Rousing in the middle of the night was not an uncommon occurrence. You were easy to wake when something in your environment felt…different. An unexpected chill, a particularly loud creak of the house, or even the occasional tossing and turning of your husband beside you were enough to jostle you out of slumber, though after a quick check to make sure nothing was amiss, you usually fell back into sleep’s welcome embrace. With him by your side, there was never any need for worry, even after the recent and disastrous events of Pudding’s failed wedding. It had shaken Totto Land from their usual carefree comfort in a way that nothing else ever had, Katakuri was to be believed.
Tonight it was the warm summer’s rain that invaded your subconscious, pattering a steady beat against the panes of the bedroom windows. After the extreme heat of the day, it brought a welcome reprieve and a lower shift in temperature. Your eyes fluttered open, the fog of fatigue slowly becoming clearer as you identified the familiar sound of distant thunder. It was soft and gentle. Nothing serious, and nothing to worry about. You gave a tired sigh as you adjust your position under the covers, shifting to face your husband’s side of the bed. A hand reaches out to touch his skin, seeking the comfort of his proximity and usual warmth.
Instead, it falls flat to the comforter, and despite panning it slowly to either side of where you assumed him to be, your fingers felt nothing but the fabric. The comforter was a much colder temperature than it should have been, too. With a frown, you raise your head and blink a few times to clear your vision. Katakuri was nowhere in sight. His side of the bed was empty, the covers smoothed into place as if he’d never been there.
What time was it? A cursory glance out one of the windows confirmed it was still dark, and very late into the night. Well past when he should have returned from his duties as Minister and Sweet Commander. The strangeness of it all shook more of your weariness away, and you sat up to look around your bedroom. Still no sign of him. Where was he?
Another crack of thunder breaks the silence as you wrap yourself in one of your shawls to keep some of the chill away. The hallways of your home are empty and silent, the soft padding of your footsteps the only sound, muffled by the continued tap of rain on the roof and windows.
Each room you pass lay empty, no lights or signs of Katakuri to be found. The study, the kitchen, and even the bathroom were dark and cold. You continue on, beginning to wonder if he had returned home at all. Worry you didn’t feel was necessary began to seep in the further you went, wondering where on earth your husband could be.
Those fears assuaged as you spotted a silhouette at the entrance to your private garden, leaning against the open doorframe in a casual, crossed-arm stance. His vest was replaced with a loose cotton shirt. His spurred boots and scarf were missing. Relaxed, but not entirely so. Wearing a small smile, relieved that you’d found him after all, you approached closer. Your footsteps were quiet, but he still turned to see who had appeared. His senses were uncanny.
“You should be asleep.” He muttered as you stepped up beside him, watching the rain come down upon the little garden.
“I should say the same to you.” You replied, reaching up to place a hand gently against his tattooed arm. Mindful that the wounds from his fight with the pirate captain were still healing, you didn’t apply too much pressure. “You didn’t come to bed.”
He nodded slowly, expression thoughtful as he looked out upon the view of the city below past the decorative flora. “My mind is…restless.”
You waited a moment for him to elaborate, but his silence extended. You bade your time, waiting until he found the words to voice what was swirling through his head, or until you pressed the issue again. Breathing in the rainy air, you shuffled closer and leaned your head against his arm, closing your eyes to relish this peaceful, quiet moment. Katakuri’s even breathing comforted and lulled you closer to the realm of sleep.
Minutes passed. The two of you remained standing there, contemplating and waiting. Behind your lids, you noticed a flash of light, followed by a much closer clap of thunder. The wind began to pick up, the storm intensifying as the night wore on. Before long, the rain would blow into the house even from the cover of the doorframe. It was early, and you were tired.
“Kata.” You spoke, feeling him move slightly to look down at you. “What is wrong?”
He rumbled out a sigh. “You needn’t worry yourself with-”
“Whatever troubles you, troubles me too.” You said lightly, turning your head to look up at him. His brow was furrowed in concern. “It is late, and whatever it is, it’s keeping you up. Please, tell me what plagues your thoughts.”
His eyes flick back and forth, searching your own for…something. Then, they closed, and he uncrossed his arms to gather you into his arms, your back settling into his warm chest. Whether the gesture was to provide you comfort, and seeking it for himself, it was hard to tell. Tucking securely to his chest, you feel his chin rest upon the top of your head. You reach up to grip his arms in front of you, relishing the feeling.
“Whole Cake’s destruction was bigger than initially thought. Streusen’s devil fruit may have saved us in the fall from the chateau, but many buildings were still destroyed.” He rumbled. “Nuts Island was also heavily damaged from Mama’s hunger rampage. Overall reconstruction is estimated to take months, rather than weeks as we first projected. And with most of my siblings after Strawhat…”
“The burden lies on your shoulders.” You surmised quietly.
“Can’t Cracker or Brulee assist you?” Not all of the Charlotte children had gone off accompanying Big Mom to purse the rambunctious captain that had wreaked such havoc in Totto Land. Katakuri wasn’t even the only Sweet Commander still present in the country.
“Cracker is still bedridden from his wounds. He did not fair as well as I did against Strawhat. And Brulee is attempting to repair the destruction in her mirror world.”
“That doesn’t sound nearly as pressing as helping to rebuild the country. Can’t it wait until repairs are underway?”
“Her devil fruit makes transporting resources between islands much easier than spending days sailing them by ship. Many of the mirrors broke and the whole place is a wreck. The sooner she gets it back in order, the shorter the rebuilding time will take.” He explained, pausing as another boom echoed across the black sky.
“A majority of Streusen’s cake needs to be cleared from where the chateau fell, and the heat is making cleanup more difficult.” He started again, a weariness settling into his normally strong and confident voice. “I’ll need to coordinate with the build teams to get started on resource allocation, in addition to figuring out what supplies we have available. In all this mess, it’s unclear. Normally each Minister would oversee their own buildings, but with them gone, we will have to make an exception. And somehow, we’ll have to accommodate the many more injured we are sure to find in the rubble-”
“All of which,” you interrupted, squeezing his arm with your fingers, “can wait until tomorrow.”
Katakuri loosened his grip around you as you turned to face him, placing your hands on his chest and flashing him a tired smile. “Come to bed, love. You still have wounds yourself, and you’ll need all the rest you can get to be clear-headed and refreshed in the morning. Your shoulders are large, but even they have their breaking point when under so much pressure.”
His hands moved to your back, keeping you close as he gazed down at you so close. “Whenever my thoughts settle, I will come.”
“That could be hours from now. By then it will be morning, and the heat will return, taking more of your energy with you.”
He only hummed, acknowledging that this may be true, but offering no promise that it would not.
“Let me help put your mind at ease.” Stepping away, you reach for his hands and pulling him back into the inside of the house. “I might not be able to assist with the clean up, but I’ll do whatever I can to support you.”
“Come with me. Please?”
Other than a tired sigh, Katakuri offered no other protest and allowed you to guide him closer to your shared bedroom. Neither of you spoke a word as you traversed the hallways, the patter of rain ever-present and comforting.
Once in the privacy of your bedroom, your hands began to work at the button of his pants, encouraging and aiding him in removing the restrictive clothing. Stepping out of the black garment, he kicked them to the side, his shirt following after a moment later. Now clad in his plain boxers, he seemed a little more at ease than he had in the garden’s doorway. You allowed your shawl to slip from your shoulders, then grabbed for his hands to lead him to the bed.
The both of you shuffled under the covers, and with a guiding hand, you moved his head to rest against your collarbone, his ear purposely placed just above your heart. He wrapped his arm across your body to hold you close without needing to be told. Clearly, he’d opened up to the idea of allowing you to relieve some of his worry.
A few minor adjustments later, shifting your hips so he wasn’t crushing you as badly, and you were satisfied with the position. One of his legs crossed over your own, keeping the two of you close and in constant contact. You felt the touch of his teeth against your skin as he placed a soft kiss on your collarbone.
Each breath you drew was long and deep, urging your heart to pound with more intensity so Katakuri could hear it without difficulty. A loving hand stroked his broad shoulders and strong back. At first he tensed from the touch, but eventually the muscled relaxed and loosened as he became used to the sensation.
And then you began to hum. Low, barely audible, until you found the right volume you were looking for. A soft song you recalled from your childhood, one your own mother had hummed a thousand times on nights just as dark and dreary. Whatever lyrics had accompanied the song were long forgotten. The only thing you remembered was the melody, but that had always been enough. The low, gentle notes never failed to put you at ease as a child, to calm your aching heart even in your teen years, to place you in the boat that drifted you off to sleep each and every night you had felt afraid or uneasy.
You felt Katakuri’s breath against your chest as he let out a relieved sigh, his body weight settling just a little heavier into yours as more tension melted away. The edge of one of his elongated teeth poked into your skin, but it wasn’t painful and you didn’t mind. The brush of his eyelashes was evidence enough that his eyes had closed, and that he was letting himself slip into the comforting atmosphere you were attempting to provide.
You smiled, continuing to hum the song in the space between you, hoping that it would do the same for him what it had always done for you. Thunder occasionally rumbled the air outside, but nothing seemed to draw Katakuri out from your gentle humming. Eventually, the song ended, but you sensed he wasn’t quite asleep yet, and so you began the whole thing again, happy to repeat it again and again until-
A gentle snore drew your attention, a second following the first even after several seconds of continued humming. Your fingers still trailed gently across his skin, thankful that your touch didn’t wake him.
Your humming eventually ceased as your own fatigue caught up with you, the summer’s rain urging you to sleep faster, a warm smile settled on your lips.