A little squeeze. That's all you wanted.
Watching Katakuri walk around the bedroom, sans anything to cover his tall and beautiful physique, while he took an important call on the den den mushi was...well, you'd be lying if it wasn't giving you vivid and fantasticideas. Especially after a satisfying round of sex, your head was already in the right place for such things.
His rear end, firm and taut and right there. The pink-red lines of his tattoo rounding over top his muscles. Prime flesh to give a little spank, a little tap. The perfect size and suppleness to squeeze between your fingers. You wonder what sort of noise he'd make if you tried. Would he grunt? Would he gasp? Both sounded so wonderful to the ear...
You bite your lip, the thoughts spiraling your subconscious further down into the gutter. This handsome hunk of a man, all for you, on full display. The sight was delightfully sinful. Oh, how you'd love to give his ass a firm hold and-
Your startle in place, eyes glancing up to see Katakuri staring you down with clear amusement. Sometimes it was difficult to remember that he couldn't actually read your thoughts. Had he seen you try to reach for him? You'd certainly been thinking about it. Your lecherous gaze turns bashful, and his eyes hood.
"My eyes are up here, Y/N."