you. "Confess...and you shall be forgiven in the eyes of the Lord. Speak to me that which settles on your soul."
"Mmm..." With your top covering opened, his hands have free reign over your chest, feeling as he wishes and sending you down the path of blissful--and devilish--pleasure. "I...I lust for you, Father. I covet you. Please..."
His deep chuckle is followed up by a kiss to your cheek. "Such mortal sins you've committed, Y/N, but rejoice." One after the other, your clothes are discarded to the floor, until you stand bare before the clergyman with excitement making you shiver. "Forgiveness can be earned, even for the lecherous souls like you."
With intent and an audible groan of his own, Katakuri's fingers descend to your nether regions. For a man of purity, the sensations he never failed to draw from you were clearly the work of the devil himself. Curses, even the lord's name in vain, spill from your lips as he proceeds with the physical pleasure you had come here for.
"Recite the Holy Mother's prayer, and this sin shall be cleansed from your soul." He says, panting breaths picking up as his hands did their work on your below.
It was a struggle to remember the correct words, but eventually they come to you, somewhere in the fog of pleasure. "H-Hail Mary, full of...grace," another keen seethes from between your teeth as Katakuri strokes the spot that always did you in, "the Lord...i-is with thee."
All thought comes to a halt as he never lets up, his other hand trailing up to once more caress your chest lovingly, in such stark contrast to the rigorous and desperate speed of his other. Yet it felt just as satisfying.
"Keep going." He insists, forcing you back to your task as he suddenly ceases all movement.
"Blessed art though," you stutter and shake in place as he resumes once more, "among women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb."
You're boneless against him, relying on his strength and the desire that burned in his own veins to keep you standing. You twitch and stutter, so close after so little, and it brings you slight shame to realize that you'd not last long at all in his capable hands.
"Holy Mary, Mother of...of God...oh God-!" Nerves pinched, heat built behind your skin and with it the sensation of lifting towards the heavens. "Pr-Pray for...for us sinners..."
"Nearly finished." Is Katakuri's gravelly whisper in your ear, teeth scraping against the lobe harshly, his clothed chest pressed to your naked back.
"Now, and at the hour..." You gasp out, chest heaving deep breaths as rapture began to overtake you, "of our deaths-! K-Kata-!"
Your body seizes with the intensity of your bodily sin, pleasure cascading through you, washing away any shame or guilt that might have tried to linger. Your strength fades in the aftermath of coitus, and even with his chest heaving in exertion himself, Katakuri remains strong enough to hold you upright to prevent you from falling to the parsonage floor.
You feel him hum with content. "Your faith is inspiring, Y/N."
"Praise be." A lazy smile affixes your faith as he leans down to help you dress again. "...but, Father Katakuri, I may need to confess once more."
"Then I shall help you repent for as long as you require."