How long had it been? Where had Katakuri gone? Left sitting on the chair in the middle of the bedroom, your hands took up residence upon your knees, squeezing and clenching them every so often. The blindfold covering your eyes left you without sight, naked, alone, and wondering what Katakuri had had in mind when he'd asked you such a vulnerable question.
"Do you trust me?" He'd wondered in such a soft voice. You could tell part of him believed you would answer otherwise, and it hurt your heart.
"Implicitly." You'd said, without hesitation.
And so with a polite request that you undress, put on the blindfold, and wait for him to return, he'd walked off in the direction you thought the closet to be. His dull footsteps against the floor faded until you could no longer hear him.
Insatiably curious, you waited in silence. It was rare for Katakuri to bring up something new in the bedroom, but in all the occasions that he had, you'd found the results quite satisfying...
Your nails dug into your skin a little, pondering what he had in store for you this time. He had an imagination and curiosity that always promised good things. The man was ridiculously adept at knowing what you'd like. Did his haki have something to do with it, or was he just incredibly intuitive? You suspected the latter.
You straighten in the chair, ears hyper-focused now that you lacked the ability to see. Somewhere in the distance, you heard it loud and clear. The familiar sound sent a shiver up your spine--for reasons you couldn't name, precisely--and you bit your lip in anticipation. You'd never thought of the sound as sexy before,'d never be able to hear it the same away again. Dear lord...
Closer the sound came, putting you on the edge of your seat the more pronounced and confident it became. Each step was steady. Clearly he was in no rush whatsoever. His name died on your lips, your breath caught at the back of your throat. The affect this was having on you was astounding. Who knew the simply deprivation of a sense could heighten everything else so much?
Your chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, unable to see the way your lover stalked closer. What you wouldn't give to know how he looked at you, ready and waiting for him, bare and increasingly needy for any touch whatsoever. What part of your body did his gaze linger on the longest? Was it full of lust? Or adoration? Or perhaps a mix of both?
The sound was now directly in front of you, but rather than stop, the spurs began to circle you, predatory and yet lazy, as if watching and waiting for the precise moment to strike and claim his prize. You sucked in a fortifying breath, arching your back just enough to present your naked breasts for better viewing.
Underlying the sharp metallic sounds was a low, rumbling hum at the back of his throat. He must like what he sees. You felt his stare. Sensed it. And yet still, those steady and careful steps rang out with chillingly erotic intent.
A simple touch against your bare skin and you suck in half a breath. You nearly jumped in your seat at the tender touch, trailing a ghostly trail from the side of your neck along your shoulder, then finally down your arm as Katakuri passed you by, circling back in front of you. Your head lolls to the side, inviting him to continue, leaning in to where you sensed him.
The pattern faltered, no further steps audible to you. He stood directly in front of you, waiting. Gazing. Appraising your reactions thus far to see how it had been affecting you. It was a little embarrassing to admit that he'd done so little and already had you wound up and practically squirming in your chair.
"Y/N." He says, voice soft and yet deep with command. You swallow back the whimper that had threatened to come out, hearing what you believe to be hi crouching or kneeling before you. Beneath it all, you think you hear his own breathing, slightly shaky and shallow. "Touch yourself, love. Please. I...want to watch."
It takes the span of two heartbeats to register what he had said, the surprise nearly short-circuiting your brain. At first you don't move, the idea just a little embarrassing, if you're honest. But...with the artificial privacy that the blindfold afforded you, a barrier between the eyes, the courage to move our hands to your breasts was much more easily tapped into than expected.
Your hands give a little squeeze to your own flesh, slow and exploratory to begin. " this?" You ask.
You hear his breath release in a short exhale, and he hums his approval. Heavy is his stare upon you, but being unable to see his eyes directly makes the movement of your hands steadier and without shame. Perhaps another day you'd watch the way he couldn't look away from your every move.
It's easy enough to fall into the usual rhythm of self pleasure. You knew how to please yourself, fingers massaging and squeezing and pinching the precise spots on your chest you loved most. With a bite of your lip, your head falls back as you begin to succumb to the sensation.
A particularly sharp pinch has you sucking in a hiss, before your fingers rub the momentary pain away soothingly. It could be your imagination, but you think you hear a tiny groan somewhere in front of you. Was this turning him on just as much as it was you? You certainly hoped so.
Feeling daring, one of your hands drafts down past your breast, taking its time to glide along your stomach and pelvis. And with an intentional hitch to your breath loud enough for him to hear, your legs open to reveal your wet center, two fingers sliding past the hood of your clit and into your entrance with ease.
Your moan draws a strained grunt from Katakuri. Fingers press further in, seeking the pressure and point of sensitivity that would please you best. But the sound of a zipper nearly stops you entirely, mind concentrating on visualizing the way he drags his pants and underwear down just enough to free his cock from-
"Don't s-stop." He pleads, sounding a little breathless which only makes your toes curl. "Please..."
With renewed vigor, your hands work your own clit and breast. Any uncertainty you'd initially felt about masturbating in front of him had flown out the window upon realizing how much Katakuri loved watching you do so. A momentary thought flitting across your mind--how long had he wanted to ask you to do this?--before it disappeared entirely when you finally found that perfect spot inside to rub and repeatedly touch upon.
Your thighs stretch a little wider, giving you better access to that place inside. The wetness coats your fingers. Katakuri's hand lays upon your knee, keeping you open for him to watch, but you can hear the fleshy sound of his other one stroking himself slowly.
His breathing was becoming more labored with each passing minute. If you'd thought the ching of his spurs was sexy, nothing beat the breathy little noises that involuntarily left his lips. So low, so deep and needy...
Was he blushing? How debauched was his expression? You wanted so much to hear him cum with this blindfold on. Oh, you could just envision how his eyes would roll back, mouth open...
You abandon your breast entirely, choosing instead to pay absolute attention to your clit while a third finger slips inside of you to stroke your walls. Desperation begins quickening your pace. Your spine arches forward and then back again as your body seeks its orgasm already.
You weren't there yet. Getting closer, but you needed more. And as always, Katakuri seemed to sense exactly what it was you needed.
"Y/N." He breathes out, punctuated by a sharp exhale as his hand jerked himself faster. And the sound of your name spoken so reverently, so sinfully, in the throes of his own passion, supercharged the snapping nerves in your cunt.
He shifts on the floor before you, his hand squeezing your knee affectionately. Together, you're a panting, gasping, desperate mess. You don't care how your voice rises in pitch, strangled moans ripped from your throat by the increased efforts of your fingers. It was right there. So close. Your wrists began to hurt from the effort of quickly flicking back and forth over that one spot.
His name slips out of your mouth, absolutely drenched in lust, as you teeter at the edge.
Katakuri's ragged, drawn out groan catches you off guard. He cums before you, hard and sudden. And hearing him fall into pieces shoves you past the line in the sand, and you're shaking and shivering around your fingers still shoved deep inside of you, body quaking with pleasure.
You tremble as you come down from your high, the chair wet with your arousal, your fingers slowly slipping out of you and away from the over-sensitized nerves. You're limp, energy drained.
Katakuri shuffles forward, and you feel him reach up to remove your blindfold. Ah. You'd almost forgotten it had been there at all.
It's way too bright when the fabric is removed from your eyes, and you blink rapidly to try letting them adjust quicker. When your vision finally clears, you see Katakuri's flushed face, mouth slightly open as he breathes shuddering breaths. His eyes are beholden to you, and nothing else.
"Was that...good?" He asks, and you can't help the huff of laughter that escapes you. How he managed to be so precious and yet so sexy at the same time always amazed you.