“Sweet Y/N,
I think with a letter I’ll be able to properly say what I might not be able to in person. Expressing my emotions when under pressure is difficult at times, especially when they involve something like romantic affection, but I’ll try my best to explain everything my heart feels.
There was something about you I envied upon first meeting, and it took me a long while to figure out what that was. I can say now with confidence that your love of life, your positive outlook, and the never-ending curiosity of what the next day may bring is what really captured my attention. There’s an innocence, and a kindness in you that I’ve never seen another person possess.
Around you I know only comfort, only happiness. You exude a sense of peace that I think I’d never be able to find again no matter how hard I searched these seas. And when you spend your days around noisy and, frankly, annoying crew mates, that peace is a truly rare commodity.
Nothing in life is guaranteed, and anything it does give you have to fight tooth and nail to keep. Well, you’re something I hope never to lose. Over the days of this competition, you’ve become someone I cherish greatly, someone I would do anything for.
If I can be selfish just once in my life, I’d ask you to come with me. I won’t promise it wouldn’t be dangerous, but you would never know go a day not knowing how much I care for you, and how much I appreciate everything you do for me, without even knowing it.
Forever yours,