Soft was Hawkins' gaze as you undressed, one piece of clothing dropped to the floor at a time. Soft was the embrace his arms held you in. Soft was the bed you fell into, the comforter a sort of cocoon as he was not a moment behind, his lips pressed to yours in a thoughtful, patient kiss.
You couldn't remember the last time you'd gotten this sort of moment with him. Wano had been so turbulent lately--unpredictable and dangerous--so this time of lazy exploration, of meandering love was a rare treasure. One you cherished as much as you could in the time you had.
Thoughtfully, slowly, his long and slender fingers trail paths of fire along your bare skin. The hands that so carefully handle the many possibilities of his futures now wandering with purpose down the valley of your breasts, and further still down to your stomach. His eyes glance up at you when you suck in a quiet breath, feeling a mixture of sensitivity and delight that he was paying attention to such a place.
"Don't be shy, lovely Y/N..." He mutters, hands never pausing as they glide along your skin. "You are nothing short of beautiful in my eyes."
You allow him to continue, telling yourself to stay in place lest he stop his exploration. The intimate mood that had settled between you, the slow simmer up to something more, was just to your liking and it wasn't often you got to indulge in something sweet with him.
"It's just...a reflex." You say with a tiny shrug of your shoulders, flashing a little smile to show that you weren't uncomfortable.
"Hmm." He ponders your words, eyes lowering back down to savor the sight of your nakedness. As if he were admiring art or a beautiful view. Moments later, he lowered himself down until his lips joined his fingers. "I hope that such a reflex will lessen as you come to realize how in awe I am of you."
Soft, adoring words from a man you loved in return. You reach up to caress his cheek, silent as you thought of something to say. But he continued his thought before you were able.
"Perhaps a demonstration will help..." He mused.
You gasp, feeling his lips and tongue follow behind the gentle circles he swirls against your hip. Insistent, focused, and yet still soft against your body. Hawkins seemed to know the precise pressure and speed that you wanted, in that moment. Could he read your mind? You began to wonder...
But your thoughts quickly veered right back to simple pleasure the further his attentions spanned, up your middle to the valley of your breasts and then around to one shoulder, where he placed delicate kisses to your skin. Delightful, the way he treated every part of you.
Without words, his mouth lingered along your skin in tender kisses, his tongue peeking out to have a taste whenever he felt the need, hands free to feel and massage you just as you liked. You melted under his touch, contented and yet slowly being wound up from the attention.
"Hawkins..." You mutter, unsure if you wanted to even say. But it felt right to call out his name, somehow, eyes fluttering closed as his mouth trailed down your thigh.
"If only you could see," he murmured distractedly, never stopping his ministration, "what I see when I look at you."
You can't help the stuttering breath that leaves your mouth, quivering against him as he continues downwards.
"Marvelous." He ponders aloud, kissing and caressing his way all the way down your leg, then back up to your hip. "Stunning." Up along the top of one breast, causing you to bite your lip and hold back a moan, before veering around to your shoulder. "Absolutely divine."
Your toes curl against the simmering build to something more, that coil in your core desperate for something more and yet sated by his unending touch. You needed more, craved it, but felt no desire to rush the pace he'd chosen. Not when he so throughly worshiped your womanly form like this...
You became little more than a satisfied puddle, happy to lay there and be adored by the man you loved, but the softness only lasted so long before Hawkins' own desire began to take hold. His hands wandered to placed he knew would start you on the path to ecstasy, mouth latching on to your most sensitive areas, earning him surprised mewls of pleasure.
And yet still, he was in no hurry to bring you to climax. Each second stretched into the next the closer you came, body squirming and brimming with your release. The tension in your shoulders built, fingers digging into his shoulders as his lips latched onto a nipple, teeth pinching down in just the right way.
Oh, how easily he could spin you around his finger, coil you tight and have you keening...
"Please..." You begged in between groans, "S-So close..."
His only reply is a groan of his own, up to this point ignoring his own pleasure in favor of lavishing you instead. But Hawkins now wanted nothing more than to feel you cum with such rapture. Oh, the would be lovely, surely.
With persistence, his mouth and hands work you over, fingers eventually finding their way to your clit, massaging it easily and making your legs shiver. The noises that spill from your lips rise in tone, louder and more debauched. Your nails dig into his skin, holding on to the precipice of euphoria.
It isn't a single moment. Rather, you easily slide into your orgasm, the sensation washing over you with such heat that your eyes roll back, mouth open in a silent moan. Are you breathing? You don't know, body shaking against his mouth and fingers. Your hearing goes funny. If he says something, you couldn't be pressed to recall what it was.
You come down slowly back to earth, the feeling of his soft and almost apologetic kisses against your breast the first thing that comes to mind. Your fingers slowly, shakily, card through his locks of hair.
You want to say so much, but the words die on your tongue. Nothing feels sufficient enough for how you feel, and Hawkins doesn't seem to be in any rush to say anything either. So instead you bask in the afterglow of your orgasm, satisfied and out of breath, formulating how you'd return the favor to your amazing lover.