It's a quiet night on the deck of the Sunny, the rest of the crew long having gone to bed. This particular stretch of the sea was incredibly hot during the day, leeching strength from the temperature alone to the pirate onboard. As a result, everyone had elected to retire to bed early.
The air is still warmed from the sun so late into the night, though not nearly to the degree it had been during the day. Still uncomfortable. And with Zoro assigned watch for the night, there's little reason for you to be up alongside him. The former bounty hunter is more than enough of a threat to those who might be looking to attack the crew while you were all asleep. But when out on the seas, sailing in between islands, it could be difficult to find time alone with him.
You loved the crew. You really did. But their constant presence somewhere nearby in the ship meant that intimacy was something stolen in snatches of precious moments.
But tonight, you simply stand side-by-side against the railing of the ship, watching the black waves in the darkness roll and lap against the sides of the Thousand Sunny. Your shirt feels like it sticks to your skin, even now. The silence between you is thick, but comfortable.
In times like this, it's easy to get lost in your thoughts. And for some reason, your thoughts delved down a particularly intriguing path...perhaps the heat had something to do with it. You found yourself unable to stop yourself from speaking your thoughts.
"Zoro." The sudden break to your long silence sounds so loud as you speak.
"Have you heard of Shibari?"
There's a short pause, before he gives you a sidelong glance from his one eye. "Yes."
You...weren't expecting that answer, to be quite honest. "You have?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Nothing. I was just...wondering." You say, taking a figurative retreat as you collected your thoughts. You'd been preparing the explanation for the many techniques and silk ropes that Shibari involved, but the speech died away with Zoro's surprising admission.
He's clearly not convinced that your question was so surface-level, but he only looks back out at the sea with his typical neutral expression. You're unsure if Zoro will dismiss what you actually wanted to ask, or if he'd be receptive to it. But given the fact that he didn't look at you strangely for bringing it up to begin with, you steel your nerves and turn to look at him again.
"I want to try it with you." You say, watching his face carefully. When he doesn't seem to react much at all, you continue. "Shibari, I mean."
You blink. That was...much easier than you thought. "You're ok with that?"
"Sure." He gives a nonchalant shrug, then lifts his arms to stretch them out above his head. "It would be a lie to say seeing you wrapped in ropes wouldn't be tempting. It's crossed my mind once or twice."
You give a little sigh, shaking your head. He's misunderstood it, after all. "No, I meant...I want to tie you in the ropes. The Shibari would be on you."
You see it, the moment he comprehends what exactly you're asking for, and his stretching pauses. He lowers his arms back until he's crossed them over his chest. His eye closes, face still turned to the sea.
You wait for some sort of response from him, but for a long moment he's silent.
"Just once, to see if you enjoy it. You don't know until you try." He's still stony-faced, as if in thought.
You feel that little tinge of disappointment in your gut. You knew this would have been a bad idea...why would he ever agree? You're just about to turn away when he clears his throat and pins you with a hard stare.
"You want to tie me in ropes? Is that it?" You nod, watching as his lip lifts in an amused smile. "Heh. You can't keep a beast down for long with measly ropes, Y/N. It's against their nature to be restrained."
Oh? What cocky words. You find yourself smiling back at him.
"Hmm, they're pretty strong ropes. Meant to hold even the most eager and stubborn partners." You muse with a tilt of your head. "I don't know if even you could break them."
He raises a brow. "Is that a challenge?"
"We can make it one." You say, already forming the idea in your mind. You lean closer, as if anyone was awake at this hour to hear your conversation. You poke his bicep as you whisper. "If you somehow manage to break out of those ropes before I get you to cum, then you can have me any way you want. How does that sound?"
It's obvious that your offer has him intrigued, at the very least. In the darkness, you can see his eyes roving over you, as if he was imagining the scene himself. The tiny smile on his face widens into what could only be described as the grin of a predator that's just come across his next meal.
You feel a shiver down your spine.
" Deal ."
It's unfortunate that you can't enact on your proposed challenge that very night. A lack of Shibari ropes on the Sunny puts your plan on hold, at least until you reach the next island in order to purchase some. You'd have to break away on your own to find a sex shop in the area. That's, of course, banking on the fact that they had one in the port city.
It's over a week after your conversation with Zoro that you finally sail into port. You're relieved to see land after so long without, if only for the fact that the anticipation of what you believed would be a night of great sex and teasing is all the closer to coming true. Your dreams and idle thoughts have tantalized you with images of a certain swordsman tied and restrained while you took the reins...
If the crew asked why you'd been so restless recently, you blamed the heat.
Breaking away from the crew hadn't been too difficult. There were many interesting shops in the main plaza that the crew were interested in browsing. Robin, of course, gave you a knowing smile as she walked off. How that woman knew when something was up, you couldn't begin to guess.
After procuring a map of the city, you follow it to what you assumed was supposed to be a sex shop. It was a tiny building, tucked away down an alley in a less traveled area. Perhaps that was intentional. You weren't sure. Upon entering, you're confronted with an overly enthusiastic woman at the front counter.
"Welcome! Is there something in particular you're looking for? Or, would you like a recommendation? One can discover unrealized desires if you're willing to experiment and try new things..." She says with a pleasant smile.
"I'm looking for silk ropes. Do you sell any?"
"Yes, right this way." She waves you forward as she rounds the counter. It's difficult not to get distracted by the variety of sex toys and equipment that the aisles contained. "What will they be for? The kind you need depends on what you're hoping to use them for."
"Shibari, specifically."
"Oh!" Your answer seems to delight her. "Yes, an uncommon pleasure, but a very rewarding one. I have just what you need."
She stop in front of a wall of many ropes for sale, ranging in all sorts of colors and lengths. Some even end in decorative tassels. You had no idea there could be so many. Her fingers hovers above the many kinds, until she reaches for a dark green rope. She holds it up for you to examine.
"This is one I recommend. Very smooth silk, unlikely to leave any marks afterwards. And it's corded in a way to not pinch or chafe around the sensitive areas of the body."
"Is it strong?" You ask.
"Relatively. I wouldn't rig someone up from the ceiling with it, if that's what you're asking." She said with a cock of her head. "But, pardon me saying, I think the green suits you and would accentuate your figure nicely."
"Oh, it's not for me." You say, realizing what her recommendation was based on. "I'm the one doing the tying, actually."
"Ah!" The woman gives a laugh, placing the dark green rope back on the shelf. "I shouldn't have assumed. Well then, tell me how strong your partner is? Do they have a small or large frame?"
"He's, uh, wide." You say, thinking of the breadth of his shoulders. "And most definitely strong. A swordsman, well muscled."
"I see. Then a much stronger rope is required." Her expert eyes sweep over her wares again, keeping in mind these new details. She gives a little gasp once she finds what she's looking for, and reaches for a set of red cords. "This one will do."
You give it a raised brow. "It looks thinner than the other one."
"Yes, but the fibers are woven much tighter. While still retaining their silkiness, they can handle much more pressure and tension, especially when doubled up and tripled." She says, laying the cords in your hands confidently. "I also have a little book on techniques most useful for male partners. Would you be interested?"
"Yes, please."
"Excellent. Come with me, then. I'll ring you up at the counter."
You're glad you studied the shop owner's pamphlet so thoroughly. Not only were you able to solidify which rig you'd like to tie him up in, you could anticipate just how long it would take. And for a man who could be as impatient as Zoro, you'd need that foresight.
"Tell me if anything feels too tight." You say, before you begin the process.
He's mostly curious in the beginning, as you instruct him to kneel on the bed completely in the nude. He even smirks at the ropes you pull from the drawer of your room, clearly convinced that they were nothing against his own strength. You hope the woman's recommendation was sound.
Zoro watches with a keen eye as you begin the knots, mindful of where they cross his scarred and toned flesh. You don't want to cause discomfort, especially given this was his first time experiencing it. Pain wasn't the goal here. So as you loop the red cords across and around and against his body, you adjust and pull them to where you wish them to be.
"Oi, how long will this take?" He asks, speaking his first gripe as you begin the secondary, strengthening cords.
"Just be patient." You say, making him frown.
The ropes cross above and below his ample pecs, secured in a 'V' on either side of his neck. You pin his upper arms to his torso with another knot and a few lengths of rope, making him frown further as you cross his arms behind his back.
"Y/N-" He starts to complain.
"What's the point in restraining you if you get to paw at me with those big hands?" You say with a light chuckle, silencing any further word from him. He grumbles something you can't hear, but he's otherwise silent as you finish the knots at his wrists and back. You tug a little, but they hold.
You take the advice of the store owner, tripling the cordage in all the places you restrain him, just to be safe. Zoro was known for his strength and combat prowess. You didn't want to take chances and have him break free before you were done with your fun.
For the final touch, you give him a teasing grin, tapping at his lips. "Open."
"What?" He asks, but that's enough for you, and you take the moment of his lips being parted to place the double lengths of cord in his mouth, wrapping it around his head. "Mmm? What's this s'posed to do?"
"Well, on anyone else, it might gag them. But seeing as you can wield a sword in your mouth, the most it will do it prevent you from biting." You say pleasantly, enjoying the withering stare he shoots you.
"That should be the last of it." You say, sitting back and admiring your handiwork.
Knelt on the bed, he's a picture of restrained beast, truly. Muscles tensed and on display, accentuated by the beautiful red cords of silk ropes. His breathing made them stretch and shift over his body in a way you couldn't help but salivate at. His erect cock twitches, the base wreathed in red silk. He's been eager for something substantial, and all these brushing touches haven't given him nearly what he's looking for.
All this time you'd been so focused on not messing up the rig, now that you got a good look...
"I hope you don't plan on staring at me the whole time." He says, the gag doing little in the way of preventing his speaking.
"Oh, no, just savoring the moment." You say, slowly slipping out of your own clothes in a way that's clearly more of a show for him. His eye is riveted on you list your shirt from your head, only to toss it away somewhere behind you. "You look so handsome all tied up, Zoro."
His eye does a slow, upward sweep of your nude figure, clearly enjoying the sight. You watch as he flexes in the ropes, testing their hold. "It's not often I'm left this vulnerable, Y/N. So, have your fun. Because when I get these ropes off-"
"You're right." He's cut short as you approach and shove him back to lay on the bed, crawling up his body until you're straddling his lap. "I shouldn't waste time admiring the view."
Whatever it is he was going to say is morphed into a grunt when you lips latch onto his exposed skin. Given the opportunity to do what you wished to Zoro without repercussions--for now, at least--you're not gentle. He'd faced much tougher than whatever your soft mouth could do, and so you suck and lick at his chest and arms and shoulders without mercy. His breathing stutters beneath you, chest rising and falling at an irregular rate.
Your tongue soon laves along the scar he carried from his duel with Mihawk, before your teeth scrape down against it. He grunts again, surprised.
"Y/N-" Zoro warns vaguely, and you feel the way he tenses beneath you, arms straining on either side of his chest. His muscles bulge deliciously against the binds of the rope.
"Shh..." You ignore his beastly growls, drifting further until you're twirling your tongue around his nipple. You flatten your tongue and lick slowly upwards, dragging the textured muscle along the nub and earning you a muffled exhalation of breath. He's doing his best to muffle the noises of lust and frustration you're tempting him to produce, but you'd only just begun.
You'd have him moaning and groaning soon enough.
While your mouth is busy tasting and marking all you can reach, your fingers gently travel along the edge of the ropes he's secured with. The gentlest scrape of your fingernail along his flesh makes his hips tense underneath you. Your weight in his lap makes it difficult for him to do much more than push his heels into the bed.
You intentionally avoid any contact with his neglected cock, knowing that sort of attention is exactly what he's looking for. You couldn't resist a bit of teasing, now that you had free rein over your lover.
You're almost envious. Seeing him strain against the ropes that bind him, eager for more of your touch, more of your mouth, has you wondering how satisfying his orgasm would be. If the roles were reversed, how electrifying would it be for you? A thought for another night.
Zoro is stubborn. That obvious red blush to his cheeks, and the way his eye tracks your every move has you convinced that he's enjoying the sensations, but his pride demands his silence. You, however, know just what would get him the most riled up.
Your other hand reaches down to your own wetness, until now left forgotten as all the attention had been on the swordsman. Mouth still latched onto his nipple, you slide your fingers further to coat them in your own slick.
You're overly sensitive, the feeling of being in charge and having Zoro completely at your mercy turning you on and stirring your nerves. You whine against him, making his head snap down to see where you were pleasuring yourself right above his lap.
"Oi, oi..." He breathes, eye blown wide as he takes in the sight of you above him. You hear the ropes almost creak against themselves as he stirs further, teeth biting down on the rope you'd wrapped around his face. "That's-"
"Zoro~!" You moan against him, pushing your fingers even deeper to press against your walls. You're panting, hot breath fanning his skin. "Please..."
You're careful not to overdo things too quickly. It would be easy to lose yourself in an orgasm right then and there, but you wanted to draw this out, give him a thorough teasing, before you let him cum himself.
And if the way he drops his head against the pillow and and hisses a breath is anything to go by, it's working brilliantly.
"N-not fair..." He mutters, finally lifting his head so as not to miss a single second. You feel his hips stutter upwards, unable to find anything to rub against to relieve some of the building need in his cock. It throbs, but you resist even a single touch.
"Feels so good..." You mutter, and he groans low in his throat.
"Fuck..." You hear, which simply turns you on further.
Every little shift of your hips, every gasping breath and bite against his chest is done specifically to drive the man beneath you closer to completely giving in to your control. You build yourself up slowly to any sort of orgasm, every second a moment longer that Zoro has to agonize over. The fact that he couldn't touch you, and that you weren't touching him, was eating away at the man's resolve.
You're impressed by the ropes' hold. They creak and you can see the clear strength Zoro is putting into each pull. "You're in for it...when I get out of these..." He promises darkly in between breaths, voice strained with desire.
Satisfied with the litany of marks you've left along his skin, you sit up on his lap, giving him a clear view of your breasts and where your own fingers still sink into your wet cunt. You moan just for him, making sure to display just how turned on you were. Eyelids heavy with pleasure, you stare straight into his own needy and desperate gaze while you knead and massage your soft breasts.
The way he hungrily takes in your body, practically fucking you with his gaze alone, has you just as desperate to cum as him. You can only edge yourself so long, can only tease so much before your own body demands some kind of release. And so you switch from the deep penetration of your fingers to swirling your clit with vigor, sparking your nerves and making the muscles in your legs twitch.
Seeing you so close to orgasm yourself put renewed strength into Zoro's resistance. He grits his teeth, biting down on the 'gag' you'd wrapped around his face. His chest lifts, arms and pecs tensing and flexing as he tries again to release himself of the damned ropes you'd tied him in. He grunts and groans, but never pulls his eye away from your circling fingers.
As if the sight alone was his motivation for breaking free. So close, yet so out of his reach. He can't do a damn thing about you pleasuring yourself above him.
You can feel that rise in pressure, and the curl in your toes, as you near your peak. Zoro's hips and thighs tense and lift as he struggles in his bonds with all of his might. The sound of his desperation to touch you only fuels your own rapid pace. Your voice hitches, and head is thrown back-
The sound of breaking cords startles you, but the sudden shift in position completely breaks your concentration. Free of the ropes, Zoro growls something guttural, you can feel more than hear whatever it was. The tingle down your spine is more one of abject excitement than fear. There's something exhilarating about having the roles reversed without warning.
You're not so gently shoved backwards onto the bed, your legs spread apart wide, and he slots his hips in between them. You barely have enough time to place your hand on his shoulder for support before his hard shaft plunges as deep as it can go inside of your soaking entrance.
True to his word, you're taken for what could possibly be the roughest fuck of your life. His thrusts are fast and wild, hitting you so deep that you're sure you'll be unable to get out of bed the next morning. Within two slams of his hips, you're a shaking, quivering mess as he drags you into your orgasm.
You cum hard, vision darkening at the edges, the nerves in your clit snapping and sparking. Zoro shows no signs of stopping, fucking you through each and every wave of your orgasm as if it hadn't even happened. You're too blissed out to even voice how good it all felt, left only able to moan and scream for more. You let the scrape of your nails on his shoulders do all of the talking required.
Eyes closed, face set hard in a concentrated expression, Zoro pins you down and ruts like a man possessed, seeking nothing else but his own release. So pent up and teased, you're shocked he's lasting as long as he does.
You're taken completely off guard by your second orgasm, which hits even harder than the first. Your walls clamp down from the overstimulation, making him grunt and tense above you. His eye opens, watching your face so filled with pleasure.
You aren't sure if the sight of you completely fucked ragged or his own need to cum is what finally gets him, but he stutters out a debauched groan as his hips slam one last time into yours. Your clit is practically screaming from the hard friction.
Still wrapped in the remains of the frayed and torn ropes, Zoro's shaking arms hold himself up. You're both heaving breaths, exhausted after such an intense round of sex.
You're a little out of it, still reeling from how satisfied this all had been. Skin clammy and sweaty from all of the pleasure coursing through you, the night air begins to cool you both down. You can't manage a thought enough to wonder if you'd been loud enough for the others to hear. Nor did you have it in you to care at the moment.
It's several minutes before either of you have the voice to say anything. Zoro finally lifts his head and gives you a steady stare. "We need stronger ropes."
You can't help but laugh, wondering if they even made ones strong enough to contain this green-haired beast.